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DMT: Alien Abduction, Hyperspace Heaven, and Psychosis Options
#1 Posted : 2/24/2011 3:32:06 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 37
Joined: 24-Feb-2011
Last visit: 07-Nov-2024
Hello Everyone

I remember almost two years ago, reading how the substance DMT affects our brains, bodies, spirits, or whatever else, on this site, and many other different sites as well. DMT Hyperspace, something I never would of ever imagined to be an actuality, to be an actual reality that may very well be real. I remember laughing at the site's FAQ explaining the possibilities on how and what DMT does and/or is. I was sixteen years old then, and since then, I have experienced with psilocybin mushrooms and LSD a great number of times, and they were and still are some of the most amazing and most beautiful experiences I have ever had in my entire life. Sometimes, the most terrifying as well. It wasn't in til recently that I have obtained a large amount of DMT, I was very much excited, I had very high expectations, and have been waiting for more than two years to finally break through DMT hyperspace.

I come to this site now, this forum, in need of answers, in need of help possibly. Before experimenting with DMT, I made sure I had a ton psychedelic experience, which I know I did. However after recent usage of DMT, I believe I have reached a mild state of mental psychosis. I don't know where else to go except a mental ward, possibly. Here is my story.

In the recent past and current present, I have been experimenting with large doses of DMT. I started off with lower doses at first, getting a mild DMT body high and visuals, similar to the peak of an LSD or psilocybin mushrooms trip, only lasting around 5 to 10 minutes, which sounds about right. I was getting to these levels at first with a group of friends, as so were they, but none of us ever came close to breaking into a hyperspace. I started to have my doubts, but knew that there was still more to the substance, I perhaps just hadn't perfected the technique in smoking it out of an oil burner or glass vaporizer. It wasn't in till recently when I finally perfected the process in vaporizing and smoking the substance, and reaching a hyperspace of some sort. Colors would randomly appear in front of me, merging within everything, become one. It was an amazing thing, an amazing feeling, an amazing experience like no other I thought to myself. I was getting to this place, assuming that this place was the highest level of DMT, and assuming this was the hyperspace everyone was talking about. However, I was wrong.

The first time... it happened. I was in my apartment, by my self, away from friends, family, all of that. I did it sitting in a pretty comfortable "game" chair I got for Christmas one year, which was set up in my room. I was able to get around three very long big hits when it happened. It wasn't really like being shot out of a cannon into hyperspace, or anything like that, but something different. It was more, well it was in fact, a teleportation. I was teleported into an alien spaceship compartment, flying through space. I don't mean like it was kind of like an alien spaceship, or I thought it was an alien spaceship, no, it was an alien spaceship. There were not colors everywhere, or it wasn't like a travel through hyperspace, or anything that had happened to me in the past. This was so real. So detail, it was so detail in every way. It was like I was really there, in a spaceship, it was reality. I wasn't dreaming, tripping, anything like that, I was actually there. The entire time I sat there, not being able to move, but just gaze in amazement, I felt a presence. I felt an alien presence above me, like they were watching me, observing me. Like they were talking to me telepathically, communicating with me through thought, trying to show me things, or perhaps they were trying to experiment with me. I was so afraid, confused, yet amazed at the same time. It seemed like I was there for almost an hour, and maybe, I was. My perception of time was out of the window, my mind was in shock. The last thing I remember while being in that spaceship, is a strong telepathic signal from one of the aliens that triggered something inside me. I was able to look down at my legs, my arms, and see my bones twisting and turning. My hair building thicker and thicker, I was turning into a monkey. It was so real, I just can't stress that enough. I was totally freaking out when everything suddenly teleported back to my room, back to my reality. However though the hyperspace, though the aliens had left, I was tripping hard. Everything around my was twisting and turning, my bones would still twist and turn if I looked at them long enough. When I looked in the mirror, I looked like I was an alien. Everything was just off, and it was so intense. That lasted for at least 30 minutes or so, which eventually faded, as I laid in my bed, not being able to stop thinking, not being able to sleep. My entire body, mind, and spirit was in awe.

The next day, I told my room mate everything that happened, and he, like myself, were always fascinated by DMT and always joked about alien lifeforms and conspiracy theories and junk. However he was very afraid of actually going to the places that was described as the DMT hyperspace, and as much as he enjoyed reading and understanding the drug, he would not do it, he wasn't ready. After a long discussion on what I had experienced, I was actually convinced that I was contacted with a very intelligent alien life form through DMT. I had this crazy theory, like the aliens knew I had DMT, and were trying to contact me, show me things while I could see them when my third eye was activated. Crazy, right? Anyways, my friend said I should try it again tonight, and see if I have a similar experience. I concluded that I would in fact try it once again later that night.

I did it in the same place, around the same time, with the same dose.

