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LSD and Telepathy? Options
#1 Posted : 10/18/2008 6:48:33 PM


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Anyone ever experience Telepathy with LSD?

I could swear sometimes that people can read my thoughts & i can read theirs..
Tripping more so than people who arent but still.. is this all in my head, or more of a vibe thing? I would like to hear your stories if any, thanks!
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#2 Posted : 10/18/2008 7:48:07 PM
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Oh yeah! I ofted had this. One time, when i did an LSD-datura combo (wich in hinsight was a very risky thing to do, datura is probably the most dangerous drug in the world) with a friend of me, my friend started to panic. At a certain moment he believed that there was a satanic pact against him and then something happened that caused him to belief that he was dying. At that moment i saw and felt his soul leaving his body and my soul left my body too, to push his soul back in. So there was a moment that our two souls where completely one, and i could see childhood memories and so on. We where like one flash of lightning or at least a very energetic, electric sort of thing, raging through the air and in the sky there where to gigantic eyes, watching us, while the world was quickly morphing from colourless to green, blue, red, etc.
This is one of the strangest things i have ever experienced, also because all of this was realy happening.
But you should watch some derren brown clips on youtube. It's fascinating, how much nonverbal communication we use, while whe're totally unaware of it.
#3 Posted : 10/18/2008 8:06:59 PM

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Yes, this is a some what well documented phenomenon.

I myself experienced this in a huge way when I was 19, summer after I graduated high school. I lived in a somewhat small town and that summer, there was an abundance of excellent, very clean, LSD with pictures of Felix The Cat on every square of 4 hits.

Anyway, almost all of the younger people (late teens, to mid 20's), in town were turning on to this great acid. I started to notice about halfway into the summer months how the "cliques", or groups of friends were breaking down and everyone in town was becoming close friends! Even though the acid helped each of our personality's to start coming on stronger then ever before. Jocks & hippies, nerds & homecoming queens, we were forming this giant clique of everyone!! Every night we would all meet up at this one park and decide whet we were all going to do that night, together. We're talking about 50 to 75 young people here & not one fight all summer long!! Plus instead of selling pot & acid or whatever we had to each other, we would share with each other & traded and everyone was included!!

It was our own little Summer Of Love!! Our own little Utopia!!

Soon I also noticed the "telepathy" thing.
This was the summer of 1993, before everyone and their dog had a fucking cell phone, so if you needed to talk to someone, and they were not at home, you had to go look for them or wait until later. Well not this summer, it was like if someone was looking for me, I would know it and we would just meet up!! There were too many instances of it happening to even remember them very well. It became something everyone did without ever thinking about it. I would guess that some of them didn't even notice that this was happening.
Its like moving a finger on your hand, you have to "think" in order to make that happen, but you never really "think" about doing it. It just happens.

Now most of us were doing a lot of this LSD (usually 2-3 hits, sometimes up to 10.) and it was very, very clean and powerful!!!
Not the shitty, 100 micro grams plus a bunch of speed that gets passed off as LSD so much now. This was the real deal!! Those of you who have experienced the difference between good, smooth LSD & weak, speedy acid, know what I'm talking about here.
I(we) felt as if I had awakened a dormant part of my consciousness that had not been accessed by humans for a long time.
By the end of the summer (when I moved to AZ), this "telepathy" was not random anymore, it was controllable. Myself and a few other friends talked about it a few weeks before I moved. We had all been noticing these "group mind" type of things happening all summer long and none of us had really said anything to each other about it. These "powers" (for lack of a better word), were not just an LSD hallucination, they were still there, unrestrained, even when I(we) had not taken any LSD for 2 weeks!! When we started talking about it, was when I realized that myself, my friends and everyone for that matter, had been feeling & doing this strange consciousness grouping thing all summer long. I was not just imagining it!! It wasn't just a crazy acid idea and we could control it!!

After I moved, I watched sadly, as this new talent faded away over about 2 months time. I don't know for sure if the "unlearning" of this "power" had more to do with the fact that I had moved away, therefor no longer hanging around with the other people in the "group mind", or the fact that I wasn't regularly taking the LSD anymore.
It did fade away, but not completely, I still feel hints of it from time to time, but the control has never returned.

Check out the book, The Electric Coolaid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe

Its about Ken Keasy & the Merry Pranksters, a group of hippies that turned on all of California & half the USA to LSD back in the 60's.
A reoccurring theme in the story is the "group mind" and how LSD helps one to tune into this "power" inside all of us!!

