benzyme wrote:like frogs?
frogs is good teachers, they got singing down...
throat singing is awesome stuff, throat singing on psychedelics is amazing stuff, waves of harmonic vibrations that you can see feel and shape...
try harmonizing with your fridge or vacuum vibrations and then modulating the pitch and tone, then you can move onto frogs, they gots powerful vibrations.... shy... but powerful.
look up Tuvan throat singing, these people are masters at it.
in a way this can be a form of pure communication and interaction with the universe on a vibrational level, which is one of the ways the universe likes to do things...
but hoooo' boy do you look funny trying to learn, with your face all contorted making vrooooomm... vrooommmmmm sounds, just wait till you figure it out a little and want to show your friends, then you can watch them make the funny sounds.... hilarious!!!
this guy has a good web site to explore, good explanations and a forum, i dont think the forum is very active but has a good archive of info. is some of my fav. youtubers...
Hosoo Transmongolia the lights all shining on me, other times I can barely see....