So one night nexus was out abusing solvents in a bar
had a brilliant idea LETS STEAL A CAR
Stole a car, didn't get far, crashed into a music shop
steals a guitar.
Oh son, what have you done? what have you become? Oh sh*t he's got a gun!
Better run from those sirens you punks. You criminal gits.
"Hey man you cant say that. This is a place full of respectable people from all walks of life with their own paths all bound by a sacred molecule, which, when vaporise-" *
Good lord what was that noise over there?
"Some punks just crashed into into Big Al's turkeyneck joint over the road and tried to run away with an ostrich leg thinking it was a guitar or something."
"Probably wasn't even their car..."
Oh wait dude isn't that YOUR car???
who the hell are you anyway? Oh that's right, you're me, and you're the guy who had this brilliant idea one night. Let me tell you all about it. Here, I'll get you a link: Van D'lay wrote:Smoalk. It. And. See.