wolvz vision is still a little blurry at the moment, but he is not sure if he brokethrough or not, he cant really explain what happened but he tryed to explain it to me.
So here is what he told me:
I took 2 big tokes after dosing up to what I would image to be quite a bit of spice, it covered the entire layer of ashes beneath it. After the 1st exhale I could feel the vibrations and the shift in reality, everything seemed to be going as imagined. The vibrations built up after the 2nd hit, like a brick wall smacking you dead in the face, my vision started to synchronize with these waves of energy passing through me. It was so intense that even my muscle control and ability to sit up, let alone hit it one more time, seemed impossible. Everything around me was different, like i was being sucked through a vortex in the fabric of time and space. Despite this intensity i managed to hit the bowl one last time, I'm not even sure if I hit it right or held it in long enough... all I know is that after that everything went crazy. I fell back to my pillow and gave in to this massive energy surrounding me. Was this a breakthrough I'm still not sure, but i felt as if i was spiraling around and around, the vibrations were like a symphony in my head. It felt as if a greater force was moving me along in some kind of dimension that runs sideways with reality, almost as if they were tormenting me or guiding me, I could not remember which. I do not recall any mass colorful spectrum or grid, but there was these different shades of white light. This might have something to do with the lighting in the room was my guess, Ill probably try it again in complete darkness. This whole journey/trance ended before i knew it and a part of me felt relieved and another part of me wanted to go back in the void of my mind. Alas I tried to go back but it wasn't the same and I let myself return to this fabric of reality and it took me awhile to get my motor skills back, Id say roughly 5 min. All in all id say it was quite a ride, but still left me wondering about this abyss and the many mysteries it has to offer.
So do you think wolvz had a breakthrough or was this still not quite there?
Wolvz is not human, wolvz is an imaginary being used only to tell fictional stories of a fictional world called hyperspace.