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#41 Posted : 3/7/2011 10:52:57 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Don't throw away any writings! Smile That was a good one.

I have scraps of paper that I can barely make sense of, from me furiously trying to write down details when I was coming down from the Salvia experience. I still have writings from back when I first started exploring with this plant, about 6 years ago. It's only out of embarrassment that I haven't typed them up. I had it in my head for a while that I was going to publish a book out of all my Salvia writings. Maybe if I work on my descriptiveness, I will put together a book one day Smile

The point I'm trying to make is, never throw anything away! It's like extractions. Never throw anything away! There is always something salvageable! Pleased

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#42 Posted : 3/8/2011 6:28:38 AM

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I agree, don't throw it away. One of your other selves can use those scraps. Very happy

That was a great post you linked BM. Salvia under DXM, hmmm. I wonder how much effect harmalas would add?

Wish I could add more but just too tired now.
My ego is insane, but I'm alright

The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. -William Blake

Lavos is a fictional character, a dream inside a dream. Don't take what he says to be true or representational of reality in any known form. He is inspired by pure fantasy.
#43 Posted : 3/8/2011 9:42:19 AM

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Amazing report in that link, Burningmouth!
I totally understand what that guy's been through, and it's exactly this type of experience that caused me to drop smoking extract. It's just so terrifying and dead serious when you're there... Not my piece of cake...It's simply a matter of life and death (or worseSmile ) at the moment. Brrr...

One day, we are in a tent with a friend and I load a bowl of x5 for both of us. I take a big toke and hand him the bong. I find myself looking at my life like a 2D roll of film from a slight distance, and I see not only the present from where I came, but seconds of the past and of the future at the same time, again from left to right.
Of course, my friend sitting in front of me, is in this "roll of film" , but I can also see his roll of film life, superimposed with mine, very similar because we are together in this tent, but different because he has his own thoughts and feelings.
During those moments, I saw in a very concrete way how although we may share physical space together, our life film rolls drifting apart when we didn't share our thoughts and feelings, and come back together when we reconnected and shared sincerely. WHAT WE DON'T SHARE WITH SINCERETY SEPERATES US. WHAT WE SHARE WITH SINCERETY UNITES US. You know how you can feel "distant" or "close" to someone? We don't use those words incidentally. It's not just feelings: distance and closeness was "physically" visible and real in the dimension I accessed.

My friend hadn't smoked yet and was about to, but I saw in his roll of film life, in the future seconds, the moment when he would inhale (bear with me...) And as he was inhaling the toke in this future I saw, a dark threatening cloud of death started forming over his head. Now I understood that I should absolutely prevent this from happening and had to stop him from smoking.

But these thoughts, I wasn't having them as I usually do, I was READING them as they appeared "printed" with strange 3 D letters in what was now my 2D roll of film life. So I tried to scream "No don't smoke!", but since I was reading my thoughts at the same time, only strange gibberish came out, and as I tried speaking, my friend smoked.
This horrified me to the bone. It was too late now. The dark cloud was on him. I had to get him away from it, save him, but too late. It was like seeing him get smashed by a truck. Suddenly I managed to grab him and pull him out of the tent, to his utter surprise. He looked puzzled and I didn't have the heart to tell him he was doomed, so I said something like WTF?!?

Took some time to get over that one, and it was one of the last times I would smoke extract.

PS I edited my sketch in my last post, it got all smashed up to the left by the word processor when I posted. Looks like it should now.
it's about making life a neverending experience of wonderfulness!
#44 Posted : 3/8/2011 4:02:20 PM

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When people ask me, I'm always telling them that set and setting are paramount. It's the same with a lot of other entheogens/psychedelic/hallucinogens, but especially so with Salvia. The best is to be in a dark, quiet room. For me, alone. Some people like to have a sitter there, but I've only ever had one once. I find the experience lends itself to a solitary nature. The only time I did have someone watch me, the beginning of the trip was somewhat like you described. I thought she was in danger, that something terrible was going to happen to her, and I felt like I had to save her. But the dose I took was waaay too strong and I got sucked into this vortex before I could even attempt to move. Still, the trip was filled with thoughts of death and it became very dark in nature. When I came back and was telling her about it, she thought it was hilarious. She said, "I was fine, I was just sitting here watching you the whole time. You sounded like you were the one in trouble." As I kept mumbling and even screamed at one point.

I also don't like to keep my eyes open during the experience. It disorients me and strange thoughts like that are able to infiltrate the trip. Closed eyes, or pitch black, is best IMO.
physics envy
#45 Posted : 3/8/2011 4:12:32 PM

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I plan on trying out this 'snorkeling' method sometime this week...it intrigues me a lot!

I haven't done salvia by itself in almost a year...I've only done it a few times when I did a few plain leaf bowls before spice. And almost every time I do it when I haven't done it for it while...I have trouble letting go because it starts off like this:

It's like right from the get-go something goes wrong and I want to abort because I feel like I'm falling off the floor as it starts rotating and I try to hold on to get my balance but I never quite get it and I'm just trying to get back to my non-rotating reality and I know I can stop it if I can just get to that place I see just out of reach but I can't stop spinning and get to it...<< gasp! >> ... know what I mean???

So this snorkeling approach might help ease past that :-)

I agree Dioxippus - I like it best in the pitch black. Or I at least try to close my eyes as soon as I set everything down, otherwise the room breaks up into about five or six instances of itself rotating around and it is difficult to just let go.
Salvia quid enthusiast
#46 Posted : 3/8/2011 4:24:36 PM

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Yep, it's all about letting go. Not caring if you fall. Accepting the rotating and going with it. Easier said than done, sure. Smile It takes a while to get so that you're able to let go completely. But when you do, it is an amazing experience. I had that feeling a lot when I first started to smoke Salvia. That something was wrong and I wanted it to stop. Now, I hardly ever get that feeling. Maybe it's just positive association? I've had many, many glorious and beautiful trips, so my mind just associates the smoke, the taste, the initial feelings with something positive.

This plant is a difficult one to work with, no doubt about that. But when you persevere, it can be absolutely astounding.
#47 Posted : 3/9/2011 12:21:22 AM

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Hmmm, I might have to do another hit of 10x. This one is already being forgotten…….During salvia trips, consciousness seems to wind around and around like cartooned taffy spread along the two dimensional rim of a wheel. The person tripping sees himself being unrolled as a smeared, two dimensional multi-faceted smorgasboard of transforming, shape-shifting carnival clones of himself. He’s locked into place on the wheel. His conscious mind is an almost useless flattened down part of the wheel’s rim as it streams along a circular, hyper-dimensional country road. That’s all I can type up right now. I need to do another hit.

(after 2nd hit)
Oh shit, Dioxippus, I just remembered a previous trip where some giant man was helping me find my way home. He was fine-tuning time and space so that it resembled more and more of my home's place in our physical/consensus world. We were choosing which layer (so to speak) to get off on….(sort of like being on an escalator that slid along the topography of closer and closer approximations of where I live). Finally, we reached a facsimile of a world that looked like my actual home. Then the trip suddenly ended. Ha Ha…It’s wearing off again. I need to do another hit.

Wait just a fucking minute. I’m not joking around. I took my first hit 30 minutes ago at around 3:45 AM. It’s now 5:05 AM. There is no way an hour and 20 minutes has gone by. I just lost 50 minutes of time. It went down some black hole. I’m not kidding about this. Shit. Who cares? I’m still going to do another hit.

(after 3rd hit)
HOLY sHIT I jus t swa saw people’s faces opn an close like the sides of curtainy walls. I saw these worlds pass through my head. They passed throul my visual cortex/brain like a weird kind of transparent jam. I wsaw a world flipped on its side sliding towards me, through my brain . It contained tiny humanoids all linked together, forming familiar structures like chairs and things. The interconnecting humanoids were made out of multi-colored Etch a Sketch magnetized fragments that formed up into electrically charged fuzzy structures.

I heard voices, lots of voices. They were talking to me. They were speaking through the mouths of fish’s faces on green curtains along crumpled, subterranean walls. I wish I could remember what they were saying. My whole head was a hologram, and the visual was a three dimensional, transparent jelly world moving through my brain.

I think that’s enough for one night. Smile

As this last trip started, I was staring at my net book’s screen saver, (the one with the ‘stars’ that zoom at you). As the trip came on, the zooming, random stars began to develop ordered, structural themes. Then, all hell broke loose, and I was looking at a three dimensional world. That’s when I started to see fish’s faces opening and closing their mouths along the walls of greenish curtains. All this from a screen saver of white moving dots.

Rooftop wrote:

That was a very, very good trip report, Rooftop.
#48 Posted : 3/9/2011 1:46:35 AM

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That is extremely bizarre. I have also had instances of missing time after smoking Salvia. Where it felt like 10 minutes passed, but it had been 2 hours. The thought of us traveling through other dimensions while on Salvia is really starting to make sense to me. The same could probably be said about DMT. What if we do actually slip into other realities/dimensions and in doing so, we get the attention of other beings that reside there?

I'm skirting dangerously close to alien-abduction/visitation now, but more and more, it seems to be possible. These Salvia entities seem too real to be mere figments of our imaginations. Too many correlations between trippers who have very different lives, ages, live in different parts of the world...

God, this stuff is so interesting. I could spend days just sitting and pondering what all this means. I'll probably spend much of the rest of my life doing just that. Smile

Another great report burningmouth. It's way past due for me to add my own report to this thread.
#49 Posted : 3/10/2011 12:45:44 AM

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Rooftop wrote:

One day, we are in a tent with a friend and I load a bowl of x5 for both of us. I take a big toke and hand him the bong. I find myself looking at my life like a 2D roll of film from a slight distance, and I see not only the present from where I came, but seconds of the past and of the future at the same time, again from left to right.
Of course, my friend sitting in front of me, is in this "roll of film" , but I can also see his roll of film life, superimposed with mine, very similar because we are together in this tent, but different because he has his own thoughts and feelings.
During those moments, I saw in a very concrete way how although we may share physical space together, our life film rolls drifting apart when we didn't share our thoughts and feelings, and come back together when we reconnected and shared sincerely.

I think it's interesting that you mention two rolls of film. It makes sense to me that we should be able to see someone else's roll of film.
Once I was able to look out at my own roll that was around 30 seconds long. Just for the hell of it, I locked onto the 30 second mark and pulled it back into my mind. Maybe this was a preliminary form of time travel.

And what about locking onto a segment of the other person's roll of film? Maybe you can enter that segment and experience what the other person was experiencing at the time of that segment.

I have this theory that our brains are being rewired after each salvia trip. I wonder if the visual of the rotating wheel is a precursor to the more exact visual of a roll of film. Which one is more accurate, the wheel motif or the roll of film motif? And where do the human clones fit in? Are they actually located on a wheel with teeth like gears, or are they frames on a roll of film?

Also, Rooftop, you and others mentioned that you can see a little into the future as well as into the past. If the future part is true, that would be really wild.
#50 Posted : 3/11/2011 12:03:12 AM

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Props to SL24 for finding this. It's both funny and disturbing.
I think it's totally legit. The action happens in the 1 and a half minutes, then the guy and gal slowly come out of the experience. Watching this video reminds me of the guy who jumped to his death in NYC. It makes me wonder what was happening in his mind right before he jumped. Here is a quote from the YouTube video:

Uploaded by justblazealwayz5 on Aug 10, 2010
We both felt like there were others holding us down and basically telling us our existence was being erased and our world was crumbling around us and we just wanted to get away, the camera died before we actually fully came to our senses, neither one of us remember any of our behaivor that was recorded..by the way, thats a 2nd story window..

It's interesting that they seemed to be sharing the same salvia experience.
#51 Posted : 3/11/2011 3:42:16 AM

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I watched the video, but it was hard to watch it all the way to the end. These videos sicken me. People abuse this plant so much. It seriously makes me sad Sad Sad

They probably took doses that were five, six, seven times the amount they should have. And they did it together, rather than one at a time so they could watch each other.

Sorry burningmouth, but I just hate watching these videos. I see Salvia as something sacred, something really special, and when people use it like this I can't help but get upset.

I don't know how SL24 can watch these youtube videos all the time and not be disgusted.
Rising Spirit
#52 Posted : 3/11/2011 4:41:19 AM

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Yeah, it's obvious that these folks do not have any clue as to the power and purpose, by which we have been gifted this Sacred Herb. It is not a party favor and it can be quite dangerous or even lethal to the wrong headset. Tragedy and discovery walk a fine line. What I just can't wrap my head around is why are these folks are always incessantly talking or jumping up-and-down, running or climbing up onto something precipitous? when this kid throws himself through the window, while his girlfriend stumbles about loudly mumbling in tongues... I could see a terrible tendency of abuse in the making. I typically fall back into a trance state and let the current blow me into the other side. A Salvinorin A Black Hole of sorts? Shocked