Beyond Hyperspace, Time, and Life

Everything around me instantly began to change. It was so alien, so unbelievable. I could see energy coming up my body, telepathically communications all through in and throughout my body. Energy shifting around me, life as I know it showing me that there is so much more than the simple physical realm of fantasy I live in. I was being told instantly that aliens were in fact very real, and I knew they were now, I knew that if this is happening right now, right here, then there is no way they are not real. It was so unexplainable, so intense, so real, it was nothing I have ever heard throughout readings on internet or books about the drug. I was out of control, life was out of control. I was in the middle of another transportation, except it was so much more intense, right before my eyes I left the physical realm, I was able to look down and see once again my bones twisting and turning everywhere, my hair growing, I look up to scream, but it was too late, my head is thrown back as my spirit or brain is transformed into pure energy. I am now flowing through a network of systems, and I am one with the aliens, I am what they are, I am super intelligent, I know all the secrets of the world! BAM! Just like that, constant super intelligent information is transmitted into my brain by the aliens, who are energy like me. It all comes to me,

"The Ultimate understanding rhythms of the human conspiracy about life’s deepest concepts can be broken into by the journey to a intergalactic hyperspace of universes. Enduring into these worlds will produce realities of self-inflicted fantasies, however they are real, your body is at place while your spirit is trying to leave and show you extraordinary things. Your mind will learn what your spirit has learned, and in the end your ultimate individuality will grow as a force here on the planet Earth. Noisy sensations of parallel feelings towards distinction, triumph, and immortality like realities slam our brains from every single most exact dimensional layers according to the most advanced properties of physics."

They are playing with me, laughing at me, showing me their world, explaining the many secrets of alien life, and the many secrets of the physical realm I had been living on. I knew everything, I knew that I knew it was right, I still think it might be right! I am one with everyone, I am the universe, I can produce a million words into actuality at once, and so can they. It was the most beautiful world of colors and life, fairies and aliens, ghost and angels, it was everything, it was the spiritual realm of existence, and they loved me so much. They told me so much, and they told me that I could come back whenever I wanted, and to bring as many friends as possible, because they will show them everything too.

When I started to finally come back to reality, I wasn't afraid about anything anymore, I didn't question life anymore, and this is because I actually believed that I was just taught all of the secrets of the world. Right before I left the spiritual world, I was enhanced with a super charge of energy, allowing me to have the most intense mind expansion anyone had ever imagined. I could create and do anything in my mind, and see it, like it was happening. I had a rush of euphoric, more intense than the greatest LSD and mushroom euphoria put together by a million. I still was in touch with aliens, but I could not see them, not physically that is. This feeling lasted for at the least of an additional 40 to 50 minutes after the heaven I had just left. I smiled, looking down at a text from my roommate, who had been staying at his girlfriend's that week, "Well, what happened man? How did it go? Did you see aliens again?"

I didn't even respond. I didn't have too, because I knew that the physical realm was nothing more than a illusion, I knew that the spiritual realm, the infinite realm, was and would always be the more beautiful and more intelligent realm. I knew this, because the aliens knew this. I was filled with the greatest feeling I have ever felt, it was the greatest experience I had ever experienced, it was better than anything real, better than anything here. I then knew to myself, that I had become, addicted. Physically no, but my mental mysticism and desire was so intensely obsessed about what was going on.

For the remainder of the night I listened to some Trance Techno for a few hours and then I fell asleep like a baby, and remember having some very intense dreams with memories of seeing the aliens while I was asleep. When I awoke, my roommate had came back and was so curious, so concerned about what had happened. I remember his exact words, "Dude what the hell happened last night man, look at his crazy text you sent me!" I looked at his phone, and smiled, even though I should of been freaked out. It was a text from me, that said,

"We Have shown your friend everything he needs to know.

We want you, too."

I didn't remember texting that at all. My friend was starting to worry and kind of freak out. What is going on man, is this really happening? Are these things really happening to you or are you messing with me?

I looked down, now confused again, is this real? Do I even know what real is anymore? What is happening to me? I think I am either actually discovering the secrets of the world, or slowly slipping into insanity. Oh my.

That night, I sat there, looking at it. Looking at the DMT, loaded in the pipe, ready to go. What should I do I thought? I have to get back to where I was, they told me I could go back whenever I wanted. It was decided!

I did it in the same place, around the same time, with the same dose.

