just wondering what part of utah ur in...
the land from wence i came and oh so full of tweekers...
i lived in davis county, kaysville to be exact...
any ways i think salvia is totaly insane and not well suited for what im thinking your looking for...
unless unrelenting terror and confusion is what you want...
some people absolutly LOVE salvia and dont go through the hell that almost everyone els dose.
my advice is:
1. focuse on what you are seeking, meditate on your intensions.
2. be with one person only, the person you trust most in the whole of existence, some one you absolutly trust with your life. ( not that you will be in danger ) this is your sitter, make sure they know how to deal with someone in ruff waters.
3. be in a dimly lit comfortable and SAFE environment. I.E.: bedroom, living room,...
4. unplug/turn off ALL PHONES!!! and make sure no one will desturb you.
5. use an ice cooled bong and hold your hit at least 20 sec.,
as you do this focuse on your intensions....
i think music can be helpful so long as it is calm and quite... like zen meditation tracks ect. this helps me get a sence of time back with my body while my soul and essence is away.
oh IMO closed eyes are the only way to go.
6. LAY DOWN! dont sit. that wont cut it, this is my PERSONAL opinion but i say trust me on this one.
remember you will come back and there are so many who are excitedly waiting for you to join them in flowing through the cosmic vibration.
good luck and safe journys
if u made it this far you are a champ, and although we may never meet you are also my friend.