Somehow i often hear or read that DMT is in many living organisms, yet i only see data of it being in a few plants in higher dosages.
From what i read so far about phalaris i dont think that most people could manage to grow a large amount of it continiously for clean extraction
My proposal would be to find a viable source in a forest or similar in your climate of the world
Most likely there are many plants that contain it. Many plants that are local to where people live
Of course most of us have lives to live in this dimension of highly condensed energy
So as a starter id like to find an effective and easy way to identify DMT content in your local plants
A way that most of us could use with some interest in the matter
Being a zero in chemistry so far my best guess is to make DMT suitable Thin Layer Chromatography plates
therefore id like to ask for input from more advanced chemists and botanists regarding this issue
for people interested about the Chromatography method
this thread here seems to be a good starting point here suitable coatings for TLC plates are looked for, so far rather unsuccessful be all forms of intelligence