Energy began to flow like before, alien telepathic communications were strong, I began to look up, and close my eyes, only to be shot back into that mystical alien spaceship I was in before the hyperspace heaven. I was on one of those machines that carry stuff in like a factory, being rolled through some kind of processor data analyzer machine, seeing the aliens all around me, looking down at me, angry. They were so intimidating, angry, upset, mad at me, but I didn't know why. I wasn't in the beautiful place they had taken me before, but I was in a more physical realm, but different dimension. They were just looking at me, sucking all of the intelligence out of me that they had given me before, angry at me for some reason. I didn't know why, I didn't know what I did, I didn't understand. I was shot out the spaceship quicker than normal, and back kind of sort of to my reality, except my body was once again changing as I looked at it. My hands were complete monkey, along with big hairy arms, I felt like I was actually a monkey, and I thought I had began to scream like a monkey, Ooh Ooh, Ee Ee, Ah Ah!!!! I felt lost, I felt like part of my brain was crazy, and I was no longer super intelligent, and there was also no more strong intense euphoria like before, what had happened!?! Why?!? No!!!

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

After I was completely down, I began to really rethink reality and what has happened to me in the last week. Perhaps it was time for me to leave the substance alone for a while. I need a week or so, to settle down, think about what has happened, try and figure out what was going on. I needed help I thought, not from a doctor, I wasn't completely crazy yet, I am still in touch with my own reality, but I am very well beginning to question reality like no other time in my life. I feel as though, that I, have broken through to another level of DMT. That I have went to a level pass DMT, made contact with the other side, like they had connected to me. The things that had been happening to me were nothing like a drug. Nothing like LSD or anything like it could ever do what this has done, not even close. This substance was something else, a key, a key to our chemical structure, a key to our DNA, the key to life. I thought that I had been living in a Science-Fiction Horror movie, and that I was quite possibly on the edge of going insane. I just don't know what to think about all of this.

I know that coming here, sharing my story, would probably be the best place, because I don't think there is anywhere else on the net that has more experience with the substance than some of the people here. I just want to really, really make sure, that there are others out there that have had similar experiences to mine. Because I really need to talk to somebody who has went through DMT - Alien Abduction experiences, because I wanna feel like this is suppose to happen, and that it can happen to others. It is as though as that the more I have done the DMT, the stronger the connections are with the aliens, and the weird thing is that I am using the same dose, but the experience keeps exceeding. The smoke just goes through me like air, like nothing, rather in the beginning it was one of the harshest smokes I have ever tasted. I suppose that is just me getting used to it, but it all just seems so unreal, so alien, and my mind doesn't know what to think. I checked the wiki health and safety, and it has helped me understand that what I am going through is in fact a small case of mental psychosis, but I am still sort of confused and afraid, trying to get back in touch with my own reality. I suppose DMT just isn't something every mind can handle, even though I thought I could, and possibly still can, I think it's safe to say that I need to leave the spice alone for a good while.

It is unfortunate that this is the reason that I have gotten myself to finally sign up on this forum, but I am glad that I did, I sense that hopefully I will be able to make out a better understanding of what that is going on with me, through some of you here. So please, share your opinions on my story, and I am sorry if I should of put this in the DMT experiences, I wasn't really sure. Thanks much! Oh, and yes there is one more thing. I would just like to say, that DMT is the most beautifully terrifying strongest immortal alien like substance that cast a giant shadow to any other substance on this planet. Even though it may be making me go a little crazy, it will always stand among not only all drugs/psychedelics, but stand above the most complex and most mysterious mysteries in our world and understanding today. But I am sure, that most of you, if not all, already know this.

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#2 Posted : 2/24/2011 3:59:45 AM


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DMT is for real. It is no joke, and should be taken seriously.

I've had (and I'm sure many others here too) many experiences with the aliens. I've been on the ship, they teach me things. I'm convinced it is a real place DMT takes me.

The key is integration. You have to integrate the experience into your everyday life. Find what this all means to you. Why are they showing you these things. Don't go back till you integrate your experiences.

The aliens have always been good to me. There is no need to fear them. They have much to teach.
#3 Posted : 2/24/2011 4:09:07 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Salvia divinorum expertSenior Member

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Wow! That was a good post. Your writing style kept me riveted from beginning to end.

Welcome to hyperspace! Now you have a better idea of what it’s all about. You’re not going crazy, but your decision to take a break is a good one. You need some time to integrate these experiences.

Many of us, myself included, have had contact with entities or “aliens”. Some consider them to be aspects of our subconscious, others consider them to exist somewhere “out there”, still others (i.e. me) consider them to exist in an immaterial realm beyond our physical universe.

In your “conclusion” section, you wrote “That I have went to a level pass DMT, made contact with the other side, like they had connected to me.” You haven’t gone past DMT. What you experienced is not uncommon. It is possible to go still further.

Don’t feel bad about joining the forum as a consequence of a difficult experience. I used DMT and lurked the forum for almost a year before I joined – it was a traumatic DMT experience that led me to join (and I suspect many others as well).

Welcome to the forum.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#4 Posted : 2/24/2011 5:05:21 AM


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like gibran said, you came to the right place. These experiences can be hard to talk about to normal people. Here there are many that have been through what you have.

