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#1 Posted : 3/27/2011 9:51:19 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I've never been part of a forum before. ( Well an active member atleast ) My name's Joe. I live in Seattle. Just recently moved back here after the end of relationship in N.Y. . I make electronic dance beats and DJ to help with the bills along with a passion for making people dance. I have been searching for anything to educate myself about Spice all day. Now that I've found this incredible place I have to admit I should definitely have done research before taking this amazing stuff. I've done LSD and Mushrooms many many times since the age of 14. So with the encouragement of some inexperienced friends and my mistaken capacity of comprehending this stuff I jumped in.

A close friend of mine gave me some spice well over a year ago when I was visiting him in SF. He had just started trying it himself but didn't tell me that when he offered it. A few people there at the time claimed to all have done it and assured me it was really cool and that I would be o.k. . I smoked it and at the time thought I had the full DMT experience. I'm not sure if there's a term for getting some visual affects but not achieving hyperspace... So many new terms.... but that's what happened to me. The others in the room seemed to be experiencing the affect as I was so I thought wow that's pretty cool but not what I had heard from a few other people that had explained their experience.

I got some on trade from another person I had met at BurningMan a while later. I didn't really know how to do it by myself and so I held on to it for a while. My girl friend and I smoked that months later with the same results. Cool digital, intense colors, and a feeling of winding up and losing my breathe before settling into a what at the time was the most intense movement of stationary objects I've ever saw. I was still in the room though. And then there was last night......

Everyone I've ever known instructed me to take a big hit as hard as I could and hold it in. So last night I got together with my room mate and prepared for what I thought would be a cool visual treat with someone I cared about. I tried to hit it a couple of times with very weak results. After trying spice and talking to a few more people I came to the conclusion my technique must be wrong. So for some reason I just tried inhaling very slowly and the spice just heated up real nice like and the small water pipe I had filled up with a bunch a smoke. I knew something was different before I even blew it out. I feel a little shy about explaining what happened but that's why I found this place right? I for maybe 30 seconds got a very cold chill and felt like it took my breathe away. Everything was beginning to do the digital thing like I had experienced before but then my all my friends voice just muffled up and went away.

I hope this post isn't too long but I seriously have to get this off my chest to someone. In what seemed like maybe 10 seconds I saw objects start to form in every place that there was space. Blocks of wood and Clear cubes made of silver lights that shot out like lasers towards my eyes. I really don't know how to describe this with out feeling I am doing a great injustice to what really happened but here I go. What I guess I would best describe as random matter began to multiply in my room until there was no room left for any more of this matter to be. So it looked like I was staring at a wall because there was no more room for this stuff to manifest itself. It all happened in seconds. Then it was like the wall was a piece of paper and I just crumbled it inward from the corners until the room folded into itself bringing me into it. The new space I was in I wont even try and describe in detail because I can't. All of what I guess you would call physics didn't seem to apply here. It was like I was in a building, room, or something but everything that occupied wasn't anything that really exists. It was like there were objects I would try to compare to furniture but not furniture at all.

The objects seemed like gravity was pulling them from any direction it wanted. Some things were side ways. Some normal meaning they sat on the floor. Some just floated. I saw a hall way and there was something like a picture frame. A huge picture frame but it was made of rainbow light. There were things in the picture that were stationary like a real picture but the things (meaning people or beings or what ever) started to glow and then two sorta Squarish enitities ( sorry I forgot the term ) Just came from the edges of the frame and I'm certain they wanted my attention even though we couldn't talk. I just know they wanted me to see what they were going to do next. They just folded up everything that was in the frame and changed it into other matter. They were really enthusiastic about showing me this. I really tried my best to just tell myself enjoy what's happening and take it all in but at that point I could hear my friend ask in a very concerned tone if I was O.k. ? I wasn't even in the room anymore and the only thing that came with me for a moment was my friend but the entities (in a way that wasn't intended to scare me) touched him and my friend broke into a million pieces and just started to become other random matter in the place I was in. I was sitting down I think and I let my arms down which were on my head. When they hit the floor my body fell apart.

Ofcourse now even typing this I find it quite amazing and funny. Last night though it scared the crap out of me. That was just the first 45 seconds. I won't try and explain any more but my question is this. Was I in HyperSpace? The entities were so excited to show me how the matter in this place was seemingly able to be manipulated at will but then they just left when I got scared. I wss relieved when they went away but was so scared about what the next thing would be just wanted the whole thing to stop. Now I feel like I was rude to them. God I feel like even considering that the capacity for this whole thing to even be, is so impossible it's..... I don't know what it is. I feel fine now. I want to do it again. Does any one have any thing share with me? I tried to call a friend and tell them about it but they just got really concerned and though I appreciated the concern it didn't really help. If I knew that something impossible was possible before I did it, I know I would have been O.K. but I didn't. So I didn't have a bad journey... I guess. I just wasn't really prepared to deal with breaking into a million pieces. I could get a hug from many people I know but right now I wish I could get a hug from someone that has had the same experience. I hope that makes sense.

