After a spell of 2 year depression I have recently found true love again.I found it in the form of blonde hair, blue eyes, beautiful smile, wishy washy ''i love you'' talk and kisses under the moonlight. This made me realize the importance oflove to our life. Love is the strongest psychadelic I know, I would happily give up a lot of things to love and now, I have that feeling, I am truly happy. Love is the only drug that makes one truly happy in my opinion (maybe its just that the novelty is still there but you know). I want to reaffirm the importance of love toeveryone.Go out there and love thy neighbour for who he truly is, I dont just mean sexual love but love for emotions,love for plants, lovefor trees and love for humanity and the world. Yes there are many things in this world that are wrong but there are also many things that are right and for this, we should be eternally thankful. DMT is good for personal development but there are other things that come with DMT and that is an appreciation for the pure things in life.
Anyway,I just wanted that on the nexus there is at least one serotonin enhanced lover who feels the love right now. I get the feeling that the times they are a-changing and I'm changing with them. Just wanted to know if anyone else on the nexus feels the same way about the way the world is going or is in love at the moment?
I have never ever taken part in the illicit and immoral use of dangerous narcotics nor is anything I say real. In reality, I'm a figment of your imagination and what I say has no meaning nor purpose. Don't take it seriously ''man''. The best you can do is ignore me, seriously.