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#1 Posted : 2/16/2011 4:18:20 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Well where to start lol.First off, hello everyone! how are you all today? Im Cdoc and I actually stumbled upon this site today Razz SWIM, already pickin up on the lingo ;P, hasn't done drugs really, just the green and Dr. prescribed medications. However, swim is not totally naive in the area. For many years swim has had a big interest in them, how they work, etc. I have a big interest in the human body, how it works and functions, etc. I have no interest in hard drugs, and would not do them personally but to each his own, I have never been one to judge and will not start now. Everyone deserves respect and to be treated fairly. We are all equal in the grand scheme of things. However, swim may not be interested in those drugs but has always, always taken an interest in hallucinogens. Swim a very open minded person, and swim thinks hallucinogens can expand the mind. Ive studied a lot and many say some have changed entire perspectives on life!
But, I digress. Swim knows that DMT is a very powerful, very potent and should be respected entirely. Swim has never done a hallucinogen but after hearing about DMT he thinks it would be a wonderful experience and a great way to expand his mind.

Of course, swim is not naive and understands with no prior hallucinogen experience DMT may be too much. However, he thinks he is ready. What would you all advise? hes done a lot of research, has always had an interest, knows what to expect, but is it enough?

Anyway, sorry this is so long Razz I look forward to meeting everyone and sharing stories with this community. Its actually a community I have been looking for for a long time Smile
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 2/16/2011 4:35:02 AM

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Hello, welcome. You will find mixed opinions on what is considered the best entry into this world. While most people I know choose to try less intense (though that is not to say less profound) experiences such as mushrooms before going into DMT, I also know people who's first and only foray into any kind of chemical mind alteration is vaporized DMT. I say try what feels right. You said you understand that one should respect DMT. As long as you approach your extraction and experimentation you will find whatever depth you choose to explore to be quite rewarding.

Once again, Welcome! I would recommend looking over the health and safety section as well as the FAQ if you haven't already.

Happy Journeys!!!
"The mind acts like an enemy for those who cannot control it." -Krishna
#3 Posted : 2/16/2011 4:42:18 AM
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Will do Smile thank you for the welcome!
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#4 Posted : 2/16/2011 4:46:11 AM

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Greetings Cdoc!

Like yourself (I'm addressing SWIY), I haven't done very many drugs -- mostly clinical grade opiates (never long-term, once or twice), Marijuana once or twice, and a very light dose of psilocybe cubensis (about 1.5 grams). But like you, I felt drawn to DMT for some ineffable reason, though had similar reservations about its use.

If you haven't experienced psychedelics yet, I would suggest you start with low doses of DMT to get the feeling of the "reality-shift". It's not so much the colors, fractals, patterns, etc. that are the transformational tools embodied within the DMT experience, but rather the dissolution of duality and previous conceptions of reality. It's nearly impossible to verbalize without having experienced it, but you'll know immediately when you do so.

Now regarding your lack of experience -- some will say you need to try shrooms or lsd or something "lighter", but I disagree. I find that if one plans to do a full-blown breakthrough, all previous experiences are sort of thrown out of the window as far as contextual analysis of the experience is concerned. It will be difficult to even have a concept of memory or recollection of past experiences in hyperspace anyways, though I suppose the integration of the experience may benefit from a history of psychedelic use. But even integration has limited benefit from past experiences, as each experience (even within the DMT hyperspace) can be dramatically different from the next.

On that note, be prepared to have "good" and "bad" experiences, or what your egoic mind would label them. In my experience, each trip is neither good nor bad in the traditional sense; they merely exist as reflections of the deepest truth packaged in a way which is most congruent with one's current state of existence. If you are in a "bad" state prior to going in, you will sometimes experience what one would label a "bad" experience going through to the other side. A lot of this has to do with how immediately one labels an experience, and meditation helps with this. Most people label every single object, experience, and emotion that they ever encounter, as all conscious experience is filtered through the egoic mental processes.

