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#1 Posted : 3/20/2011 4:44:16 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 04-Feb-2012
Location: UK
Hello to the DMT community, happy to be a part of this
Although ethnobotany's been a serious side interest for as long as I've been dabbling in psychoactives (cue a naively curious 20-something emailing McKenna with book recommendations, oh dear...) I'm still a complete and unashamed novice. Our plant allies come in many forms, and provide many services, and I've had help and healing from more plants than receive attention generally.
It all started with a hit of LSD in my late teens, one that I believe spared me from a life of cerebral mediocrity Very happy
DMT hasn't made it into my lexicon of experiences yet - it will in time, my own philosophy is that such things find you when you need them.

As an aside, I think the legal status in the West of the majority of the allies discussed in this forum is nothing short of utter lunacy. I cannot for the life of me understand how we've created system where it's essentially become illegal to explore and understand the full extent of one's own personal inner space. The bad outcome to positive outcome ratio does not even come vaguely close to what happens on the world's roads every single day of the year, yet everyone is allowed to freely whizz around in giant metallic boxes at high speed.

well, otherwise you can catch me more generally ranting about conservation, fair trade, politics, media, waste, sustainibility etc etc Pleased

See you all around the DMT-verse!
~well wishes~
The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer. ~Edward R. Murrow

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#2 Posted : 3/23/2011 8:18:57 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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weird, I thought I already replied to this thread...
anyway, welcome to the nexus and thank you for your intro essay Smile

it's sad the way the system is at the moment, but I think we're well on our way to something better. Just look at the growing community we have here. At some point global consciousness will not be able to deny what we understand to be an important facet of our existence here. Although, who's to say what will happen in the future. It's all so undetermined Pleased

cheers & love
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
#3 Posted : 3/23/2011 8:45:50 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Massachusetts
Welcome to the Nexus, ebu. Maybe finding the wiki here was the sign it's time...
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#4 Posted : 3/23/2011 9:40:04 PM

Got Naloxone?

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Hi EbuGogo,

Welcome to the Nexus. Great essay. I smiled at you remembering yourself in your 20's.

I think you will find many like minded people to yourself here. Thank you for sharing.

Again, welcome!
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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