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#2 Posted : 3/27/2011 10:48:53 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Welcome to the Nexus!

You have come to the right place for support and learning regarding dmt Smile

It is incredible, isn't it? So beyond anything one expects, mind blowing to the Nth power!

Did you read the health and safety section? Please do read that if you didnt, as well as checking the visual diagram for smoking dmt that is linked in the "when/how/where to take" part. This should help you integrating this experience as well as finding good tips on how to prepare the next one Smile

By the way, do check the attitude link and now the warning that appears before making posts, because we really do not want people drug trading talk here. Extracting dmt is easy, did you consider it? Check out the FAQ and wiki in general, you can extract your own stash of DMT, it is simple and yet it feels very magical to do it, much better to have autonomy than to rely on others (also reduces all the dangers regarding unknown impurities from other's extractions, etc).

Good luck and see you around!
#3 Posted : 3/27/2011 11:03:00 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: seattle
I did read the attitude link. My mistake. I was just typing away trying to get a little bit of the experience out. Sorry Nexus. Thanks for the advice. I definitely have a new outlook on the whole experience. I will be treating it with respect from this day forward. As well, the acquiring of it. Thanks.
#4 Posted : 3/27/2011 6:07:59 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Greetings LifeSupport,

I have not tried DMT myself but that is one of the most interesting accounts of the DMT experience that I have read. Thanks so much for sharing. I would have kept reading the other 10 minutes or so if you had of posted Pleased

Welcome to the forum.

#5 Posted : 3/27/2011 6:35:27 PM

Got Naloxone?

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Hi LifeSupport,

Welcome to the Nexus! endlessness covered all the important stuff. Check that warning at the beginning of Health & Safety. It is not hyperbole. It's the real deal. Very happy

I think you did in fact see hyperspace. Sounds like you achieved darned close to if not an actual breakthrough. I think you could learn more the next time you try it by:

1.) As soon as you take the last hit, set the equipment safely down, take a really deep breath, lay back/down, close your eyes and smile. If there is any you/ego intact just tell yourself to relax and surrender. Just let go and surrender. If anything happens that is making you worry or judge or thinking make it stop or I'm not breathing or anything like that, try to observe without judging (figure it out later) and if you must think about it remind yourself that this is an endogenous neurotransmitter - it's pretty darned safe. Your body (and mind) knows what to do with it. That's why it's over so fast (on the clock). Also remember you can trust your body. It will breath and the heart will beat, etc. for as long as they can, whether or not "you" are there or in control. Just try to let . . . it . . . all . . . go.

2.) I apologize for any implied rudeness here: Consider smoking without your friend(s). Try a solo session. Either that or give your friend(s) some instructions like: I'm going to be in a trance for 5-20 minutes. Don't bother me, don't ask questions, don't worry. You can watch me breath if you want. I will be fine. Please do not make noise or talk. Please turn your cell phones and electronics off.

Speaking for myself, I am able to learn a lot more about what hyperspace has to offer me when when I consume DMT if I enact these measures. Of course, for me I also need to worry about circulating, some young, active, curious, concerned cats. Razz
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#6 Posted : 3/27/2011 6:46:12 PM

No.. that can't be...

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Hi LifeSupport. The experience in my book is a breakthrough that you have experienced. Then again what do I know? I enjoyed your trip report and welcome to the Nexus.
Everything mentioned herein has been deemed by our staff of expert psychiatrists to be the delusional rantings of a madman who has been treated with Thorazine who is hospitalized within the confines of our locked facility. This patient sometimes requires the application of 6 point leather restraints and electrodes at the temples to break his delusions. Therefore, take everything mentioned above with a grain of salt...
#7 Posted : 3/28/2011 9:35:54 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: seattle
Thank you everybody. It's amazing what a day can do. After browsing the site. I feel a lot more confident about my experience and beginning to plan for my next. "Pandora" Thank you so much for your advice and no offense taken at all about the advice of company kept while blasting off. Looking back now and after reading so much I consider myself fortunate things actually went the way they did. It sounds like I had potential to have had a more unfortunate experience. I'm super new to this but for someone who's super super new. (Haven't ever tried the spice) I can guarantee prep work should probably be a mandatory requirement. Do not just try this for fun. It deserves so much more respect than that and you owe it to yourself. Next time I think I will simply lay on my bed so I won't move at all. (Atleast no on accident) Thank you so much for the advice and responses everyone. I truly appreciate the interaction. Look forward to sharing more but think I will plan the next launch for a couple of weeks out. Until then....
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