However, at deeper/higher levels, DMT will shred your ego for a bit, or attempt to. Most people have problems when "they" (their cognitive identity, who they take themselves to be, their ego, etc.) try to hang on. That was my biggest problem; it's difficult to let go of who we all take ourselves to be, and to realize it's ultimately a false idea altogether (though most eastern philosophies, e.g., advaita vedanta, state this anyways). In some ways, it will be and even feel like dying. "Death" is really only a concept of the ego -- true awareness is inseparable from the present moment, which has no concept of death or future events. This is why Buddhists sometimes refer to Enlightenment as the "little death" or "the death before death".

So be willing to let go of "you" for a bit. The most important thing to remember is not to fight or resist the experience. Allow whatever it is you are experiencing to be, but do not personalize it. Merely "be the experience". In doing so, "you" (your deepest essence of conscious presence) will be revealed, and in doing so "you" will realize the falseness of separateness, and be once again rejoined with universal consciousness (as some experience, "returning home"Pleased.

With all that being said, throw away any preconceptions or expectations prior to making the jump. You won't need them Wink

-- Wanderer
Wandering back to the home I never left.

All posts made by this member (Wanderer) should be read and interpreted solely as fictional accounts of fantasy, and in no way represent or depict real events or the life of any living or deceased persons.
#5 Posted : 2/16/2011 5:44:25 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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wow, very insightful wanderer, thank you for your post Smile.
If its ok to ask, how many times have you "broken through"? i think is one of the terms...
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Bill Cipher
#6 Posted : 2/16/2011 6:08:32 AM

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Word, brotha. Very astute and right on the money.
#7 Posted : 2/16/2011 7:13:16 AM

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No problem!

In all honesty, I have yet to fully breakthrough on DMT alone, but I have inadvertently experienced very similar states of consciousness a number of times in the past (non-drug induced -- meditation leading to complete collapse of ego, albeit temporary). I have to admit I am extrapolating a little bit as to what the subjective experience of breakthrough is for me, but the closer I get to that point, the closer it mirrors my past states. Of course, that being said, the DMT experience is subjective itself, while at the same time shattering the idea that a subject is necessary for consciousness. Already I speak in paradoxes -- you'll find the nature of the experience necessitates the use of paradox to even attempt to describe it. But that's a good thing; many spiritual masters often say that if any spiritual doctrine or theology has no paradoxes or contradictions and makes sense to the mind, it is false.

-- Wanderer
Wandering back to the home I never left.

All posts made by this member (Wanderer) should be read and interpreted solely as fictional accounts of fantasy, and in no way represent or depict real events or the life of any living or deceased persons.
Wave Rider
#8 Posted : 2/16/2011 10:56:26 PM

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Welcome, Cdoc!

I agree with everything Wanderer said.

If I had it to do all over again (beginning psychedelics), I would prefer for my first psychedelic experience to be an intense ayahuasca journey. Honestly...I would. I know that there are a lot of people who would completely disagree, and that's ok. I am just giving another perspective, that I think it is better to dive in head first without all the baggage of other (lesser) experiences, just let go. Past experiences are a double edged sword, see, they can prepare you while giving you preconceptions. What Wanderer said is still very good advice. Maybe the best.

After all, in my opinion, a breakthrough is as far away from a light/moderate mushroom dose as it is from complete sobriety. Let me attempt an analogy: Sobriety is like standing on the ground, mushrooms are like standing on a tall building, a breakthrough is like flying past Pluto. May as well say it is worlds apart from both mushrooms and sobriety. They can't prepare you enough in relation to the preconceptions they can bring. They can't help you 'let go'. Just my humble opinion. I would rather go all the way.

Listen to others on this forum and do your research.

Best wishes on whatever you choose.

With a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever. Always thinking that just behind some narrow door in all of his favorite bars, men in red woolen shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he'll never know. - Hunter S. Thompson
#9 Posted : 2/19/2011 6:15:29 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Sorry, just got my laptop back on all. Thanks for the posts guys! I think it sounds amazing lol SWIM ordered some MHRB and also got naptha. Read an extractoin process on what to do. How much does 112 grams make usually?
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