I really doubt you will have much luck with stores, unless you live in brazil or mexico... I don't think there is a feasible alternative to the internet if you really want dmt.
If you would rather get home-grown psychedelics may I suggest growing your own mushrooms? it's not dmt but well, you can do it all yourself, with only minimum internet orders.
It's a risk to use the net, but I think there's no real way around it. If you find one though, do post it. I'm sure there are others that would like to know as well.
I for one am not that worried about ordering from the net. I mind my own business and the law leaves me alone for now. who knows for how long, but I guess that's the risk I take and I take it gladly, because my work with psychedelics is to me more important than the ultimate safety of being invisible.
cheers & love
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. ---
mushroom-grow-help :::
energy conserving caapi extraction