Rooftop wrote:wilderness face wrote: (he had previously verified his naptha was free of impurities by evaporating it as suggested)....
...SWIM subsequently put NEW naptha straight from the can into a jar in the freezer and pretty much the same thing happened. What he thought was white spice was impurities collecting and freezing out of the naptha. He tried this with xylol (same brand) and something _crystallized_ and is currently floating in the xylol.
These chemicals... a blessing AND a curse...
It would be very interesting to know how much naphta you test evaporated: if it was a (very) small quantity, maybe it wasn't enough to reveal impurities? If so, maybe you could test evap again with more naphta?
This could be very important info if it happens that impurities sometimes don't show up with evaporation but do with freezing...
I wish you a fast recovery.
SWIM appreciates everyone's good wishes. He now told me that he thinks what happened was an allergic immune-system type response which caused swelling and pain. He said he smoked herb yesterday which made it easier to breathe but also lowered his immune system and made him feel like he was coming down with something, although he continues to fight that notion. That was the basis for that particular hypothesis. He is not a doctor.
Although this guy test evapped a very small amount, he doesn't think that ANY impurities would be visible to the naked eye, without first freeze precipitating them out of the solvent thereby somehow concentrating them (is anyone a petrochemist???).
Basically, my concern is that there are very dangerous impurities in the[se] solvents, and the evap test, as prescribed in the faq, wiki, etc, are insufficient to determine these traces. I mean, is it coincidence that the time of the very peak of the enforcement of meth production is when these big-box hardware stores' "Naptha" changed into "VM&P Naptha"? What's the difference supposed to be? This was probably right around the same time most places stopped selling bottles of "pure lye", while common brand name drain cleaners became a mix of several different agents, or simply ceased to be sold.
This was a fresh can that was just opened and poured into a washed jar. His freezer was quite cold. Can anyone reproduce this?