I notice that when I smoke DMT and I'm breaking thought it's like tasting honey, and that I'm pissing off those intergalactic bees for getting into their domains and using their product, so they start attacking me. So real that I can actually feel them stinging me(Although it's not pain and I enjoyed it!!) and the stronger the buzz (the Auditory hallucinations) the stronger and faster the experience unfolds.
And if I remain calm, the bees slowly stop stinging me and the auditory and visual hallucinations also subside.
Does anybody else feels that way? Or it's just me learning how to walk into hyperspace?
Also, my last trip was different.
The same "Bees" took me for a ride, but this time was different...
It wasn't fast and furious like always, but slooooooooooooooooooooooooow and very intense. But there was something Dark about it, instead of feeling alive, I was feeling like they were draining my vital energy and I was dying!!!.
Then everything went DARK and quiet, the void was very intense.
When I came back my heart was racing like a million beats per minute and when I open my eyes the visuals were very intense (like a mega dose of LSD). I was very weak, and in my mind I thought I was really dying so I stood up and I started walking, breathing, and trying to calm my racing heart. After twenty minutes I was back to baseline.
What the hell happen??? (My dose was the same I always take; 40 milligrams)
"The Medicine Will Always Be There For Those Who Seek It"