I vaporised some dmt sitting on the edge of a couch seat(first hit ever). First thing that popped into my mind as I started to lean backwards was, "Oh shit..." and everything vanished.
There was no longer a "me" or a "you" or anything. Then there was a pulse of deep red and the outline of two veins interwoven. On the third pulse the image shattered like glass into prismatic fractals which then rebuilt my present surroundings.
Aside from perspiration and being a bit overwhelmed I was impressed. Nothing had ever grabbed me by the balls and thrown me in the pool like that before.
I instantly developed a respect for it. I didn't even want to go again for a while because I knew there was something I had to do.
For a whole week afterward there was a distinct feeling of inspiration and clarity.
I guess it's all sort of open to everyone's interpretation what to do with it, who to do it with, what to take from it, or what to give?
I've been able to naturally and logically bring myself "back". Although, it becomes harder the more often I detach.
I figure, when I was born, there was no way I was going to survive unless in the care of the world. Not just a person, but that person needs the universe to survive too. As I am able to take care of the world, so will the world take care of me. Not even willing, just able..until it can't anymore. To sustain it though, it is essential that I remind myself my physical role is to support life for the preservation of life.
Is it possible to give more than what is already given?