unfortunately i had a bit of a mix up with an order of mimosa so instead of 500g only 250 is available.
the vendor has offered me a choice of
250g with ANADENANTHERA COLUBRINA (also known as cebil) and Hawaiian Baby WoodRose seeds which are my best product. Will give you a bit extra if you choose this option.
I also have large sample amounts of the following available for 49quid the lot.
Bangalala love reed
Sutherlandia Frutescens
Blue Lotus Lily
African Wormwood
Tarchonanthus Camphoratus
Kanna Extract
Leonotis Leonorus - Wild Dagger
Silene Capensis
Sinni extract
Macuna Beans
Tabernaemontana Sananho
Salvia Divinorum tinture (drinkable liquid)
Rivea Corymbosa seeds
Opium poppy seeds
Pakastani Baby wood rose seeds
Scotch Broom seeds
Entada Rheedii seeds
Ipomea flying saucers seeds
Henbane seeds
Tabernanthe Iboga (highly recommeneded)
Quite new to all of this still so im gunna do some research on it. Still, to those more experianced how does this offer weigh up?!
nice one
Quetzalcoatl supreme letting off steam, Dimethyltryptamine make a man dream