I have tried to get some feedback on this subject and mabey it was overlooked but there is something i've been wondering about and wanted to get the feedback and opinion of others here in this fine forum.
I have noticed that if SWIM isnt in the right state of mind and might be thinking negatively...as said before LSD and psilo can amplify those negative thoughts and can potentiate a BAD TRIP (been there).
Yet that hasnt happened to SWIM w/ spice.Even if SWIM has been in a little bit of a funk and he smokes spice,he hasnt yet experienced a bad trip...mabey a little overwhelming but not bad,infact the afterglow is extremely euphoric.
So, i came up w/ a theory and i want to see what some of you other psychonauts think.
When your on LSD or shrooms...yes perception is altered and depending on the size of the dose you can capture glimpses into different realms but the ego still has the ability to take controll of the steering wheal and can steer the trip down some ugly roads of bad thought and cause a bad trip.
It seems to me that with spice the ego isnt invited to that party (so to speak).So long as you can "let go" and surrender to the molecule and let it take you where it wants to take you,your ego wont controll the experience,although if you fight the experience i can see how things can turn real ugly but so long as you "let go", your ego cant take the steering wheel and life circumstances dont play as much of a role with a dmt journey.
Maybe SWIM has more learning to do and actually experience a bad dmt trip but it hasnt happened,even when he's not in the best frame of mind and i believe its because the ego has no controll over the experience.
Yet swim has had more than a few bad trips on lsd and psilo,due to life situatuions or circumstances.
Strassman sais the the molecule has a life of its own and i've noticed that your ego is certainly not in controll when on dmt.
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti