DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2 Joined: 05-Mar-2011 Last visit: 17-Mar-2011 Location: Canada
Hi, I’m here for a good number of reasons, but mostly because I’m absolutely opposed to Health Canada’s proposal to criminalize salvia. It seems there‘s interest in contacting Health Canada on this issue, but a few people aren’t exactly sure what to say. So I’ve put together a small communications/information resource page for those of us who are opposed to Health Canada’s proposal to criminalize salvia. http://savesalvia.wordpress.comThe site has a letter that you can print off, sign and send in or even just email to Health Canada. Additionally, there’s a bit of an examination of the statistical information that Health Canada is throwing around. Some additional content will hopefully be added in the next little while, specifically letters tailored for MPs and various other decision makers. Let’s not ignore the fact that Health Canada’s proposal to prohibit salvia rather than treat it as a natural health product turns an issue of federal regulation into one of criminal justice that will also need to be dealt with at provincial and municipal levels. And of course, any comments, insights and suggestions anyone has are most welcome.Thanks so much for your help and support.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 259 Joined: 08-Oct-2010 Last visit: 06-May-2024 Location: Gallifrey
I didn't know Canada was trying to outlaw salvia. I would not have expected that. I thought Canada was cool, like allowing the personal use and growth of peyote. What ever. I hope it doesn't happen cuz then the US might try to do something similar. Maay-yo-naze!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 8 Joined: 22-Feb-2011 Last visit: 27-Apr-2014 Location: Home Base
The link you posted doesn't seem to be working.
Unfortunately perhaps, Salvia is quite popular these days. However, it's not nearly as popular as it is potent. Something has to change, illegalizing it will only make matters worse. Burying the dangers of this powerful plant under a mountain of misinformation and taboo is like covering a mine field with pretty flowers. People will still want to venture there, only now it will be harder for them to realize what they are treading on. The truth drowned out by a cacophony of bigoted voices, great...
Federal regulation seems like a better idea. My point is, the cat is out the bag, maybe it's been out the bag for ages, but people need to know what they are getting into before getting comfy with Salvia. I wouldn't want to be the guy who finds out the hard way that having a breakthrough experience is not a good idea if you're, idk say, on a rooftop or driving a car... Sorry for being off-topic a bit, just that someone recently just made this mistake apparently and it turned out the "unlucky" way, so I felt a bit compelled to play the devil's advocate.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1817 Joined: 22-Jan-2009 Last visit: 04-Aug-2020 Location: Riding the Aurora Borealis
Yes, that link is broken.
When I first started to hear about the possible ban, I was all up in arms, "Let's do something about this! Let's not let them take it away from us!" Now I'm more cynical, defeatist. Thinking that if they really want to pass a law, they're probably going to, no matter what we say or do. Petitions and writing letters to Health Canada may help, but I don't have the most positive view of our government, or any government for that matter.
Just stock up, get some live plants while you can. The situation in Canada is pretty grim. We're selling it in convenience stores along side glass bongs and pipes. It's in pretty much every headshop in every major city. It's sad that it's come to it, but the government does need to step in to stop all these idiots from disrespecting it the way they are. It's being treated like a cash crop, when it should be treated like a sacrament.
/end cynical ranting.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2 Joined: 05-Mar-2011 Last visit: 17-Mar-2011 Location: Canada
Thanks for pointing out the link wasn't working. No idea how or why that happened. Hopefully it's fixed now. Worse case scenario, you should be able to copy and paste it.
qu3tz, I really couldn't agree with you more. The basis for my opposition is pretty much that if Health Canada's goal is to protect people from the supposed dangers that salvia represents, there's nothing in their own logic that establishes how criminalizing it will actually achieve that goal. Regulation would likely be a much better option all around.
Sadly, Dioxippus, I also agree almost entirely with everything you're saying. But I'm maybe viewing these realities from a slightly different angle. I highly suspect that even the most reasonable, well-presented and broadly-supported arguments will still fail to prevent the criminal prohibition of salvia. I don't consider this a possibility so much as I consider it a probability. Simply because doing anything else would be inconsistent with broader drug prohibition policies.
There are clearly a lot of us out there who care about this issue, but who have resigned ourselves to this cynical, defeatist attitude, and not without good reason. However, I feel that until such a law is actually passed--and even after it's passed--we have a responsibility to voice our opposition to the proposed measure. This assures us that the decision makers have at least had the opportunity to entertain our position, regardless of whether or not they do. Most importantly, voicing our dissent makes clear in the public record that there was cogent and reasonable opposition to this action that was ignored. I guess, if we're convinced that the game is rigged, then going ahead and playing it is probably the best way for us to expose that reality. Now that might not matter to Health Canada or to Parliament, but it will matter to ordinary Canadians. Maybe not to all of them, and maybe not even to a majority of them, but some of them will care.
As PowerfulMedicine says, Canada is pretty cool.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1817 Joined: 22-Jan-2009 Last visit: 04-Aug-2020 Location: Riding the Aurora Borealis
Well, I'm just not very patriotic at all. I'm born and raised Canadian, but I don't see it like most other people see it. I see it as a nation that follows big brother USA around and more and more, does whatever he does to seem cool.
I've written my letter to Health Canada, I've signed a petition. I would be very surprised if they decided to regulate it rather than make it illegal. I would also be happy, because I feel something does need to be done about it at present. I feel it should be legal to buy for adults, but it shouldn't be sold in convenience stores.
Miley Cyrus and now this young man who jumped from a balcony in NY. Chances are Canada will make it illegal. At least I'll still have my plants and my stockpile.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 28 Joined: 04-Mar-2011 Last visit: 15-Aug-2011 Location: Dreams
my good friend Sally D, seems to be approaching the same fate in the reigon i live. My only question is, why? Sally let's us see into the mechanisms of nature and understand what compells us to be artistic. Salvia is by far the most spiritually connecting plant (YES 100% NATURAL!) i have ever encountered. It's good to know there are people fighting against ignorant governments who are only afraid of the unknown. When one expiriences salvia one must embrace the unknown, and the government just can't handle that. i guarentee you, if each member on the commitee of criminalizing sally actually expirienced it, they would seriously reconsider making this natural magic a crime. Thank you savesalvia! Good post, protect our world's natural magic! Just once or twice is good for your soul - Danny Elfman