The first time I read it, I recognized things that happened to the pranksters as the same things happening to us that summer!! It was amazingly similar!! Check it out!

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#4 Posted : 10/18/2008 10:14:03 PM
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That's a cool story.
I think, or actually i know, that you can train yourself in these skills, so that you don't need acid to be able to do these kind of things.
#5 Posted : 10/19/2008 2:12:58 AM


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Yea thats what ive experienced too, its like your minds become one, or you switch souls/minds, all your thoughts are kinda layed out around the room in objects sounds, ect..

i wonder if after many trips u sorta unlock the ability to read peoples thoughts better sober..
Most people i talk to online & off have talked about telepathy.. def. feels like a part of your mind that gets unlocked.
Thats why i think dmt is so amazing cause you know these drugs are there to help in our evolution..

listening to psy music i think also helps the process, like trip direction ect.

I wonder if distance plays a role now that you guys mentioned the 'no cell phone story..
Maybe we all link up like with meditation...

Do you think a non tripper would be able to trip as well in a trippers presence? like not even have to take acid to participate in the phenomenon?
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#6 Posted : 10/19/2008 3:05:19 AM

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i dont really see it as telepathy...its more about understanding that we all come from the same place...and you can experience what its like to be in the other persons shoes...and then you understand how they are feeling...its more like being one entity and understanding your different sides(other people)pay attention to how people respond to things...just pay attention..that is all you have to do..
it's a sound
#7 Posted : 10/19/2008 6:50:40 PM


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Jorkest wrote:
i dont really see it as telepathy...its more about understanding that we all come from the same place...and you can experience what its like to be in the other persons shoes...and then you understand how they are feeling...its more like being one entity and understanding your different sides(other people)pay attention to how people respond to things...just pay attention..that is all you have to do..

yea for sures.. i wa stalking more about just being in the same room/house without really looking at someone, seeing with your eye i guess..
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#8 Posted : 10/19/2008 8:13:30 PM

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i dont really see it as telepathy...its more about understanding that we all come from the same place...and you can experience what its like to be in the other persons shoes...and then you understand how they are feeling...its more like being one entity and understanding your different sides(other people)pay attention to how people respond to things...just pay attention..that is all you have to do..

That just sounds like empathy, a normal human emotion. Empathy has to be learned and practiced too but it is inside everyone, you just have to use it. Like most emotions, empathy is magnified by psychedelics to where it becomes a part of every thought.

I wasn't talking about general empathy, my experiences that summer were specific and detailed. Not just understanding someone else's point of view or feelings.
A good example is when I (or any of us) would think, or feel, that my friend "Mike" wanted me to meet him in the parking lot of Burger King, at 9:15. So I'd go there at 9:15 and there's "Mike", waiting for me, for one reason or another.

This was not just random feelings and understanding.
What I experienced was straight up communication!!

Also, these effects did not come from taking LSD one or two times.
It started to show itself after about a month, to a month & a half of taking LSD regularly. It was like every Fri, or Sat we would take LSD, then maybe, 1 or 2 other days during the week.
You can't really do acid two days in a row, unless you more than double the dose, which is a waste. So at the most, we were doing this good, clean LSD every-other day, although most times we would wait 2 or 3 days between doses so the full effects would be felt.

Also, most of us would take 2-to-4 hits at a time, at least. There is a distinct point in LSD dosing (just like with DMT) where a low dose is nice & visual distortions are occurring and it entertaining etc...
But there is that line that a large dose crosses.
With DMT you reach the "breakthrough" point & end up in a totally new dimension.
With LSD however, that point seems to give the user more control over the experience & their surroundings. When I would take a single hit of good LSD, I would feel as if the experience was happening to me. But when I would take 4 or more hits of that same sheet of LSD, I could feel it as it started to go through me and then begin to lift me up and open my consciousness so I could literally control it with precision. More like the experience was happening with me.

Like I mentioned, this was back in 1993, when I was 19. To this day, I still think about the strange & powerful things that happened to us that summer, at least a few times a week.
When I've gone back home to visit, there is still this bond between myself & certain people who were involved with the group mind and noticed it happening. There were a lot of us involved, but only a few of us really noticed it happening, as it was happening. And those of us who noticed it, didn't really say anything about it until late into the summer, because it seemed (to me at least) like crazy, acid thoughts, even when we could still use it with no LSD in our bodies for weeks.
No one wanted to be the guy who said, "I can talk with you guys in my thoughts" for the first time!! Although we all knew, that we were all thinking about it!! Hows that for a giant pink elephant in the room?!?!? So when someone finally said it out loud, we all felt so relieved that we were not the only crazy person having these notions of telepathy.
Then we started trying to control it and purposely use it and had much success!!

