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some observations on BLAB. Options
corpus callosum
#1 Posted : 2/26/2011 2:32:33 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Good day Nexians!

I have follwed the BLAB tek from the Wiki with good results, infact, VERY good results.

The last extraction on 450g MHRB has yielded a very satisfying 16.6g of dried fumarate.I have found a 4.5L spirits bottle which, with the aid of a 50ml leuer lock glass syringe has made the process of removing the limo so much easier as the bottle tapers towards the neck.

I have also found that if adding 1 litre of 5% acetic acid plus another 500mls of water makes the limo separate from the basified stuff that much easier and hence more amenable to being pulled.

I found that if just a litre of the vinegar was used the limo tends to just disappear making retieving it very tricky with a turkey baster- and this is if no additional water is added with the vinegar at the start.If you find yourself in this position then adding 500ml of water with a further 150-200g of lye also allows the limo to migrate to the top much better.

I also have used more than the 5x100ml limo pulls as the tek suggests.I have used closer to 150-175mls per pull and I have let each sit in the mix for at least 12 hours, softly shaking it as often as it requires.

I use FASIPA fo the salting and, as the tek suggests, I keep adding it very slowly (by letting it drip in via a sep funnel)until the clouding no longer occurs and then set it in the fridge to settle for a good 18 hours.I have found that on adding more FASIPA at that point causes alot more clouding-so the process of decanting in the fridge was repeated.In total I added FASIPA in samll amounts (slowly) on 4 consecutive days as it kept clouding.On day 5, FASIPA addition did little so I allowed it to sit for a further 2 days and there was some crystal stuck to the jar but a pale layer of obviously still wet with limo deposition at the base of the jar.

This was retireved by filtering it through a coffee filter and when there just remained a pale wet crust on the filter I gently squeeze which forced out a good few mls of limo.The bits of DMT fumarate was then placed into a fresh coffee filter which was laid onto a pyrex dish which had been lined with toilet paper.I compressed the moist fumarate into a flat as possible slab in the coffee filter and then place more toilet paper over this.Finally a weight was place right on the top of the upper toliet paper which helped to squeeze out the residual limo allowing its absorption into the absorbent loo roll.The next day the DMT fumarate felt minimally moist but could easily be broken into tiny crumbs with very little sticking to the fingers.

This has sat in a pyrex dish as crumbs on a new coffee filter which has been covered with clingfilm which has been punctured numerous times with a small needle.48 hours later this was almost perfectly dry.

My technique is more slothful than leisurely but I have had yields which I feel are worth a more 'relaxed' approach.The used d-limo is still sitting in its jar and already there has been a little haziness forming at the base.

Im planning to keep it as fumarate due to its greater shelf-life and I hope to get around 10g of freebase when it comes to this step.Not at all bad from 450g of bark, me thinks!Very happy
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.


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#2 Posted : 2/26/2011 2:56:56 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Good results. Maybe?

Remember, regardless of technique, you can’t get more DMT out of MHRB than was there to begin with! 16.6g of DMT fumarate is equivalent to 12.7g of DMT freebase. This would mean you got an unusually high yield of 2.8%. If that’s the case, please let us know where you got that bark from!

I’m wondering if your product isn’t heavily contaminated with fumaric acid? You said you added more FASIPA than the TEK recommended, so maybe that’s why your yield is so high.

One way to find out would be to thoroughly rinse your end-product in anhydrous acetone to remove excess fumaric acid.

Regardless, sounds like you had a successful extraction, and even if the yield is lower than 2.8%, it seems that you got very good results!
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#3 Posted : 2/26/2011 5:39:13 PM

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With the FASI tek, the fumaric acid stays in solution and only the DMT-fumarate crashes out. SWIM didn't completely believe this until she went to wash her d-limo and the moment the water hit, all of the fumaric acid started crashing out. She hasn't gotten quite as good yields, but reliably over 2%. Remember that the d-limo is pulling jungle, so it's to be expected to have higher yields than more selective solvents. She's found that everything that crashes out immediately is heavily colored, where white spice appears in the week or so following, if you leave the FASI/d-limo solution to sit for a while.
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#4 Posted : 2/26/2011 5:53:40 PM

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Awesome job corpus!

