I'm really loving the BLAB!
I have a few questions about the last step though....
I followed the directions carefully using the materials and quantities specified.
I had about 500 ml of D-limo from 8 pulls (didn't leave enough room in the gallon jug).
I added the FASI slowly and beautiful stuff did indeed start "falling out" of the D-limo (this is my favorite part- very cool chemistry
). After about 36 hours the solution seperated into layers with the top inch a clear, yellow tinted section, the middle still quite cloudy, and in the bottom a half inch or so of small crystals suspended in cloudy solution.
It seemed like the cloudy layer contained more good stuff (hence the cloudiness), so I added more FASI. More stuff precipitated and fell to the bottom. YAY!
So here are my questions:
Is there a specific amount of FASI that I shouldn't exceed for this extraction? It seems like I can keep adding, and it makes a cloudy layer and stuff precipitates. I started thinking maybe I'm precipitating the fumaric acid that I'm adding. Is that possible?
When I do get to the end of the precipitation part, do I pour the D limo through a coffee filter? I was imagining the DMT-fumarate being stuck to the jar, but that isn't happening, so I assume that I'll need to pour through a filter to catch the goods.
How do I clean the final product of excess fumaric acid? I read the FASA section and was thinking an acetone wash would do the trick, but I want make sure that's OK to do with this tek.
Thanks for the help!
Pokey the Leisurely