i love this stuff, love making it although it gets rather sticky/messy at times, and love smoking/vaping it. its the only stuff that i can smoke and do a bong of that will still never fail to bring out a sweat and get me feeling rather stoned for a while. i tend to make this stuff every harvest time. one day i plan to grow enough bud so i can process like half a kilo into BHO and end up with a couple oz's of nice putty like budder.
its defo a lot harsher on the chest and my first bong often takes my breath away an im sitting there gasping for a few mins, but this is actually partly wort i like its a different kinda harsh and it gets real deep in your chest an the cough is not the same from just coughing in bud. kinda makes my chest feel cleaned out a bit after the main harshness has worn off. i also only get this on my first bong of the day, any done after that are not nearly as harsh.
one thing i must stress when making this stuff is you ensure that the Butane your using has 0(zero) impurities, this is as important as when you extract dmt or other things you must ensure your solvent is clean. otherwise it will effect the end product quit a bit. and the obvious is to be very carful extraction the bho i shouldnt really need to mention it as id have thought its pretty obvious but make sure its in a well ventilated area away from open sources of ignition. the law doesnt take kindly to people getting blown up from making bHO and butane gas is far more volatile than most solvents like naphtha.
heres some pics of some stuff ive made before, i usually just make it in my kitchen with ext fan on and every appliance inc lights switched off an the back door open depending on the weather, if you live somewhere warm where its not raining nearly everyday then id highly recommend doing this extraction outside. just watch out for bugs gettin in the oil.
ohe yea ive got a hmk oil pipe on order, has been for a year an its now being made. i cant wait.
PROHIBITION?? - just say NO!!