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Flying Lotus directing is deemster heaven Options
#61 Posted : 2/10/2011 1:23:01 AM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
lbeing789 wrote:
is there a suitable word to describe the DMT community (meaning nexus+everything outside of nexus) that I can use in future?..seeing as everyone already has there own idea of what deemster means - and thats not meant to sound sharp.

Why not call it the DMT-community?

Will do. Just remember what I meant and not what I said. This happens with nexus all the time, they read a word, you tell them your meaning, and they still read it with their meaning.
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#62 Posted : 2/10/2011 1:26:54 AM

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elru wrote:
lbeing789 wrote:
is there a suitable word to describe the DMT community (meaning nexus+everything outside of nexus) that I can use in future?..seeing as everyone already has there own idea of what deemster means - and thats not meant to sound sharp.

the DMT community

yeah ok, I chose to use slang and I will do again, its up to you how you receive it.
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#63 Posted : 2/10/2011 1:41:36 AM


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lbeing789 wrote:
elru wrote:
lbeing789 wrote:
is there a suitable word to describe the DMT community (meaning nexus+everything outside of nexus) that I can use in future?..seeing as everyone already has there own idea of what deemster means - and thats not meant to sound sharp.

the DMT community

yeah ok, I chose to use slang and I will do again, its up to you how you receive it.

you can use the word the describe the dmt community all you want..but thats not going to change the fact that tons of people who buy/sell dmt use it in a different and much more disrespectful context than you- and many attributing it to dmt, as opposed to its users.

Saying "i use the term differently" wouldn't help..you'd just be adding to the problem still the same..

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#64 Posted : 2/10/2011 1:44:46 AM

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soulfood wrote:
Ok, biggest arguement argainst deemster here:


the ambiguity would now confuse me Razz Google had this as it's top result and when google speaks... I listen.

Now lets all vow not to get worked up over words that aint in the dictionary.

Also, cool vids Smile

Soulfood owns this thread

and im not a deemster!
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#65 Posted : 2/10/2011 1:46:55 AM

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universecannon wrote:
lbeing789 wrote:
elru wrote:
lbeing789 wrote:
is there a suitable word to describe the DMT community (meaning nexus+everything outside of nexus) that I can use in future?..seeing as everyone already has there own idea of what deemster means - and thats not meant to sound sharp.

the DMT community

yeah ok, I chose to use slang and I will do again, its up to you how you receive it.

you can use the word the describe the dmt community all you want..but thats not going to change the fact that tons of people who buy/sell dmt use it in a different and much more disrespectful context than you- and many attributing it to dmt, as opposed to its users.

Saying "i use the term differently" wouldn't help..you'd just be adding to the problem still the same..

You've misunderstood. I don't intend to use the term deemster again, at least not on nexus, because I've come to realise that people are very fussy about words and take it really seriously... I use the term with my social circle all the time, and if you use it with my meaning it's rather fitting... maybe I'll come up with a new slang word for the DMT cultists. Pleased peace out for tonight folks.. seriously loads of love. Sorry for dropping the F-bomb, I was smiling when I wrote it at least Smile
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#66 Posted : 2/10/2011 2:01:20 AM

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elru wrote:
Words have whatever meaning the listeners assign to them. If you want to be understood you need to speak the language of whomever you're talking to. On the nexus, deemster implies selling dmt. To argue that it's intended another way would be like if I were to say that the sky is red and then argue that I mean red in a different way than everyone else understands what red is. Maybe I come from a different country and the word red THERE refers to the color of the sky (which is called 'blue' HERE) but red means something different here, and if I want to be understood I'd better call the sky blue or else people will think I need new glasses. *shrug*

Yeah I agree with that. but here's the thing elru.... I didn't know deemster meant a dmt dealer to nexians, in fact that's only just clicked.. people pushing the point long after this understanding is reached though, I explained what I meant in detail. Don't forget I was posting links to videos! Also DMT dealers? thats an odd concept to me, maybe we should reclaim the word to mean users not dealers?? deemster to me feels like a user not a dealer, there aren't many dealers. whatever.
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#67 Posted : 2/10/2011 2:14:21 AM

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Ok all due respect accorded. You don't seem to get it so let me explain - I don't make the linguistic rules, I just recognize their existence, so don't shoot the messengerSmile :

Words are power. On an internet forum, all we have is words to define us, and "demarcate our territory", in the crudest of terms. Let me explain, with a few examples:

Let's say I am a pilot of Airbuses and high numeral Boeings; I have clocked thousands of hours of flight-time in years upon years of experience. I am a member of a community and a forum where a certian diction has evolved to express eloquently what I do, and the direction and path I have chosen, what I have devoted my life to and arduously followed for the larger portion of my life. All of a sudden a subculture of virtual pilots who play videogames and flight simulations arises, refering to themselves as "flysters". No problem... no problem at all. Kids are kids and subcultures are subcultures...