I hate to sound like some kind of weird elitist bastard, because this is not what's in my heart... but some people should not really opt to smoke Salvia. Or if they do, they should prepare for the experience with some research and insight, before firing the bowl up. To the agitated or unstable mind, it can be extremely frightening or disorienting. How unlike my wonderful explorations into the unique realm of Salvia World. What's that about? How is it that receptive individuals enter into these alternate realities and some folks freak out in sheer terror and try to escape the force of the looping effect? Just goes to show... "Many are called, few are chosen."
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#53 Posted : 3/11/2011 4:49:09 AM

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Rising Spirit wrote:
Yeah, it's obvious that these folks do not have any clue as to the power and purpose, by which we have been gifted this Sacred Herb. It is not a party favor and it can be quite dangerous or even lethal to the wrong headset. Tragedy and discovery walk a fine line. What I just can't wrap my head around is why are these folks always incessantly talking or jumping up and down, running or climbing up onto something? when this kid throws himself through the window, while his girlfriend stumbles about loudly mumbling in tongues... I could see a terrible tendency of abuse in the making. I typically fall back into a trance state and let the current blow me into the other side. The Salvinorin black hole.

I hate to sound like some kind of weird elitist bastard but... some people should not really opt to smoke Salvia. To the agitated mind, it can be extremely frightening or disorienting. How unlike my wonderful explorations into the unique realm of Salvia World. What's that about? How is it that receptive individuals enter into these alternate realities and some folks freak out in sheer terror and try to escape the force of the looping effect? Just goes to show... "Many are called, few are chosen."

I don't think you sound elitist, and I completely understand what you're saying. Some people just aren't ready for what Salvia can show them. I think all that rolling and climbing, jumping around, mumbling, is when someone is trying to fight the experience. You really need to be able to let go with Salvia, if you don't...well...there's a perfect example in that youtube video there.

I've only moved a couple of times. And each time, it was when I took too high of a dose. People load up their bongs with six or seven times the amount of extract they should, just expecting to have a weird experience and laugh a lot. It's sad, but I see why it's going to be made illegal. The many that abuse it, ruin it for the few that love it.

"Many are called, few are chosen." That really is a great description of the nature of this plant.
#54 Posted : 3/11/2011 5:30:45 AM

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I just saw it as confirmation that salvia users are encountering beings from another world. The girl says, "let go." I think the salvia beings had a hold on both of them. Nobody said smoking salvia would be a walk in the park. We are encountering the hidden outer walls of the "Matrix". Hallucinogenics aren't just for hippies anymore. I will admit that videos like this one will help make salvia illegal, but we can't run from the disturbing consequences of encountering another world (that may or not be friendly).
#55 Posted : 3/11/2011 6:11:41 AM

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Wow, how quickly, the guy is just like, completely 'fuck this im out'. and it's interesting how people seem to be completely out of it, yet there motor coordination is still aware of it's surroundings, I mean, he crawled above the metal mid-bar on the window, on his way out. People don't seem to just blast into walls but grab at doors and move up and over and through things.

I think I agree with Dioxippus, it comes from a very strong resistance to the experience. I never thought i could flip out the way I did, still confuses me. I was up moving through rooms, while freaking out, it was strange, cause all I remember as I came to was lying on the couch feeling for my limbs asking if this was fucking real, is this real am I really here.

Man it was waaaaayyyyyyy more serious than the 5 and 10x I smoked, completely different. I was sure I was never coming back.

burningmouth wrote:
Nobody said smoking salvia would be a walk in the park. We are encountering the hidden outer walls of the "Matrix". Hallucinogenics aren't just for hippies anymore. I will admit that videos like this one will help make salvia illegal, but we can't run from the disturbing consequences of encountering another world (that may or not be friendly).

Yes. This. We have to admit that these experiences are very real, that we have recognized a new 'perceivable' world out there that science has no acute way of measuring. Not enough people are giving this stuff the respect it deserves, that is for certain. But what will become if/when they all do?
My ego is insane, but I'm alright

The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. -William Blake

Lavos is a fictional character, a dream inside a dream. Don't take what he says to be true or representational of reality in any known form. He is inspired by pure fantasy.
#56 Posted : 3/11/2011 6:47:16 AM

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burningmouth wrote:
I just saw it as confirmation that salvia users are encountering beings from another world. The girl says, "let go." I think the salvia beings had a hold on both of them. Nobody said smoking salvia would be a walk in the park. We are encountering the hidden outer walls of the "Matrix". Hallucinogenics aren't just for hippies anymore. I will admit that videos like this one will help make salvia illegal, but we can't run from the disturbing consequences of encountering another world (that may or not be friendly).

