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#1 Posted : 3/11/2011 10:34:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 57
Joined: 11-Mar-2011
Last visit: 21-Jun-2011
Location: Here
Hello everyone,

I am pleased to have signed up for my membership. I have browsed the forum frequently lately with interest of learning more about DMT. I have learned very much from all the posts here, both in regards to DMT, life, and most importantly to me at this time - the experiences of other members.

I am very thankful and grateful to have even witnessed the being of some of the members here and to have seen what they have said. I am hopeful to learn much more, especially regarding my own development, but nonetheless satisfied with what I have gained thus far by being here and thinking about what I have seen.

The word Namaste is the most appropriate word for me to finish only because I don't know a better word to say.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 3/12/2011 8:47:57 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Location: Jungle
Welcome to the Nexus friend Smile

Im glad the experiences and words of Nexians has been serving you for learning and inspiration! Soon enough will be your time to give it back to the community and help others Smile

So tell me a bit more about your own experiences, did you try dmt yet, or other psychedelics? Or any plans for it any time soon? When was the first time you took some psychedelic, if you did already?

Namaste Pleased
#3 Posted : 3/12/2011 5:19:29 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 57
Joined: 11-Mar-2011
Last visit: 21-Jun-2011
Location: Here
Hello endlessness,

Thus far, my only experience with DMT has been what I have been researching online. I have not tried it, but am very interested in the experience.

My experience with psychedelics occurred in my late teens (i am 25 now). I use to very much enjoy the effects of ecstasy (the drug - the feeling I still enjoy Pleased), and also enjoyed, though not as much, the effects of mushrooms. I used to smoke marijuana also during these times. Since then, I have not used mushrooms or marijuana, but have used ecstasy only a few times - the last being about two years ago. Ecstasy was my drug of choice as I was able to reach a special state of consciousness while on it, and the following day or two which followed. The heightened level of awareness that I was experiencing on the drug was my particular interest. I realized other people's situations in my mind in the way (I believe) that they did. Reflecting on that now, I think of the word empathy, but I think it was something much greater than that. The one-ness may be a more appropriate term for some. This is what it was all about - the one-ness, experiencing all of reality, and not so much of my perceptions and socially conditioned pre-conceptions.

With the exception of occasionally drinking wine, I have not used any drugs for about 5 years (with the exception of ecstasy one weekend two years ago). I was also completely sober from all drugs (including alcohol) for 2-3 years precluding that ecstasy experience.

My interest has been with the heightened awareness and consciousness. I have since been reading many books and researched much about psychology and buddhism and spirituality to find out more about achieving the consciousness that I experienced. I have listened to Osho, researched Tibetan Buddhism, NLP, and seduction (pretty much in reverse chronological order). I reflect now thinking that my mind was not being all that it could be, and did not (and maybe still doesn't) know how to.

My learnings and research of higher consciousness has brought me here, to the community, of which I have definitely witnessed others of higher consciousness and intelligence to which I am very grateful to have seen. I believe that in my past few days of scouring the site (as well as listening to Joe Rogan podcasts) that my consciousness has already shifted and been raised somewhat.

I have tried to achieve enlightenment, and given up. I have pretty much done everything I could think of that would help me learn about my consciousness (without becoming a neuroscientist) and ended up here, with the idea that DMT is of extreme importance and that it is very special and delicate. Again, I have not experienced the experience, but have read and heard very much about it. I figure, regardless of the reality of the experience (if it is truly spiritual, or if its just a chemical reaction that would make a human being's mind go completely bonkers temporarily) that it could be interesting and possibly worth doing nonetheless.

Either way, this is a little bit (and a lot) of information about me and my experience, psychedelic and not. I have read many of your posts already as they seem to have frequented threads of which I have seeked knowledge from, but would like to know more about you and your experiences, if you would like to share. I do not use the word namaste very often, and I think that after being said once meaningfully (and after you read this you will likely be able to recognize my attitude) that repeating such a symbolic word may demean it, so I will refrain from using it.

Again, I am very thankful to have read your posts and that you have shared your knowledge and look forward to your reply.
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