ragabr wrote:Definitely look into doing a Manske off of Rue, or the Caapi harmala extraction. You'll save so much money, and know exactly what it is.
Yes, do this. It's safe, easy and I even find it quite fun.
As for the harmaline only trip, I think it's an acquired taste. I could imagine some people not liking it.
When using pure harmaline I usually take 200-300 mg which is at least 3x the dose needed for MAO inhibition. Expect to feel very sedated, almost like being stoned but less giddy. I find this substance produces the most amazing visual tracers with eyes open. With eyes closed I often see rather organic looking images like people's faces, building images of nature. Pretty much anything of this world with very little warping.
However I don't use this substance for this purpose anymore, as the mental fogging can become quite a nuisance and at this dosage it is possible to get a feeling like you've been poisoned. Not immensley, but there's definately a hint of that.
I much prefer to use a strong brew of straight ayahuasca from a good vendor these days. I find I can go way further into that headspace without as many side effects.