Dear all,
I am drishti, a soul-traveler for many years, big thanks for this forum and all the ideas and experiences you've shared

I kept studying it before making this move!
My first experience with entheogens dates back in 2002, when I literally entered a coma after ingesting way too much amanita muscaria - I was 18 years old, interested in expanding my horizons, yet not knowing my limits at all. However, this rough experiment has opened a new door for me, with the urge of spending more time on mind altering substances. My goal has always been to overcome my ego and to lead a simple but wonderful everyday life.
Throughout the years I frequently took LSD, psylocibin, and have also tried out a large scale of chemicals, the latter have offered me no pleasure or teaching whatsoever... LSD and mushrooms have been my greatest companions in pumping my willpower and inner strength in my daily activities and creativity, though the biggest breakthrough happened with Madre ayahuasca.
For the last year or so, me and my partner have been researching the greatest teaching plants - ayahuasca and its admixtures, also peyote and san pedro. We were planning to travel abroad to experience them (it will surely happen this year!), but as you all know, if one deeply wishes for something, it inevitably happens. We got invited to an ayahuasca ceremony in a neighboring country, held by an Ecuadorian shaman of the shuars. This was the psychedelic experience of a lifetime, as I entered a deep, trance-like state of pure meditation, a real religious experience, beyond words. My interest in buddhist philosophy has grown since, and just smiling more and helping out wherever I can are the biggest gifts this ceremony has brought to me.
For new year's eve, we have prepared our own aya brew, from plants ordered online, containing 100 g black caapi, 100 g white caapi, both shredded, 50 g of chacruna and 50 g of chaliponga. It took 2 days to properly finish it, with loads of patience and love for the Spirit... And it was awesome, the purging purified me from toe to head, and kept meditating on life and death as I felt the presence of strong yet calming female energy and bringing an attitude of appreciation of each and every moment of my life. The visuals of ancient trees, shapes and light-spots showed me again that the energy of life moves constantly in a cycle, and that oneness is where we all belong.
Thank you for reading my story, I'll share more soon. Have a happy, carefree 2011!!!
Love: drishti