Hey guys, before going out and laying down a good sum on a smoking device, give this a try:
https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/The_Inspirator_mkIIThe supplies are super cheap, and ceramic fiber isn't wholly necessary though preferable. It can be used with any bubbler, but with a longer dropper stem, should work on its own (more testing needed for that one). The screens and stems can be purchased online in large amounts for cheap; even the fiber can be found in small amounts though usually a bit more of an investment. The idea of the piece is that it works in much the same manner as the VG and the Key--perhaps a hybrid in a sense. While whether it works better or not quite so great as a GVG is certainly up for debate, the device is made specifically for freebase vaporization (unlike the VG which is made for herbal blends) and simply works well.
SWIM spent a great deal of his years with "the machine," and certainly this works far more efficiently than the machine ever did. He's been practicing single tokes of full 30-40mg doses (plenty sufficient for breakthroughs in this case) with the Inspirator for a good while now, and is stepping up the dose a bit to see where single tokes of 40-60mg take him... very interesting thus-far. He whole-heartedly believes that the heating and airflow dynamics of this device make it possible to up the dose for single tokes fairly significantly, though it may demand a bit more lung capacity than most could muster without practice.
The heating is fairly simple: As per usual, use a butane torch. It doesn't take too aggressive of heating; however, if one wants to get the single toke doses, time is of the essence, so one would need to be a bit more bold. Remember, the heat is being drawn off of the heating element (the cork-like folded screens) rather than directly from the flame, so there's no need to touch the flame to the piece but merely point it at the element until it glows and vapor is visibly emitted. The best way to judge the quality of technique is to carb rapidly every time the bubbler chamber is filled until no more is produced. The other thing to remember is to never heat beyond lung capacity.
It'd be nice to see some reviews from those who actually use a GVG, because SWIM's found his niche and is unlikely to drop the cash on one, himself.