#5 Posted : 2/24/2011 5:31:09 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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You guys have no idea how good it feels (well I suppose you probably do) to hear another individual out there tell you that what has happened to me was a very normal thing. What a great and magical thing DMT is, what a great and magical thing this forum is, Excelsior!

Thanks much for the welcome! Wink
#6 Posted : 2/24/2011 5:31:43 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I joined because of this post and my experiences with dmt you will be fine. Learning things that you can not from every day life always take there tole but if you learn from them your can greatly use them to your advantage. DMT is a powerful substance should be taken with care and in the right settings. Be well Be safe and, breaks are always a good thing. I will always believe too much of any one thing is always negative no matter what it is.

"It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the result of musical perception".

-Albert Einstein, speaking about his theory of relativity.
#7 Posted : 2/24/2011 6:17:06 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1369
Joined: 22-Jan-2010
Last visit: 07-Mar-2014
You have had a strong introduction in to another dimension of existence you didn't know about. You seem pretty frazzled about it, so yes definitely take a break from use.

You have been privileged to experience a different level of existence. It doesn’t mean there’s anything special about you or the experience. Anyone under the same influence would experience something similar. It’s an amazing experience. I know you would have never imagined such an experience could exist, but the fact is, those experiences do exist. Yes, that really is potentially part of life. Yes, life really is that incredible. I am ever so grateful for that. I know you’re freaked out about it now, maybe you feel like you want other people to know, like this is something other people should know about, like there’s something you need to do, like some change is on the horizon. That’s your mind rethinking its own reality. A new variable has come in to play, and your mind is attempting to re-arrange its views in order to make sense of this new, confounding experience. It doesn’t mean you’re going crazy, you’re just frazzled at the moment, maybe a bit overwhelmed. In time, things will calm down.

For one thing, no matter how extraordinary your experience was, experiences are forgotten over time. Have you ever noticed how when the spring time air hits, you realize you’ve forgotten how good summer feels compared to winter? It happens to me every year, no matter how many seasons I go through. I have kept a journal for much of my life. Sometimes I look back at experiences ten years ago, experiences that at the time were absolutely out of this world. There were times of great joy. Then I realize I have completely forgotten about those feelings I thought I would never forget. Feelings I swore I would never forget. And if it weren’t for my writing those feelings down, I probably would have never thought about them again. If a person really wants to forget what they’ve experienced on spice, it can mostly be forgotten, but will take time. You will remember that you had an out of this world experience, but you probably won’t specifically remember exactly why it was so enticing. After many spice journeys, the deepest details of trips are still quite elusive. Then during the experience, it’s like “oh yeah!! How could I have forgotten this?” This is a common phenomenon among people here, in the same way that it is difficult to capture dreams, or grasp eternity, so to is the spice experience difficult to grasp, and integrate. However, those serious about using spice as a learning tool can benefit tremendously.

And, after many trips, a lot of the experienced users here are no closer to understanding exactly what it is they go through, or what it is they experience. Just like we are no closer to understanding the ultimate question, “what is existence”, or “who am I?” We have found that life is a mystery, we don’t know the answers…. yet we can learn about our emotions, how we navigate through the world, and how we interact with other beings. A prominent message to be learned from communication with the others worldly spice, is a message of love. We take that message and try to use it in our lives.

Yes, I have encountered things and beings and angels that absolutely seem like “aliens” …. like beings from another “dimension”, watching my life and this world. I don’t know if it is true, though it seems apparent at the time. Even if these aliens we see do have some kind of existence, the question still remains, “what are they”. We don’t know. We are all subject to the total mystery of existence. But as I was reminded in a recent spice trip, if there is any power in this universe, it is the power of ones own attitude. Can you navigate through this world with the same sense of love that the “aliens” showered upon you? It’s not easy. It takes some getting used to, and you’ll find no one is perfect. And can you navigate through this world without self judgement, not wallowing in your own failure, if you find that are not a perfect being, that’s you’re unable to be loving all the time? Can you be at peace? Love and hate are at the extreme ends of the scale, as are extreme riches and poverty, exuberant health, and poor health… But inner peace is available to all.

"Going crazy" is something that is potentially within all of us. I know most people out there are afraid they might go "insane". They're afraid they'll lose respect of others, everything about you would become invalid if it's determined that you're crazy. Everyone goes crazy every single night in sleep. But most people snap out of it as soon as they wake up. The mind is designed to go through stages of rational thought, then that area of mind falls asleep, then boots itself back up again in to this thing we call the "real world". The fact that you might have had odd experiences or unusual thoughts doesn't mean you're crazy any more than a weird dream you had where you thought you could fly. As long as you can function in the real world, you'll be fine.