After I calm down, and look at it without so much emotion, I think you're right. Salvia is definitely no walk in the park, you have that right. It's just that people aren't ready (or willing) to let go, and things like that happen. That guy could've broken his neck falling out that window. More care, and respect, needs to be taken when dealing with something as powerful as Salvia.

I caught that too, when the girl was saying "wtf, let go." I call it the Salvia Gravity, when you feel like you're being held or pulled down. I've had the distinct feeling of hands pulling me down as well, which could definitely scare the shit out of someone. I see what you're saying about accepting the consequences of something this powerful. I just get this sick feeling when I see people doing it like that. A feeling that I wish I could have talked to them, showed them how to do it more safely.
Lavos wrote:
We have to admit that these experiences are very real, that we have recognized a new 'perceivable' world out there that science has no acute way of measuring. Not enough people are giving this stuff the respect it deserves, that is for certain. But what will become if/when they all do?

That's a great question that I often wonder about. I think it would be comparable to nothing we've previously encountered, including the psychedelics movement of the 60's and 70's. I think it would bring about some kind of accelerated maturation process for the human species. Just bouncing ideas between the few of us here on this forum and others around the internet, imagine entire societies. The results would be...hard to imagine. I feel there is so much more to this plant than what we're seeing/thinking. We're just starting to scratch the surface, and there's a massive world beneath it for us to explore.
#57 Posted : 3/11/2011 6:56:24 AM

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The video is disturbing for sure, but I think their approach could be worse. They're not at a party at least. I see two mis-steps here. The first is the way they run to their bowls all excited, "let's go!". Getting introspective first seems like it would be a good idea. The second is that they do it at the same time, when one should probably sit with the other, especially if they want to go for high doses. I don't think filming is "wrong" either, though putting it on the Internet is questionable at best. Is there anything else I'm missing?
SWIM is Spartacus!

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#58 Posted : 3/11/2011 7:47:34 AM

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dioxippus wrote:
I caught that too, when the girl was saying "wtf, let go." I call it the Salvia Gravity, when you feel like you're being held or pulled down. I've had the distinct feeling of hands pulling me down as well, which could definitely scare the shit out of someone. I see what you're saying about accepting the consequences of something this powerful.

Yeah, I am more inclined to think of the feeling of something holding you down, as body effects, or, the nerves in that part of the body feeling paralyzed or restrained. I didn't feel 'held' down, but I did feel like all sorts of people were around and behind me. I felt like my head was in a brace, like I was in a hospital bed all wrapped up with my wife holding my head maybe. I couldn't feel my arms or legs until I was all the way down.

God I can't wait for the right time to chew (quid) my way there and make peace for a couple hours. Maybe even quid with light maoi. I'm still enjoying the leaf, though not as daily, I need a dedicated bong for that sutff, it gunks the pipe up so fast.

dioxippus wrote:
That's a great question that I often wonder about. I think it would be comparable to nothing we've previously encountered, including the psychedelics movement of the 60's and 70's. I think it would bring about some kind of accelerated maturation process for the human species. Just bouncing ideas between the few of us here on this forum and others around the internet, imagine entire societies.

I mean really, can you imagine huge camps of people doing this in some sort of succession? Like a 200 yard field, every 20 yards will start toking on the 1 minute mark. Can you imagine the gut level intensity of that many explorers gathered in one place to 'die' to this life for a bit? Complete psychedelic colleges, where class revolves around integration, symbols, and the questions of how real the experiences are. I'd say it's a little more real than Hollywood or American Idol. (no offense to all the dreamers that put spirit into the big shows)

Maybe this kind of thing will always remain in the occult, or maybe we just need a new Eleusinian mystery
My ego is insane, but I'm alright

The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. -William Blake

Lavos is a fictional character, a dream inside a dream. Don't take what he says to be true or representational of reality in any known form. He is inspired by pure fantasy.
#59 Posted : 3/11/2011 1:02:16 PM

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burningmouth wrote:
And what about locking onto a segment of the other person's roll of film? Maybe you can enter that segment and experience what the other person was experiencing at the time of that segment.

Haven't experienced that yet, but more than one report out there where people claim having temporarily but fully "incarnated" into someone else's life, sometimes in a very different century, causing some to wonder if past life revisiting wasn't occuring.

burningmouth wrote:
I have this theory that our brains are being rewired after each salvia trip. I wonder if the visual of the rotating wheel is a precursor to the more exact visual of a roll of film. Which one is more accurate, the wheel motif or the roll of film motif? And where do the human clones fit in? Are they actually located on a wheel with teeth like gears, or are they frames on a roll of film?