I know how nuts this sounds, it sounds nuts to me as I write about it. But I know it happened, I remember it like it was yesterday. It was one of the strangest, most profound things that has happened in my life and definitely effected the way I see, think & feel about the world around us and how our physical body & consciousness fit into it together!!
I have also read about other small groups of heads having similar things happen, enough times now to know that it wasn't just our imagination running stoned & wild.

Once again, The Electric Coolaid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe was like a report of our summer, 1993. But it was written sometime in the late 60's/early 70's, and I didn't read the book until 1999, six years after we had our own little summer of love

I can't imagine that I'm the only one on this forum who has had this direct, telepathic effect from regular LSD consumption.
Am I?
I've read about it over & over again in books and web sites on LSD effects etc...

Sorry I keep going on so long about this....


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#9 Posted : 10/19/2008 8:35:52 PM
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Many illusionists are trained in a technique known as cold-reading. It explains a lot of what's going on. Some people like 'char', use this technique and then claim to have acces to the supernatural, but there's nothing supernatural to it. Somehow, psychedelics can give us acces to these parts of the brain we normally do not use much. The brain is capable of far,far more then we are aware of and we think is possible. When by electrical stimulation, some areas of the brain are activated and other areas are being supressed, people are suddenly capable of doing things that would normally take years of intense training on a daily basis.
#10 Posted : 10/19/2008 10:07:44 PM

John Murdoch IV

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warrensaged wrote:
Yes, this is a some what well documented phenomenon.

I myself experienced this in a huge way when I was 19, summer after I graduated high school. I lived in a somewhat small town and that summer, there was an abundance of excellent, very clean, LSD with pictures of Felix The Cat on every square of 4 hits.

Anyway, almost all of the younger people (late teens, to mid 20's), in town were turning on to this great acid. I started to notice about halfway into the summer months how the "cliques", or groups of friends were breaking down and everyone in town was becoming close friends! Even though the acid helped each of our personality's to start coming on stronger then ever before. Jocks & hippies, nerds & homecoming queens, we were forming this giant clique of everyone!! Every night we would all meet up at this one park and decide whet we were all going to do that night, together. We're talking about 50 to 75 young people here & not one fight all summer long!! Plus instead of selling pot & acid or whatever we had to each other, we would share with each other & traded and everyone was included!!

It was our own little Summer Of Love!! Our own little Utopia!!

Great story Very happy Wish I'd been part of your psychedelic gang Very happy

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#11 Posted : 10/20/2008 6:40:14 PM


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thats crazy warren, ive been thinking about long distance telepathy now alot..

do you have that pranksters book on adobe by any chance? maybe you can send it to me, ive actually looked all over for it.
maybe ill just smoke a bowl and visit hastings for a hour or so ;]
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#12 Posted : 10/20/2008 7:45:39 PM

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do you have that pranksters book on adobe by any chance? maybe you can send it to me, ive actually looked all over for it.
maybe ill just smoke a bowl and visit hastings for a hour or so ;]

I don't. It was a book that a good friend (a member of our group mind, BTW) gave to me after he read it.
I really enjoyed it as well and I too, usually give good books away to someone I feel will get a charge out of it. So after I was finished reading it, I ended up giving it away to someone else too.
Pass it along, ya know!

I'll see it I can track down a PDF copy. I'll PM you if I find something.

I would imagine that Amazon.com would have either a new or used copy of it that could be ordered pretty cheap.
It is a fairly well known book on counter culture and hippy lifestyle etc... Kind of a statement on the times and the people that were living & creating them, written by a well accomplished writer.
So wouldn't think it would be too hard to track down.


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#13 Posted : 10/20/2008 7:50:47 PM

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OK, so for starters, I spelled the title wrong before.
The correct spelling of the title is:
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe

I spelled it coolaid, gonna have some trouble searching that one.

Here's a link to used versions of the book on Amazon.com:
Elec. Kool-Aid Acid Test - link

There are a number of previously used copies there (38 actually), starting at $4.47 and going up to $30.00 depending on the physical quality. There are also new copies and "collectible" copies for sale at Amazon too.

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
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