What makes a person crazy? Here's some advice; don't go around telling people that what you've experienced is absolute reality, that anyone who disagrees doesn't know what they're talking about. Don't think you have any kind of special powers. All that happened to you was your brain's reaction to a molecule. Without that molecule, you experience existence as you experience it now. Under the influence of other molecules, you experience something different. There is no possible way to say any experience is more or less real than any other experience. However, in what we call "the real world", there is a thing called consensual reality. You will find it won't do you any good in this dimension if you oppose or question consensual reality. Most people here don't want to discuss it, find no point in discussing it, believe consensual reality is all there is, and will label you insane if you profess otherwise. There are a few problems with that. First, speaking beyond consensual reality causes conflict with other apparent beings. People don't like to have their reality messed with. They'll suspect you are crazy, and you'll suspect them of being closed minded, you'll start thinking of other people as somehow being against you. You'll feel isolated. Also, you might start to believe them. Taking yourself too seriously will have a detrimental effect on you as a person, so just relax, be grateful for your experience, do all the normal tasks you have to do in this world to survive, and don’t go thinking you know everything.

Most people cannot relate to the hyperspace experience, so if you are going to interact with others, just communicate with them in ways that they can understand. It seems that common themes in hyperspace travels are love, peace, understanding, tolerance, being humble. Interact with others in a way that is in accordance with those teachings. It is definitely possible to talk to relate with anyone on a consensual level without getting mystical about it, thus crossing potential boundaries in consensual reality.

"I checked the wiki health and safety, and it has helped me understand that what I am going through is in fact a small case of mental psychosis,"

Look, don't let wikipedia tell you you're crazy. There are people in this world who will tell you that you're evil if you touch yourself. There are people who would even kill you for it. Who can really tell you you're crazy? If you feel you are losing your ability to function, then take psychosis seriously, and get off the spice. If you feel you are seeing things that aren't there in everyday life, then take psychosis seriously. But don't believe you're going crazy just because you've had some weird experiences. As stated, "psychosis" is potentially within everyone. The brain naturally goes through its own little psychotic episodes every night.

Unfortunately, a lot of people in this world are quick to assume psychosis if you talk about anything that is out of the ordinary. Similarly, a lot of people will be quick to label themselves psychotic if they experience anything that seems out of the ordinary. People aren’t really taught in school that mystical experiences do happen, and in fact they can happen to anyone. The problem with believing you’re insane is that you might start to act like it, even if you aren’t insane. You’ll start thinking you’re different, even though you’re not. Don’t buy in to your own press. If you believe it, and other people believe it, you will experience that reality.

Another thing, if you do decide to delve back in usage, you’re going to find that it isn’t the same every time. You can’t capture a single experience, and expect it to always be that way. You may experience moments of absolute perfection, but you have to realize they are only moments. Those moments pass, and sometimes are never experienced again. At some points I have gone in to trips with the intention of recapturing the magic of past trips. When I got in to a trip, I would encounter a sad crying entity. I asked it why it was sad and it said it wept for me because I have been grasping at the past. It said it has infinite love to give, and it wants to give it to me, but I will not let it happen because I grasp for a moment in the past, something that does not exist. The message was to accept the love that is always given in the present moment, if only I would open to it. I often get the message that there is always something new to learn, always another area to explore. Always another way to open up.
#8 Posted : 2/24/2011 6:43:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 37
Joined: 24-Feb-2011
Last visit: 07-Nov-2024
Apoc wrote:
You have had a strong introduction in to another dimension of existence you didn't know about. You seem pretty frazzled about it, so yes definitely take a break from use.

You have been privileged to experience a different level of existence. It doesn’t mean there’s anything special about you or the experience. Anyone under the same influence would experience something similar. It’s an amazing experience. I know you would have never imagined such an experience could exist, but the fact is, those experiences do exist. Yes, that really is potentially part of life. Yes, life really is that incredible. I am ever so grateful for that. I know you’re freaked out about it now, maybe you feel like you want other people to know, like this is something other people should know about, like there’s something you need to do, like some change is on the horizon. That’s your mind rethinking its own reality. A new variable has come in to play, and your mind is attempting to re-arrange its views in order to make sense of this new, confounding experience. It doesn’t mean you’re going crazy, you’re just frazzled at the moment, maybe a bit overwhelmed. In time, things will calm down.

