universecannon wrote:Why do you still insist that there is a potential for abuse/addiction with dmt when ALL of the evidence suggests otherwise?
I didnt't mean physical addiction neccesarily. Probably the word addiction is a very sensitive one to use when talking about DMT. I also consider it a most valuable and sacred thing, but then again, what do we know? Heroin and cocaine were once labeled and packaged as safe medicine for children and considered extremely safe. I'm not insisting that dmt IS addictive, all the evidence seems to indicate the opposite, but do we know all the facts about chronic DMT use? just giving the benefit of the doubt.
universecannon wrote:while i agree that there is a huge trivialization of the mary jane experience nowadays, i don't think anything like that could happen with dmt. The tiny amount of ignorant people smoking a puff now and then for kicks will eventually do a higher dose soon enough, and get a proper ass kicking. I just can't see kids smoking a roll of changa on the sofa while watching mtv, eating cheese doodles, and talking about the latest lil wayne album.
Capitalism wouldn't dare to try and fit that wild pheonix into a package..it would only be digging itself a deeper hole in the ground by doing so..which is exactly why it pushes so hard against these plants
Don't you think anything like that could happen to DMT ever? Definitely not right now, but how about in 10 years from now to say something? A societies conception of value and reality change noticeable over time. Marihuana is a good example. Could you possibly conceive a stoner culture in the 1890's? If we go back 150 years on time i believe that the experience of smoking weed was times more intense than it is nowadays, even with the selective breeding and potent strains that we have today, because it was completely alien to mainstream America, just like dmt is today. The experience has mellowed down historically as our collective consciousness has expanded by means of using these plants on one level, but also with the technological progress, increase of population, and whatnot. (Not meaning to say smoking weed is trivial in every case, that is not my point). Try to imagine and compare an average kid from the 1800's to an average kid from the 2000's, and you will see how different they would seem. The complexification of stimuli, the widespread of information, and also complex novel experiences like DMT shape our reality and make it change over time. My point is that DMT could be co-opted by power EVENTUALLY. I don't like to put my hopes in some intrinsec quality of dmt that would keep it away from evil hands.
burnt wrote:DMT has thousands of years of experience. Just because one group uses it different then another group doesn't mean any is better or worse.
That being said there are probably a lot of idiots out there who will smoke dmt and get nothing out of it except some nice visuals. But who cares? I think that's half the fun. I wouldn't use psychedelics if I didn't consider them fun and or interesting. I personally don't believe in any of the spiritual stuff connected with their use so that entire way of using them doesn't apply to me.
I disagree. Ayahuasca brews have thousand of years of experience on a ritualistic shamanic context. Vaporizing freebase DMT in a modern late capitalist highly scientific society has barely 40 years of experience if so. Even with the similarity of experience and the fact that we are using the same molecule, refination of the chemical and the historic context make me think of them as different experiences. But i do think there's value in how one uses the experience. I don't see any problem in using DMT recreationally other than getting your ass kicked by it sometimes when approached too casually to it (saying this from experience :s) I'm not too fond either of the hardcore kundalini spiritual use of DMT, this could be such a burden and a bummer really. As long as it tries to define and conscript the experience to ONE WAY of use, is no different from the kid that uses it with the 'lets get fuccckeedd up dudee' spirit. If psychedelics have taught me something over the years is always to be yourself, question everything and try to find your own path from direct experience of the whole.