so- i've subscribed to vernon howard's secrets of life for years. every day i get a great little quote in my email. some long and meditative, some short and profound. all of them are awesome. i have a folder in my email where i keep them all so at this point i have the equivalent of a novel where every sentence is pure wisdom!
definitely worth looking into...
anyways, i got this one today. it's a little longer than most but man is it hitting the nail on the head for me. the last 3 sentences, in particular, are pretty much the summation of my life as it is now. hopefully it's not just something that i alone find poignant....i'm posting it because i think everyone will get something out of it. enjoy!
one of the most tormenting features of human life is that of making decisions.
Will you not agree that it's one of your more hounding situations of life,
having to make small decisions, large ones, afraid that you're
going to make the wrong one, hoping that by chance you'll make
the right one and get the reward that you hope to have? Making
decisions, to repeat, is one of the chief torments of human
existence and we do everything possible to avoid it. We ask
some one else, or we read a book, or we close our eyes and flip
a coin and go to the left or right whichever way the coin flips.
But whichever one we take, we're never, never, never at ease.
We wonder, 'Well, had I taken the other one, maybe I'd be happier
and maybe I'd be wealthier.'
To live in this sort of situation where you walk down the path
and every hundred yards or so you run into a choice, this is a
very elementary way to live, and it is no way to live. Where you
have to make choices at all, you are still a sleeping human being.
You're a human being who hasn't risen above their intellect where
the necessity for choices exist. You are simply a thinking human
being instead of a seeing human being."
with the deepest love and gratitude!!
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."