For one thing, no matter how extraordinary your experience was, experiences are forgotten over time. Have you ever noticed how when the spring time air hits, you realize you’ve forgotten how good summer feels compared to winter? It happens to me every year, no matter how many seasons I go through. I have kept a journal for much of my life. Sometimes I look back at experiences ten years ago, experiences that at the time were absolutely out of this world. There were times of great joy. Then I realize I have completely forgotten about those feelings I thought I would never forget. Feelings I swore I would never forget. And if it weren’t for my writing those feelings down, I probably would have never thought about them again. If a person really wants to forget what they’ve experienced on spice, it can mostly be forgotten, but will take time. You will remember that you had an out of this world experience, but you probably won’t specifically remember exactly why it was so enticing. After many spice journeys, the deepest details of trips are still quite elusive. Then during the experience, it’s like “oh yeah!! How could I have forgotten this?” This is a common phenomenon among people here, in the same way that it is difficult to capture dreams, or grasp eternity, so to is the spice experience difficult to grasp, and integrate. However, those serious about using spice as a learning tool can benefit tremendously.

And, after many trips, a lot of the experienced users here are no closer to understanding exactly what it is they go through, or what it is they experience. Just like we are no closer to understanding the ultimate question, “what is existence”, or “who am I?” We have found that life is a mystery, we don’t know the answers…. yet we can learn about our emotions, how we navigate through the world, and how we interact with other beings. A prominent message to be learned from communication with the others worldly spice, is a message of love. We take that message and try to use it in our lives.

Yes, I have encountered things and beings and angels that absolutely seem like “aliens” …. like beings from another “dimension”, watching my life and this world. I don’t know if it is true, though it seems apparent at the time. Even if these aliens we see do have some kind of existence, the question still remains, “what are they”. We don’t know. We are all subject to the total mystery of existence. But as I was reminded in a recent spice trip, if there is any power in this universe, it is the power of ones own attitude. Can you navigate through this world with the same sense of love that the “aliens” showered upon you? It’s not easy. It takes some getting used to, and you’ll find no one is perfect. And can you navigate through this world without self judgement, not wallowing in your own failure, if you find that are not a perfect being, that’s you’re unable to be loving all the time? Can you be at peace? Love and hate are at the extreme ends of the scale, as are extreme riches and poverty, exuberant health, and poor health… But inner peace is available to all.

"Going crazy" is something that is potentially within all of us. I know most people out there are afraid they might go "insane". They're afraid they'll lose respect of others, everything about you would become invalid if it's determined that you're crazy. Everyone goes crazy every single night in sleep. But most people snap out of it as soon as they wake up. The mind is designed to go through stages of rational thought, then that area of mind falls asleep, then boots itself back up again in to this thing we call the "real world". The fact that you might have had odd experiences or unusual thoughts doesn't mean you're crazy any more than a weird dream you had where you thought you could fly. As long as you can function in the real world, you'll be fine.

What makes a person crazy? Here's some advice; don't go around telling people that what you've experienced is absolute reality, that anyone who disagrees doesn't know what they're talking about. Don't think you have any kind of special powers. All that happened to you was your brain's reaction to a molecule. Without that molecule, you experience existence as you experience it now. Under the influence of other molecules, you experience something different. There is no possible way to say any experience is more or less real than any other experience. However, in what we call "the real world", there is a thing called consensual reality. You will find it won't do you any good in this dimension if you oppose or question consensual reality. Most people here don't want to discuss it, find no point in discussing it, believe consensual reality is all there is, and will label you insane if you profess otherwise. There are a few problems with that. First, speaking beyond consensual reality causes conflict with other apparent beings. People don't like to have their reality messed with. They'll suspect you are crazy, and you'll suspect them of being closed minded, you'll start thinking of other people as somehow being against you. You'll feel isolated. Also, you might start to believe them. Taking yourself too seriously will have a detrimental effect on you as a person, so just relax, be grateful for your experience, do all the normal tasks you have to do in this world to survive, and don’t go thinking you know everything.

Most people cannot relate to the hyperspace experience, so if you are going to interact with others, just communicate with them in ways that they can understand. It seems that common themes in hyperspace travels are love, peace, understanding, tolerance, being humble. Interact with others in a way that is in accordance with those teachings. It is definitely possible to talk to relate with anyone on a consensual level without getting mystical about it, thus crossing potential boundaries in consensual reality.

"I checked the wiki health and safety, and it has helped me understand that what I am going through is in fact a small case of mental psychosis,"

Look, don't let wikipedia tell you you're crazy. There are people in this world who will tell you that you're evil if you touch yourself. There are people who would even kill you for it. Who can really tell you you're crazy? If you feel you are losing your ability to function, then take psychosis seriously, and get off the spice. If you feel you are seeing things that aren't there in everyday life, then take psychosis seriously. But don't believe you're going crazy just because you've had some weird experiences. As stated, "psychosis" is potentially within everyone. The brain naturally goes through its own little psychotic episodes every night.

Unfortunately, a lot of people in this world are quick to assume psychosis if you talk about anything that is out of the ordinary. Similarly, a lot of people will be quick to label themselves psychotic if they experience anything that seems out of the ordinary. People aren’t really taught in school that mystical experiences do happen, and in fact they can happen to anyone. The problem with believing you’re insane is that you might start to act like it, even if you aren’t insane. You’ll start thinking you’re different, even though you’re not. Don’t buy in to your own press. If you believe it, and other people believe it, you will experience that reality.

