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#1 Posted : 3/25/2011 1:52:44 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: New Jersey
Hey guys,

I'm fairly new to psychedelics, my friend, a member of this site actually, gave me dmt to smoke in October last year and that was the first psyche I ever did. Since then I've tried lsd and mushroom tea. I always see my friend on this site and in the chatroom on his computer, and I asked him about it one time, and he told me about the site and the mentality and what-not of its members, and I decided I would really like to meet some of these people and learn from their experiences etc. and to find out more about these drugs and where they come from and how they interact with different drugs. Basically, I'm just hear to learn and to share my experiences as I experience them. I look forward to meeting everyone. Very happy

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#2 Posted : 3/25/2011 9:56:36 AM


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welcome to the most interesting forum about psychedelics Cool
#3 Posted : 3/25/2011 10:17:37 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Welcome to the Nexus!

I think learning and sharing is exactly what this community is all about Smile

Good to have you join us now. What did you find of dmt, lsd and mushrooms? Any substance/form of ingestion you are more interested in and want to do in the future?

See you around!
#4 Posted : 3/25/2011 12:46:52 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I had a bad experience the first time I took lsd, I took between 8-10mg straight from a vial (Since it was my first time, and it was being dropped from the vial, I didn't realize how much I had actually taken. I'm also on SSRI so they don't really mix too well w psychs. Needless to say, it led to a seizure and then my friends had to call the police and I had to go to the hospital and then I tripped there for a while. Not much fun, however, I took acid recently, and only one tab on paper, and I got a nice floaty glow and just, felt good I guess, so I think I might try to ease myself into it rather than just diving right in from the start.

Mushrooms were nice, I only did a small amount, but I still got a nice glow and good vibes (similar to the second time I did lsd). I did this earlier this year, and I haven't come in contact with mushrooms since, but I would most definitely try it again, as long as it was in tea.

DMT!!!! My first and favorite psych. Since I tried it last October, I've done it close to maybe 20 times...? Maybe more, I'm not too sure. I have had some really nice experiences with DMT, some strong some weak depending on the dose obviously, but they always get my mind thinking about the things and life around me and how I perceive them as opposed to how they are perceived by the universe. No breakthroughs yet though, but I also haven't really raised the bar much since I first tripped on DMT.

And thats how I feel about the psychs I've done so far. I don't really no much else about any other psychs, but that's why I'm here, because I want to know more about the ones I'm already aware of, and also more about ones I've yet to encounter. I also want to learn more about their interactions with my medications and where some dangers may lie in experimenting with these drugs.
#5 Posted : 3/30/2011 7:23:05 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: New Jersey
WHOA!! Huge mistake there, I just read this today for the first time since posting it.

I meant to say that i took .8 - 1.0 mg of acid. Not 8 - 10 mg... that'd be absurd.
Bill Cipher
#6 Posted : 3/30/2011 7:40:00 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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That's still an assbusting dose - especially for the first time. Congratulations on not getting scared away from psychedelics for good.

Welcome to the nexus.
#7 Posted : 3/30/2011 8:11:10 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Yeah, what Art said. That is one large dose of LSD for the seriously seasoned, let alone a first timer. I'm curious what you found out about your seizures. Were they directly related to LSD in combination with SSRI's? I have not heard of any kind of acute reactions occurring with the combination of LSD / tryptamines and SSRIs. What did the hospital tell you? I'm simply very curious.

EDIT: Can you tell us a little about your 800 - 1000 ug dose experience? There must have been some PROFOUND moments, weather good or bad.

Last but not least! Welcome to the Nexus!! You sound like a very intelligent, inquisitive, and modest individual. The type of individual that gains and gives much to this amazing place.

I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#8 Posted : 3/30/2011 10:16:11 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: New Jersey
It indeed was way too much for me to handle, especially for my first time. My full experience is as follows:

I took the acid at around 5:30 - 6:00PM with another friend of mine, and it was dosed by a kid who had no idea about what he was doing. Then I played Call of Duty Zombies for a little while with some friends. At around 7 I started to feel it a little bit. I was trying to jam with my roommate who had taken acid with me, and the neck of my bass appeared to be curving inward, so I had to stop that. Then I went into my friends room and stared at the pink and green and yellow step-like geometrical patterns that were appearing on the windows and walls. Then I started to overload. I was listening to my friends who had begun to realize that my trip was going bad, and while I was listening to them, I realized that I could speed up and slow down the rate at which my friends were talking to me by drawing circles in the air. Then I began to feel sick, so I went into the bathroom, and then I knelt down at the toilet and it seemed to go 2-dimensional and then dark purple and blue patterns formed in the water and then I blacked out. This is when I had my seizure and stopped breathing.

I woke up to about 3 EMT's and 3 campus police officers staring at me on the bathroom floor. At this point I could hardly communicate and they just put me on the stretcher and then I got in the ambulance and went to the hospital.

In the hospital, I was constantly monitored by one of the officers from campus, and the Spanish channel was on the whole time I was in there, and while I was tripping, I'd swear I could understand everything that they were saying, even though I hardly know any Spanish. Then I just laid back and stared at the ceiling as the tiles warped and expanded and whatnot. Being in the hospital while tripping was not very much fun, everything just seemed really chaotic and out of my control and capacitance to understand and grasp the situation at hand. Then my father showed up, because the police had called my parents. Once he got there, the officer left, and then I just chilled with my dad until about 4 in the morning when I was released.

The trip only lasted about 6-7 hours, despite the large amount I took. I assume this was because I am on an SSRI, and also because they flushed my system with either water or a diluted saline solution.

Anyway, that is really all I know about the experience, the rest of the things that happened, including the time that I was essentially out of body (I definitely experienced some intense spiritual feelings and visuals, I just cannot remember what they were), but all that remained with me after that was just a strange sort of understanding and a new outlook on my surroundings.
#9 Posted : 3/31/2011 5:47:43 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow! That's very interesting. I've honestly never heard of acute physical symptoms like that from LSD. Glad it all worked out for you in the end and thanks for sharing.

I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
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