Welcome to the Nexus!
What exactly failed in your extractions?
Regarding your beliefs, I will just make a couple of comments:
-I beleive that it is in the government's best intersts to remove rights from the proletariat and that we must change our gov. so this is not so.
I agree the current governing/economical system in general aroudn the world is unnefective and creates a lot of problem, but I dont believe in the old divisions of 'work force/proletariat vs elite'. I think this is an extremely black and white way of looking at things. I think in all sorts of classes we see examples of people who are conscious and people who are not. I like foucault's ideas of how every single citizen became in a way an agent to the Power, like 'guards', watching each other and reacting when someone acts against the norms. I think everybody is affected by brainwash/upbringing/propaganda, including the politicians themselves, and I think the fight for a better world must begin by looking inwardly and trying day-by-day to make ourselves better
-I beleive that ALL drugs and vices(I include weapons as a vice.) should be legalised and taxed, as laws against them are unenforcable and just create a new class of criminals.
I agree to some extent, at least about drugs, but I think this cannot work if there isnt a big investment in long term education and short-mid-long term harm-reduction. Regarding weapons, we had a
big discussion about this in the nexus which went round and round ad nauseum, I wrote all my views there.
In any case, personally I am very much against the gun industry and I think that as a whole this industry should be discouraged in big ways, and I feel very sad to live in a country that has a big gun industry and know that a lot of it goes to african countries and will be used for destroying a lot of lives

Again, I dont think simply forbidding guns would be a solution, but I definitely think we need to put in big question the whole necessity/validity of having a gun industry in the first place, and through education hopefully reducing this evil (imo) from our world.
-I beleive that cops, snitches, and stoolebirds are the three lowest forms of humanity(I only include criminals as snitches, honest citizens should feel free to call the cops).
I dont know what stoolebirds are, and I seriously detest snitching, plus coming from a third world country I have had several very bad experiences with cops, but I still wouldnt generalize and say that all cops in general are the lowest forms of humanity. I think the lowest forms of humanity resides in us all and we must daily struggle to overcome them and improve ourselves. I do think that the whole idea of someone with a badge that has an arbitrary socially-sanctioned power over you is very weird and think that ultimately if society had consciousness, it wouldnt be necessary, and I avoid cops completely, but I dont think all cops are necessarily bad people with bad intentions.
One last thing, regarding your intro essay, I would love to know about your psychedelic experiences. Did you try any psychedelics yet? If so, which ones?
See you around!