Then someone comes on the forum of professional, career dedicated pilots and refers to the members as "flysters", insinuating that their life's passion and devotion is actually indistinguishable from a prepubescent joystick wielding simulation "gamer"...

Words are potent: DEEMSTERS is a collegiate, fraternity evoking term for what people here take seriously. You didn't make it that way. I didn't. But show some humility and acknowledge that that is the reality of the vocabulary you employ.

Another example:

I am, let's say, a professional sex worker. I am a member of a professional sex-workers union and a website dedicated to the safety and respect of sex workers around the world. A guy comes on the website and writes: "Yo, ho's, wassup! wassa word in the world of Ho's! much respect yo, I LOOVE ho's!!". He is met with derision and indignation and baffled... He defends himself and tries to explain that it's "just a word", and to lighten up and that he meant no disrespect and, further, insists that the "ho's" should recognize their "scene", and learn to accept it...

OK, still confused? Walk into Brooklyn and start referring to the "dudes" you run into as "homies" and "ma niggas". Would you be surprised to get the SHIT KICKED OUT OF YOU???!!!

Make no mistake. Words are power, words empower and words MEAN SOMETHING. Choose your words carefully. Recognize your audience. And above all, as a word of advice, whether you think it's just or not, adjust your vocabulary to the context at hand. It's COMMUNICATION: understanding the expectations and cultural mores of a specific group. i n recognizing the parameters of the "group" you are addressing, you'll only succeed in efficiently conveying your point. Is that such a difficult compromise?

Surprised at the turn this thread has taken? Well, understanding it is as simple as looking at the vocabulary you employ.

I repeat: I didn't make the rules, nor did you. But recognizing them is a great step on the avenue of communication. And generally a giant step to getting along with all the marvelously varied people of the world.

With all due repect, cause ME LIKSA YA POST:



JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#68 Posted : 2/10/2011 2:18:14 AM

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jbark wrote:
Ok all due respect accorded. You don't seem to get it so let me explain - I don't make the linguistic rules, I just recognize their existence, so don't shoot the messengerSmile :

Words are power. On an internet forum, all we have is words to define us, and "demarcate our territory", in the crudest of terms. Let me explain, with a few examples:

Let's say I am a pilot of Airbuses and high numeral Boeings; I have clocked thousands of hours of flight-time in years upon years of experience. I am a member of a community and a forum where a certian diction has evolved to express eloquently what I do, and the direction and path I have chosen, what I have devoted my life to and arduously followed for the larger portion of my life. All of a sudden a subculture of virtual pilots who play videogames and flight simulations arises, refering to themselves as "flysters". No problem... no problem at all. Kids are kids and subcultures are subcultures...

Then someone comes on the forum of professional, career dedicated pilots and refers to the members as "flysters", insinuating that their life's passion and devotion is actually indistinguishable from a prepubescent joystick wielding simulation "gamer"...

Words are potent: DEEMSTERS is a collegiate, fraternity evoking term for what people here take seriously. You didn't make it that way. I didn't. But show some humility and acknowledge that that is the reality of the vocabulary you employ.

Another example:

I am, let's say, a professional sex worker. I am a member of a professional sex-workers union and a website dedicated to the safety and respect of sex workers around the world. A guy comes on the website and writes: "Yo, ho's, wassup! wassa word in the world of Ho's! much respect yo, I LOOVE ho's!!". He is met with derision and indignation and baffled... He defends himself and tries to explain that it's "just a word", and to lighten up and that he meant no disrespect and, further, insists that the "ho's" should recognize their "scene", and learn to accept it...

OK, still confused? Walk into Brooklyn and start referring to the "dudes" you run into as "homies" and "ma niggas". Would you be surprised to get the SHIT KICKED OUT OF YOU???!!!

Make no mistake. Words are power, words empower and words MEAN SOMETHING. Choose your words carefully. Recognize your audience. And above all, as a word of advice, whether you think it's just or not, adjust your vocabulary to the context at hand. It's COMMUNICATION: understanding the expectations and cultural mores of a specific group. i n recognizing the parameters of the "group" you are addressing, you'll only succeed in efficiently conveying your point. Is that such a difficult compromise?

Surprised at the turn this thread has taken? Well, understanding it is as simple as looking at the vocabulary you employ.

I repeat: I didn't make the rules, nor did you. But recognizing them is a great step on the avenue of communication. And generally a giant step to getting along with all the marvelously varied people of the world.

With all due repect, cause ME LIKSA YA POST:




Nothing new here.
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#69 Posted : 2/10/2011 2:23:31 AM

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I think jbark summed it up pretty nicely.

Other than that we've had lots of pointless back and forth, nothing really creative going on. No one certainly seems to care about flying lotus anyway (sucks to be under appreciated).

Anyways, if someone pm's me with something that is so amazingly breathtaking and fresh or I have confirmed otherwise I'm being a little over hasty with the shutdown of this... thing here, I'll open it up again.

I don't think it's all that worth it though TBH.

Locked and such.
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