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Videos that remind you of salvia Options
#21 Posted : 2/18/2011 5:04:24 AM

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Apoc wrote:
jbark wrote:
Apoc wrote:
OMG!!! I've found it!! A video that perfectly portrays the salvia experience. This is too perfect http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ5TajZYW6Y

DAMN DAMN TRIPLE DAMN you Apoc!!Very happy Ya got me - I'm down for the count, but I'm never gonna give...up!!


It is funny, but not meant to be a joke in the way that a typical Roll is. I really do feel like the salvia experience is the ultimate Rick Roll. Take in some smoke..... you've been Sage Rolled. Even more synchronous is that salvia can literally make you feel you're being rolled.

you just struck fear in my heart...Shocked
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#22 Posted : 2/18/2011 6:01:28 AM

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That's actually a strangely apt analogy... at least for smoked salvia, the experience is like a cosmic rickroll.
#23 Posted : 2/18/2011 6:21:03 AM

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Pretty salvia to me, especially the 360 degree rolling across the floor
#24 Posted : 2/18/2011 7:00:52 AM

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the_ki wrote:

Pretty salvia to me, especially the 360 degree rolling across the floor

Yes! She only tried salvia twice (bong hits of un-enhanced leaf) and this sort of stretching/falling/fucking with the equilibrium was very uncomfortable, she says. Does the quid high do the same? She also didn't like the creepy paranoia! Open to the quid on a lazy day if that could provide more dream and less freak. Please inform.
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#25 Posted : 2/18/2011 11:06:58 AM

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Hahahaha Apoc, that was fantastic. Laughing
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#26 Posted : 2/18/2011 3:21:42 PM

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Apoc wrote:
OMG!!! I've found it!! A video that perfectly portrays the salvia experience. This is too perfect http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ5TajZYW6Y

Now you've done it. Salvia will R.R. you good next time you smoke. Wouldn't that be funny?Smile
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#27 Posted : 2/18/2011 3:28:23 PM

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Eluna wrote:
After my only salvia trip (which was a ++++), i thought that i remembered of a tv ad that really resembled salvia, i looked high and low to find it and couldnt. but i did find a few others which were quite eerily farmiliar..

Let me know if any of these put your hairs on end Smile




If theres any other media you guys have that brings back some memories feel free to post Smile

Holy smoke! The coke one. I had a salvia trip a few years ago in which coca cola was prominently featured in each frame. It was like a view master time machine. I was traveling back to my old room during childhood.
This video is proof that coca cola is buying product placement ads in psychedelic trips! Or, I'm living in a Philip K. Dick novel. Laughing
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#28 Posted : 2/18/2011 3:42:24 PM

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Thanks for posting this one. This video imagery is the closest I have seen to the "non-Euclidian geometry" effect of Salvia Divinorum. Very happy

the_ki wrote:

Pretty salvia to me, especially the 360 degree rolling across the floor

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#29 Posted : 2/18/2011 5:23:49 PM

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the_ki wrote:

Pretty salvia to me, especially the 360 degree rolling across the floor

Holy smokes, now that's salvinorin inspired right there. Scary close. I like the end too.
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#30 Posted : 2/18/2011 8:28:51 PM

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the_ki wrote:

Pretty salvia to me, especially the 360 degree rolling across the floor

Yeah, that one is pretty good.
#31 Posted : 2/18/2011 8:37:36 PM

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I was posting this next video as a joke, but after watching it and listening to the lyrics, the damn thing is actually salviaesque. Smile

#32 Posted : 2/19/2011 12:52:00 AM

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the_ki wrote:

Pretty salvia to me, especially the 360 degree rolling across the floor

that one was salvia enough to cause a flash back!
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#33 Posted : 2/19/2011 8:00:21 AM

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Haven't really done salvia yet but Maybe I'm right in assuming 'the Truman show' is similar to the experience?
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#34 Posted : 2/20/2011 1:19:55 PM

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Morbiddoctor wrote:
Haven't really done salvia yet but Maybe I'm right in assuming 'the Truman show' is similar to the experience?

Similar in a way. The whole "everything is for you", as if you're the focal point somehow, is relatively common. I can't say there's a film that accurately portrays the Salvia experience. Some have moments...like Inception. I just watched that again the other day and the sky folding in on itself is eerily similar to a Salvia vision.

Oh, and that Shihad video is very good. Had me smiling and nodding at parts.
#35 Posted : 2/21/2011 1:47:51 PM

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burningmouth wrote:

I was posting this next video as a joke, but after watching it and listening to the lyrics, the damn thing is actually salviaesque. Smile


That video is not available in CanadaCrying or very sad

Any other links to it?

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
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