response to Pandora
Quote: I finally got so disgustipated with my cats walking across the keyboard and somehow deleting everything, I started doing the writing in a word processor or text file, saving constantly, then copied the final thing to the forum.
thats a good idea, for i have the same problem with my cats a lot (don't you love em?). I have already thoroughly looked through the health and safety section, but only grazed through the FAQ for methods and not at all in the Wiki (yet). but after 3 hours of reading about all the many methods my brain finally shut itself down for the night at 7am

Thanks for the advice!
response to endlessness
Quote:Regarding DMT, are you planning (or did you already) extracting it?
i myself have not tried to extract yet because of the lack of a suitable location to perform the process and lack of knowledge. I did glance at some of the extraction teks in the nursery, yours included, just to get a general idea of how the process works (which i still need to look at in more depth).
as for acquiring it SWIM is a trustworthy experienced extractor so i'm not worried about quality

and for smoking it correctly, I am making sure that an experienced friend is present during my first attempt.
Quote: or also building the machine, or even just a bong and sandwhiching dmt between thick layer of ashes or thin layer of herbs
it took me at least 30 minutes to find out what the machine was, i kept seeing it mentioned and about how well it works, yet i couldn't find anywhere about what it was made of or how to make it. but i found it, glass bottle, hole, steel wool/mesh, you know the drill
as for the sandwhiching:
Quote:i was with my friend when he attempted his first hyperspace trip but no one present was experienced in anyway with DMT, so when attempting to vape it out of a regular pipe (with certain herbs on top) we accidentally cherried the bowl, wasting all those amazing chemicals.
that was the method i was attempting to describe, failing to remember the proper name for it
as for oral dmt i am extremely interested in Iowaska, but the products you mentioned i am unfamiliar with, are they the same or similar?
Quote:What about other psychedelics appart from 2CE ?
lsd through dmt
but never dmt through lsd, worth the experience though
mario eats shrooms so why can't I?
any other suggestions?
Thanks for the help!
dmt, dmt, doo dee doo dmt, lsd doo dmt, lsd doo dmt...divine moments now, divine moments of truth, total and utter cosmic stuff...'
'be here now... i love everybody'
Divine Moments of Truth -ShpongleQuote:A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
John LennonI am the definition of fiction.