Another thing, if you do decide to delve back in usage, you’re going to find that it isn’t the same every time. You can’t capture a single experience, and expect it to always be that way. You may experience moments of absolute perfection, but you have to realize they are only moments. Those moments pass, and sometimes are never experienced again. At some points I have gone in to trips with the intention of recapturing the magic of past trips. When I got in to a trip, I would encounter a sad crying entity. I asked it why it was sad and it said it wept for me because I have been grasping at the past. It said it has infinite love to give, and it wants to give it to me, but I will not let it happen because I grasp for a moment in the past, something that does not exist. The message was to accept the love that is always given in the present moment, if only I would open to it. I often get the message that there is always something new to learn, always another area to explore. Always another way to open up.

This is exactly what I wanted to hear. You are absolutely right. It's just, when you get placed into something like I went too, by your self, for the first time, with not knowing another individual who has ever even gotten close to where your state of mind was, it can be some what frightening. I believe that I am really just in a little shocked of how powerful this stuff actually was, and didn't have anyone to really talk to about it in life. So I started forming the assumption that I was going a little crazy, but I can see now, for sure, that everything is going to be OKAY. I will take all of your advice, as it has helped me so much, and I thank you along with everyone else once again.
#9 Posted : 2/24/2011 6:52:26 AM

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Stridency wrote:
This is exactly what I wanted to hear. You are absolutely right. It's just, when you get placed into something like I went too, by your self, for the first time, with not knowing another individual who has ever even gotten close to where your state of mind was, it can be some what frightening. I believe that I am really just in a little shocked of how powerful this stuff actually was, and didn't have anyone to really talk to about it in life. So I started forming the assumption that I was going a little crazy, but I can see now, for sure, that everything is going to be OKAY. I will take all of your advice, as it has helped me so much, and I thank you along with everyone else once again.

Glad you're doing good. I wonder how I would have taken my spice experience if I didn't know other people experience the same thing. I don't know...... I think my first time I did actually think I was the only one who had that experience. I think I thought to myself something like, "why didn't anyone tell me about this!? Why aren't people talking about this?" Later I realized, people are talking about it, and people did tell me, I just had no way of knowing what they were talking about until I experienced it myself. Their words were just words within the limited understanding I had at the time. Then it really happened to me, and it was like, "impossible! Absolutely impossble! Yet here it is"
#10 Posted : 2/24/2011 7:00:21 AM


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That is what i love about Nexus. I am not alone.

This reminds me of how the Spirit Molecule participants created a support group, because they had no one to talk to about the experience and needed to talk about it with someone who understands.

I'm glad you are all here to help me and guide me through my journey.
#11 Posted : 2/24/2011 7:14:10 AM

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seven7seven wrote:

I'm glad you are all here to help me and guide me through my journey.

Hey Stewie, good to have you here! I know you're smart for your age, but aren't you a little young to be here? Oh well. I guess in your interdimensional travels, you wound up here somehow. How's it going in the universe where there's nothing but a really far away guy who yells compliments? Bring Brian along to hyperspace.
#12 Posted : 2/24/2011 7:17:20 AM

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Apoc wrote:
Glad you're doing good. I wonder how I would have taken my spice experience if I didn't know other people experience the same thing. I don't know...... I think my first time I did actually think I was the only one who had that experience. I think I thought to myself something like, "why didn't anyone tell me about this!? Why aren't people talking about this?" Later I realized, people are talking about it, and people did tell me, I just had no way of knowing what they were talking about until I experienced it myself. Their words were just words within the limited understanding I had at the time. Then it really happened to me, and it was like, "impossible! Absolutely impossble! Yet here it is"

I know right? The Craziness! Laughing

seven7seven wrote:
I've had (and I'm sure many others here too) many experiences with the aliens. I've been on the ship, they teach me things. I'm convinced it is a real place DMT takes me.

The aliens you see, are they the Greys by any chance?

These are the only types of alien beings I have been abducted by or encountered so far, while in hyperspace, it's so insane.
#13 Posted : 2/24/2011 7:42:44 AM

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There's so much to this human experience that we have in fact not accessed or experienced yet... I don't think you're crazy at all; you just were introduced to a different view, another layer of existence and perception that is so different from what you have known so far that it puts all your models of reality and all your understandings to a test.

So it's time for some restructuring of your mind, to fit this one into your model of existence. The universe is not simply made up of physical matter, but all the meta-structures and energetic patterns that arise from it, all the thoughts, all the experiences are part of it too, and inseparable from each other. How do we fit all of this together?

