hello all
heres what i call the new machine
i took to small viniger and oil bottles
that come as a set (it was a basket that held both together for vinagrat )
put a hole in each one to where thay lined up
and sealed them together
that way the smoke inters one and flows into the other
the vapor passes through in the shape of an x (see arrows )
it is the best whay to smoke that iv tried (prob a little favertism here lol)
thanks and please send feed back on my new baby
sorry for the spelling guys
islandhome attached the following image(s):
new machine.jpg
(16kb) downloaded 150 time(s).You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk."
"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"
"You ask a glass of water."
Douglas Adams