I once had a clear full view of a huge wheel floating in nothingness, it's rim was composed of frames of my life, 4 round spikes connected it to it's center, and the center was the sound of the crickets singing next to where I smoked. Interesting part was that the frames on the rim were all the moments in my life when i had heard and would hear crickets singing. That fully amazed me.
About the clones, I have scrambles memories when I get to that level. I think it scares me and tend to rather forget it!

burningmouth wrote:
Also, Rooftop, you and others mentioned that you can see a little into the future as well as into the past. If the future part is true, that would be really wild.

I vouch for this, the experiences above, and especially the one accompanied by the sketch, I will simply never forget.

rising spirit wrote:

I hate to sound like some kind of weird elitist bastard, because this is not what's in my heart... but some people should not really opt to smoke Salvia. Or if they do, they should prepare for the experience with some research and insight, before firing the bowl up. To the agitated or unstable mind, it can be extremely frightening or disorienting. How unlike my wonderful explorations into the unique realm of Salvia World. What's that about? How is it that receptive individuals enter into these alternate realities and some folks freak out in sheer terror and try to escape the force of the looping effect? Just goes to show... "Many are called, few are chosen."

Having smoked and watched many others smoke, I saw that extract often terrifies, while plain leaf is often enjoyed. Personnaly, plain leaf usually leaves me with a healing feeling, but extract seems to awake a sense of genuine dread... Probably, intense respect and dedication could overcome this.

IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE (i thinkSmile ) : I just remember having read at the forums.ayahusca.com board that the experienced psychonaut Druiddream said more than once that a slight inhibition with Caapi is very helpful not only to potentiate Salvia (which is why he insists on using plain leaf, wether quid or smoke), but more interestingly to "slow down" the effect and bring it to a much more processable level, even more translatable in human language. You can read this for a start, and there's more about that combo if you use their search engine.
Haven't tried myself, but this combo might be of great help in exploring Salvia. Needless to say, please be safe and inform yourself should you choose to experiment.
it's about making life a neverending experience of wonderfulness!
#60 Posted : 3/11/2011 8:48:51 PM

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Joined: 22-Jan-2009
Last visit: 04-Aug-2020
Location: Riding the Aurora Borealis
Lavos wrote:
I mean really, can you imagine huge camps of people doing this in some sort of succession? Like a 200 yard field, every 20 yards will start toking on the 1 minute mark. Can you imagine the gut level intensity of that many explorers gathered in one place to 'die' to this life for a bit? Complete psychedelic colleges, where class revolves around integration, symbols, and the questions of how real the experiences are.

I think that it would do so much good. It would be amazing to be a part of something like that. Psychedelic college, I would have had no problem attending. I would want to become a professor! Very happy
Rooftop wrote:
Having smoked and watched many others smoke, I saw that extract often terrifies, while plain leaf is often enjoyed. Personnaly, plain leaf usually leaves me with a healing feeling, but extract seems to awake a sense of genuine dread... Probably, intense respect and dedication could overcome this.

IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE (i think ) : I just remember having read at the forums.ayahusca.com board that the experienced psychonaut Druiddream said more than once that a slight inhibition with Caapi is very helpful not only to potentiate Salvia (which is why he insists on using plain leaf, wether quid or smoke), but more interestingly to "slow down" the effect and bring it to a much more processable level, even more translatable in human language. You can read this for a start, and there's more about that combo if you use their search engine.
Haven't tried myself, but this combo might be of great help in exploring Salvia. Needless to say, please be safe and inform yourself should you choose to experiment.

I do feel the same way. I enjoy plain leaf all the time. I've never had a bad experience with it. It always leaves me feeling healed. Extract can be pretty chaotic and can even turn dark. I like to go deep with the extract, but it seems to be somewhat inconsistent. Sometimes I have beautiful experiences with it, other times I'm left wondering what the hell it all meant. I always like to combine plain leaf with the extract to try to bring in some of that healing energy it seems to impart. I don't feel dread, but I do hesitate to use extract over plain leaf.

I've found that Calea Zacatechichi works to potentiate Salvia as well. I haven't tried combining Salvia with Caapi, but Calea Z. definitely synergizes with it and helps to sort of slow the experience down a bit and make it almost more dream-like.
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