gibran2 wrote:
It’s more than just the most important pieces of information being forgotten first. It is a knowing during the experience that what is being perceived at that moment will not be brought back. It is a perceiving with a concurrent knowing that “I won’t remember any of this when I get back”. A bit like lucid dreaming – lucid forgetting? It is an extremely selective form of forgetting.
I have not had the actual experience of
knowing that you will not remember what is happening. I have had several experiences though where I knew for sure the data I was receiving was very "privileged information" About life, death, consciousness and the universe in general.
I know I was briefed about these things for sure. At the times of these incidents I was beside myself. How is it that I of all people could be privileged enough to be taught these things. Then just when what we know to be reality sets back in the actual details of what I've learned are erased immediately. All before I'm able to explain my experience to anyone or think it over myself.
I know for sure it was breakthrough information. I just can't for the life of me remember the actual details that seemed so important at the time! I'm not saying hypnotism is the answer but what an interesting idea.
I wouldn't mind volunteering for such a study in the name of science.
Worst case scenario its all still a mystery.
Maybe being in the mystery is better than having the answers anyway!