I suppose this is our great missions.
Buckminster Fuller said in his Synergetics book that perhaps humans are where the fundamental questions of the universe are being solved. We are like instruments for understanding the universe, but by being created we have changed the universe as well, creating more to be questioned and understood. Our evolution is perhaps always one step ahead of our (or the universal) understanding, so that every transformation and revelation leads to a new question that will pull us forward.
Questioning and trying to understand the mystery that we are presented with seems to be the nature of our being. Being is a mystery and vice versa...

I don't believe you are crazy. You just found a new set of questions that you will have to transform yourself to understand. But I assume it will only get weirder thereafter Smile

embrace the bewilderment.

cheers & love
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
#14 Posted : 2/24/2011 1:09:04 PM

Harvie Krumpet

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Stridency wrote:
So please, share your opinions on my story

If you say so. Your writing is excellent. You sound coherent, so I honestly don't know why you think you need to go to a mental ward. Is it because you want help? If so you probably made a good decision by coming here first.

Although, have you given any more thought about where that text message came from? I'd like to hear more about that. Also (I just gotta know), you use the term DMT so I must assume that you believe in atomic theory and molecular theory, but to what other branches of science do you subscribe? Cell theory, perhaps? Physics? Do you believe that reality is composed entirely of energy?

I'm glad you posted this and I'd like to help you, as I'm sure others do. Honestly though, I don't know what to say. I've had some intense experiences with DMT but I can't say I've seen aliens. (I had a conversation with what I thought was God or some other stressed-out benevolent being but now believe was myself). So are you looking for integration advice? Someone else who has seen the aliens? Whatever it is, you can probably find it here.

Oh, and unless DMT is the only drug you've done, I'd advise against going to a mental clinic or hospital over this issue unless there is something physiologically wrong with you. These facilities tend to have a low opinion of drug users, although I could be wrong.
Every tool is dangerous when misused. That is no reason not to use tools.
Isn't it strange that a gift can be an enemy?
#15 Posted : 2/24/2011 4:09:18 PM


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Stridency wrote:

The aliens you see, are they the Greys by any chance?

These are the only types of alien beings I have been abducted by or encountered so far, while in hyperspace, it's so insane.

Yes, I see the greys most often. There are many other beings that dwell in hyperspace, but the greys intrigue me (and contact me) the most.
#16 Posted : 2/24/2011 5:12:31 PM


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I've had entities contact me, and probe me in both good and bad ways.
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#17 Posted : 2/24/2011 6:34:53 PM

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I have had experiences very similar to this with Salvia. And it's reports like this that make me hesitant to take that extra little bit of DMT and breakthrough. I'm still trying to integrate the lessons Salvia has (and continues) to show me, so I'm genuinely frightened that if I add a DMT breakthrough on top of all that, that I might slip into psychosis.

The point of my post is, it's not only DMT that can take you to a place such as this. Salvia has taken me there as well. And there is a much smaller community out there who speak of things like this with Salvia, therefore much less reassurance. Salvia isn't as pleasant as DMT, so people don't push as far with it as they do with the Spice. I've always been one to learn the hard way, and Salvia seems to suit me at present, more so than DMT.
#18 Posted : 2/25/2011 2:45:28 AM

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Newfound_wonder wrote:

Although, have you given any more thought about where that text message came from? I'd like to hear more about that.

Actually, I have in fact given more thought on what exactly that was all about. Either it was in fact a paranormal phenomena, or I was so sucked into the DMT trip that I texted it thinking I was an alien. Either way, I have no memory of it ever happening, trippy right?

Just today, something once again mind blowing happened again. I haven't been back to hyperspace since I first posted my introduction essay/trip report which was about two days ago. However, yesterday, my roommate finally gained the courage to endure into hyperspace. We wanted to see if he would experience a similar experience, an alien abduction.

I do not believe, that he had gotten to the same places I had gotten, and that he had teleported into another dimension, but this how he described it.

"I don't know what happened, that was so crazy. I remember looking up, and seeing a huge orb. I think it was an alien spaceship possibly, or a closed eye, I don't know. I don't know what happened. There was a presence though, that's for sure."

So he leaves this morning to go to his girlfriend's house when I suddenly get a phone call less than hour ago from him. He was trying to explain to me that he had just been abducted by aliens, and that he had saw the orb, except he knew that it was in fact an alien spaceship, and he could see the face of the Greys all around him. No spice was involved, it was like he had an intense "flashback" of some sort. I didn't believe him at first, because I had never came close to having anything like a flashback or anything of that matter from heavy LSD usage and currently DMT usage, but he was totally freaking out, and at first I thought possibly he was just messing with me, but he isn't usually the one that plays around like that at all. He said his mind just left for about minute, and he was abducted.

Things just continue to get weirder and weirder.
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