Hey all, using this as my intro/1st time report.
Ive been around the block with psyches before. My 1st time with LSD was 12 years ago and when that well dried up (supply, not demand) I moved on to mushrooms. I always had a better exp with LSD, as the mushrooms tended to send me in to a negative loop, not a 'I wanna kill myself' type of loop, but just an uncomfortable way.
Browsing EROWID in my youth I had read about DMT, but never thought that I'd ever try it. Anyhow, after viewing DMT: TSM, I was like (you know the 1st/2nd scene in PULP FICTION where Vincent is telling Jules about Amsterdam and he says) "Im going, that's all there is to it!" LOL...
SO I started to read and STB sounded the best/easiest. I got the supplies and low and behold, 72 hours later I had product.
My 1st hit was out of a rigged up old pipe with Chore Boy, about 15-25 mg, to test the waters. It was neat, warm, inviting, and otherwise enjoyable...
So, the next evening I went to the head shop and got a oil pipe or whatever they're called, loaded about 40 mg and went to town on it, 2 hits. I came up fast and got all warm and fuzzy for a moment and then all of a sudden these thoughts that previously hadn't bothered me had just slammed me! "WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAN!" "WTF ARE YOU DOING WITH THOSE PURPLE JARS IN FRONT OF THE HEATER VENT" "ARE YOU/YOU ARE FUCKING DUMB"....So im all like 'fuck man!' I started tellinig my self everything was good, just flow downstream, I chose to do this, but then SLAM "get those fucking jars outta the house man!" "throw this shit away"...So, im just tweaking, for really no reason, and im convinced these jars need to go, I try getting up to go fetch em, but was pretty impared, so I told myself I'll take care of it in a minute.
It was as if I was getting tortured and all I could do was just twist my body in pain and discomfort.
So, I came down, settled down, and realized if I were to do that again I'd need to alleviate that stressor. I went and skimmed off the naptha (the 3rd or 4th pulls), neutralized the jars and got rid of em. Took my stash to my buddy's house and LOL, I felt better.
IDK WTF happened to me, but that was pretty painful, luckily it only lasted a few minutes. Im going to do it again, and if again it does that to me, fix the issue and try again and so on and so on.
apparently having those jars around wasnt a good idea according to my brain, hehe...
I'll need to be more aware of set and setting next time, but whatever doesn't kill us only.............you know the rest :-)
p.s. for whatever it was worth I was on a warm dose of vicodan at the time too