SWIMs Background: 23yo Male, Neuroscientist, Memory researcher... He has been coming to the nexus for about 3 years. He thinks 69ron is the man and would like me to thank him for sharing knowledge.
Yesterday, for the first time in 3.5 years of working with ayahuasca SWIM took without purging and Aya completely assimilated herself. Incidentally, the channel of communication was clearer than with smoked DMT.
2g Harmala Seeds (Syrian Rue)
30g Caapi Brew
20g Mimosa Brew
In that order 20 min spacing between each.
T: +0:00h
Slight stomach discomfort, slight mouth watering...
SWIM broke through for 2 hours real time.
There SWIM was in an alien jungle where wise purple tree/vine-like throbbing entities were prepared to offer him as much of their energy as SWIM needed. After a taste of their Light SWIM kindly refused—SWIM did not desire any more though it was beautiful. He felt tripti—the joy of being sated. The trip was about already having everything within. He chanted the Gayatri mantra ONCE during a moment of weakness. It made a huge difference— he felt the energy of the ancient Brahmins.
T: +2:00h
SWIM was standing still on a rock for an unknown amount of time. He opened his eyes to an emerald hummingbird a few inches away. It took notice and flew away. Then he heard the sound of his barefoot peeling off the rock. He felt a step had been taken.
Perfect harmony—no desire other than to help others. We are all in this together whether we all know it or not.
T: +3:00h
He called a friend at the end to speak/remember. The friend did not answer SWIMs call. SWIM felt pain. Then SWIM realized he had not returned an old friend’s phone call from 6 days ago (they hadn’t spoken in a year). He immediately called him back and he was overjoyed to get in touch. They spoke for a long time. The friend asked SWIM if he was on Chess.com and wanted to play. SWIM coincidentally had an account and they made plans to play chess online in the future.
T: +5:00h
Moments after this event the first friend called SWIM back and apologized for having missed his call because he was taking a nap. He wanted to meet up and blaze herbal. We kicked it.
T: +7:00h
After all this SWIM put on Shpongle and IMed a friend named Tripti (amazing name) she sent SWIM the image below. She never sends SWIM images and also has no idea about ayahuasca.
Coincidentally bountiful day.
“In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer” - Albert Camus
PhaseTransitions attached the following image(s):

(228kb) downloaded 35 time(s).“In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer” - Albert Camus