I smoked DMT for the first time tonight. My smoking method was not proper sadly, due to a lack of research. I smoked it in a bowl with a screen. The spice melted right through it. Nonetheless I got a decent hit initially, but didn't really have much of an experience until my friend and I passed the bowl back and forth hammering at it until it burnt our lips too badly to continue. I found my sinuses and mouth filled with a not unpleasant aroma and taste, and had an experience of extraordinary magnitude, though not quite the breakthrough I was hoping for.
The visuals weren't more intense than 2C-E, the only chem that compared to DMT visually for me so far. But they seemed strangely more meaningful, of a different nature all together. 2C-E allowed me to see myself as THE Buddha meditating in a sea of fractals. On DMT I saw myself in my visions as a Buddha of sorts but more human, more as a spirit in exploration mode. (Whenever I am able I like to take up my meditation pose when tripping so this may play a factor with the Buddha stuff.) 2C-E allows you to be god in so far as you are the artist of your own consciousness, whereas DMT shows you that you have a long way to go.
I consider my greatest breakthrough to have taken place on ayahuasca. Put simply, I had the Goddess inside me; she talked about "us," (the Goddess and me) and we worked together. She made me feel unbelievable and plants illuminated themselves for me. DMT didn't give me that. I felt like more of a spiritual astronaut than as on ayahuasca. On aya I saw myself as an Amazonian tribesman, humbled and strengthened by my goddess: she made my body vibrate so hard it made me submit--which I think just might be the best part about tripping, the willful submission.
At the opposite end of the spectrum, LSD made my best friend and I gods ourselves, in a very modern sense. LSD seems to get you high, whereas these others above mentioned above don't get you high per se. LSD can give you grandeur, though I try not to succumb to it. I am yet to try a good dose of cactus. I think cactus is excellent though I have not had any super intense experience on it yet. I feel like cactus is a supreme food for the mind/body duality. In any case, I think the natural drugs can be best (though really just different, not better). As I say, they are designer drugs, but designed by natural forces whose scope extends beyond the sphere of a modern chemist--though this could change somewhere down the evolutionary timescale ... at least I kinda hope.
Anyway, has anybody out there seen some mechanized babies (that may or may not have had treads for feet????)? I saw them at the beginning of my trip. They took no notice of me and I couldn't quite call them sentient. Reflecting on it, I wonder who created them. Was it me? In the confusion of the trip I tried to figure out whether these things existed in another dimension or whether I created them myself. I think during the trip I chose to go with the later--possibly to maintain comfort. Now I sort of doubt it. I feel semi comfortable not knowing, and can accept that. But I consider the possibility that I played a role in creating them,
and that the rest of our community (of people in general, trippers specifically, not sure ...) played a hand as well. It makes me wonder about the possibility of a universal subconscious, a theme I have been pursuing in my spiritual life.
Please let me know what you guys think. Since I just got on this site today I get to cast my thoughts off exclusively to fellow n008s like myself in this section of the forums. I do indeed feel like a n008 after that experience. There is clearly so much more to explore. Next I have to go about procuring a crack pipe. I'll feel tempted to tell the clerk I'm not using the pipe for crack but to explore the cosmos. I'll feel the urge to share my DMT experience with him or her as I often feel urged to with other psychedelics and other strangers. But I'll have to keep myself in check and keep secret what so sadly I am forced to keep secret: the wonderful things I see on "drugs."
I don't have to keep it a secret in this forum though.
Love you guys!!!