Okay this will be an experience report.. but will start it off asking advice...
the experience is my last post on the thread, incase you wanna skip all the mumbo jumbo
will give a little background about why this journey is so important.. which also recaps it in swim's self..
okay.. so about four-five-six months ago... maybe a little longer... lol.. time doesn't fit well in swim's mind.. well swim
can go back a little further... so across swim's entire life, he's been searching for his twin flame,, even as a child desired
this... swim thought he met his twin flame when he was about 17... fell head over heals, you know all the amazing sparks
when meeting that high school sweet heart.. well the love swim had for her went way overboard, ended up caring for her
more than anything and anyone, including more than he loved the universe,, ..just unhealthy.. they ended splitting up..
well this caused swim to fall into a deep dark downward spiral to the point of denying God's existence... and into a drug
slew.. starting cutting himself.. attempted suicide with pills many times... escaped death when driving... would wake up
not knowing how swim got to where he was and not remembering anything from the past night... basically cutting felt
better than the pain.. the drugs made it to where swim didn't have to feel the pain...
so when swim was about 19, he took acid for the first time... took 2.5 hits.. it was the best acid swim has had his entire
life... it was insanely intense.. at one point swim walked into a room where people were watching a movie,,, when swim
walked into the room.. he literally walked into a scene of the movie.. the whole room became the movie... it was final
fantasy advent children... also swim had outer body experiences when his body was acting out it's pain from the losing his
girl.. .. skipping over all the details... this changed swim's life forever.. got him off drugs.. and began his journey with
psychedelics and caring for his body...
well about 2 years ago.. swim started receiving information about his twin flame... ... and would receive info every 3-4
months, roughly... now back to four or five or six months ago.. swim hasn't had a girlfriend since his first love nor has
been in love and that's been about 5+ years....so 6 mths ago.. swim was being beaten with love from the universe.. and
was going insane with emotion and desire for his twin flame.. and actually before this started happening swim had
decided not to search for her and to focus on his spiritual work.. ..so much love was being enveloped on swim. and swim
was shown all this amazing cosmic stuff related to her.. well swim got a job like an hour away from where he lives.. and
really just happened upon the job... well he met this girl..they both started the job on the same day!!.. and it was "on"
from the first day.. so much love.. so much energy.. so much bliss.. swim is believing this is her, his twin flame.. and
almost everything that swim was shown about his twin flame, matched with this girl and her family..almost everything
well.. fast forward to about 2 or 3 weeks ago.. swim takes acid.. takes 3 hits.. isn't really feeling it a few hours later..
takes 3 more.. swim is feeling it and it's intense.. at the end of the trip,, one of swim's guardian angels speaks to him..
swim thinks it's God.. swim hears this mumbling and thinks to himself 'what is that'.. so swim listens closer.. swim hears
this voice screaming (assuming it's God) and the voice says "please, swim, please if you can hear me, she is not right for
you".. the voice was very sincere and pleading.. this broke swim's heart.. hearing God tell him that she isn't his twin soul
crushes him.. he had already let her in as the 'one'.. swim screamed a tone that causes all darkness around him to run
away and light burns brightly throughout his body ...and on every cosmic level within himself there is a ringing... swim
knows what he has been told is true... travailed for a few hours.. went to church the following day and the sermon is
about taking things out of your life that God says isn't right for you... swim cries more..
swim later realizes that if prime creator was going to speak, then prime creator would just be heard and wouldn't try to be
heard... so swim thinks this is a way out.. way to keep her... well to sum it up swim's emotions are in denial and are
going up and down, up and down.. very nerving... well swim has family and friends that are praying for him.. so swim has
lots of strength and a 'some kind of peace'.. ... well swim journeys a few times on various entheogens.. and learns a lot
and is given much strength.. swim goes to a "real" spirit counselor/psychic .. he lets swim know that the voice he heard
was one of his guardian angels... and is taught a lot.. basically the two loves in swim's life have characteristics of his twin
soul.. oh and swim forgot to mention that both his loves look almost exactly alike..with differences of coarse
although swim has journeyed a few times since "dooms day" ..the journeys werent intense or heavy but did light journeys
because of the emotional turmoil .. swim hasn't worked with aya in about 3 months.. swim has been smoking tho.. it's
time to journey in hyperspace..
on a side note... swim isn't sure what he wants out of this journey nor what to expect.. ..swim is still in the process of
ending relations with the girl, whom he still cares much for ... but sees light in not being with her... swim desires to still
be friends with her and her family... ...though they broke up the day after the acid trip.. they are still sexually involved..
this will be ended before the trip.. it's already been in the process
so this will be swim's first time with rue and mimosa... swim has had brews with caapi and mosa.. swim has also
journeyed about 5 times with rue alone.. ..
ok.. swim's first aya journey with caapi/mosa is an amazing one.. no vomit or nausea ..and was taught that this is the way
it should be, that drinking the brew through the mouth is the entrance for it, not the exit, that it should come out the
other end as the exit.. that this is a complete pass/revolution through the body..... swim cooked everything with water
only.. ... but this was the only time swim cooked with water only.. every single other was brewed with lemons or vinegar
and has been accompanied with much nausea and vomit.. on one light journey swim was inquiring about how to make the
brew be without vomit..siwm was told this "if you are acidic with us, we will be acidic with you".. so swim will do this
brew with nothing but super filtered water...
swim will only brew the mimosa..not the rue.. the rue will be powdered and gel capped with poked holes.. 4g's..
so this is swim's idea...
swim doesn't want to worry about cooking for an extended period of time due to alkaloid breakdown.. so swim wants to
try this.. any pointers would be awesome..
basically.. take the mimosa.. 1 0z.. 28 grams.. will do two drinks.. so 14g a dose..
super cool 1000ml of water in freezer.. to where it's starting to freeze... put water and mimosa in blender... blend for
about 5 minutes on high... decant for 24 hrs in fridge.. will this work.. all the cold water extracts swim reads about never
say to use super cold water.. why is that??
pour off liquid and put to the side
take the mimosa mush and put back in blender...
heat up another 1000ml of water to about 160-170 degrees F..
put in blender and blend for about 5 minutes.. decant for 24 hrs in fridge should swim separate this into 2/500ml
pour off liquid and add to the other, keep it to the side
take mimosa mush and put in stainless steel pot..
add another 1000ml of water
cook for a few hours.. on low/med heat... not before it boils but a slightly lower temp... then decant 24 hrs in fridge..
combine all 3 liquids and evaporate..
when slightly concentrated add egg whites to steal away the tannins..
and then further evap
will cool in fridge... take 4g rue capsules and 5-10 min later following with half mosa brew.. if effects aren't where swim
wants to be in a few hours, swim will dose more
sorry for the long read... but this is really exciting for swim..
everything posted by godling is false information.. just imagination at work
I am learning not to search for eve anymore but to just 'be' with her for she is already the other half of my soul and one day we'll organically meet as we reach across the cosmos to one another..now comes the light of love
shine as bright as the flame in the pupil of my eye