Shrabbit420 send a pm to swim,
Hey, I saw your thread about 4-meo-pcp but I can't post in the regular thread section yet. I was able to try this stuff back in early '09 when it first came out (at least I'm fairly sure it had just come out). But I had gotten to try it with a new friend who was really into the RC scene, him and another friend decided to do it and I felt like staying sober because I was kinda shaky on the whole RC thing as I was fairly new to it. The one guy who had bought it was really used to dissociatives like ketamine, and he decided to take a fairly big dose and plug it, I think it was around 45mg, but I'm not to sure on this because it was so long ago. My other friend had decided on 25mg orally, and after about 20 minutes I decided to try it as well, But I went with a low dose to check for allergic reactions, 10mg orally and I think I re-dosed with another 10mg about 30min into it.
The one friend who decided to plug the large dose came up very quick and it hit him strong, he experienced some heavy nausea that lasted 30-40 minutes and gradually faded away as he got more comfortable with the feeling.
Myself and the other friend came up gradually, myself a little slower because the re-dose, and likened the experience to DXM, without any of the negative side effects though. It was a great experience, very relaxing, and great for meditation. I was able to calm myself easily and just fall into the experience. I want to say I experienced some minor CEV's while meditating, but I do not recall the experience that well. I do remember that certain music sounded awesome, and the duration was about 3-4 hours, very pleasant IMO.
The taste wasn't that good, but I found that putting the liquid (the powder was mixed with water for volumetric dosing) into a piece of bread and eating the bread made it easy to take the dose.
Hope this info helps.
And feel free to repost this into your thread if you wish.
Peace, and Love
yeahg house,there's some reports on drugs-forunm but infos on dosages are veeery diffent ranging from 20-50mg to 300-400mg?
Tz'is aná