Hi LifeSupport,
Welcome to the Nexus! endlessness covered all the important stuff. Check that warning at the beginning of Health & Safety. It is not hyperbole. It's the real deal.

I think you did in fact see hyperspace. Sounds like you achieved darned close to if not an actual breakthrough. I think you could learn more the next time you try it by:
1.) As soon as you take the last hit, set the equipment safely down, take a really deep breath, lay back/down, close your eyes and smile. If there is any you/ego intact just tell yourself to relax and surrender. Just let go and surrender. If anything happens that is making you worry or judge or thinking make it stop or I'm not breathing or anything like that, try to observe without judging (figure it out later) and if you must think about it remind yourself that this is an endogenous neurotransmitter - it's pretty darned safe. Your body (and mind) knows what to do with it. That's why it's over so fast (on the clock). Also remember you can trust your body. It will breath and the heart will beat, etc. for as long as they can, whether or not "you" are there or in control. Just try to let . . . it . . . all . . . go.
2.) I apologize for any implied rudeness here: Consider smoking without your friend(s). Try a solo session. Either that or give your friend(s) some instructions like: I'm going to be in a trance for 5-20 minutes. Don't bother me, don't ask questions, don't worry. You can watch me breath if you want. I will be fine. Please do not make noise or talk. Please turn your cell phones and electronics off.
Speaking for myself, I am able to learn a lot more about what hyperspace has to offer me when when I consume DMT if I enact these measures. Of course, for me I also need to worry about circulating, some young, active, curious, concerned cats.

"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2Hyperspace LOVES YOU