Gibran2 and ragabr, I think I recall talking to infundibulum once and he mentioned the possibility of dmt fumarate not necessarily being 2 dmt molecules to 1 fumaric acid molecule, maybe depending how its made it could be some other proportion and therefore more fumaric acid inactive weight even if fumaric acid by itself doesnt crash out.

I think I remember infundibulum claiming as a possible evidence that when he tried freebase converting xylene FASA, the yield was always better than from limonene FASI (Lets see if he sees this and can confirm this or not).

Corpus, you can also try recrystallizing with boiling acetone or IPA, it should dissolve dmt fumarate too, and then crash out at cold temps. If you do it, dont throw anything away till its done, maybe do with only part of the batch to later compare the purity and bioassay if you want.

Im curious when you do the conversion to freebase, how much yield loss there will be. I suggest doing the slow water crystalization, just dissolving in water and then adding saturated sodium carb solution, then in the fridge for 5 days.

All the best Smile
#5 Posted : 2/26/2011 6:19:29 PM

illudium Q-36

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phlux put up a tek "Acetone Bombing For Purity and Fun"

the bounce down goes like this:

Using a large-ish container, dissolve your fum's in as tiny bit of DISTILLED water as you can. Next add copius amounts of DRY acetone.

The solids that remain will be pretty damn pure spice fum's

Don't discard the acetone though... chances are good that a little bit of your good stuff got dissolved. spice fumarate is only mostly insoluble in acetone...and your "dry" acetone will probably not be %100 dry because it sucks humidity from the air...and you had dissolved your fum's in water to begin with.

That little bit of water will hang on to as much of your spice fumarate as it can...because water f'ing loves spice! The solution only drops the goods because all that acetone comes in.

A good thing to do would be to evap the acetone and use the resulting powder (fumaric acid, little bit of spice and whatever other impurities were there) as the base for your next fasw solution.... that way you will eventually get the goods.

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corpus callosum
#6 Posted : 2/26/2011 7:00:23 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for your replies Gibran2, ragabr and Endlessness!Smile

The last time I did the BLAB, the conversion to freebase caused a loss in weight of about 35% so if this latest venture runs in a similar vein the a FB yield should be around 10.8g- fingers/knees and everything else crossed!!

Gibran2-on the 2nd adding of FASIPA, the limo looked yellow-clear with the thus-far formed goodies forming a layer at the bottom of the jar; it clouded almost as impressively as on the first adding in of FASIPA the day before.I have preseumed, perhaps erroneously, that this must be more DMT fumarate a-forming and this was the case for 4 daily saltings.Could this have been something other than DMT fumarate which had formed? I must admit that that limo , using the visual changes described as indicative of DMT fumarate appearing, surprised me in how much it seemed to give.

The 4.5L glass bottle is a real bonus; this with a 50ml glass syringe and ,believe it or not, a steel lumbar puncture needle attached via the leuer, allowed me to enter the bottle to a depth of 8 inches.This supersedes the turkey baster drmatically!
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#7 Posted : 3/29/2011 5:32:46 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Any update on the conversion? I'm very excited to hear how it went
corpus callosum
#8 Posted : 3/29/2011 10:09:21 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I converted 1g of fumarate to freebase and the yield was 630mg.The final total of DMT fumarate gained (and that includes what precipitated in the used d-limo over a 2 week period) was almost 17g....so if it all converts as that 1st gram did then the total FB weight should be 10.7g, a yield of 2.37%.

Ive done BLAB twice now and both times it was done in a way which was more than leisurely and I think its worth slowing the process down as both times the yield has been nicely over 2%.And with mimosa being a much sought-after commodity I will always use this approach on my remaining stash.

The MHRB used this time around was actually Mexican bark from an outfit called www.funkyblunts.com who no longer sell mimosa.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#9 Posted : 4/1/2011 6:33:06 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Great, Thanks for the update. I really appreciate it
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