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Shaggy Shaman
#1 Posted : 2/4/2011 11:40:08 PM

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Very happy
Hi, I'm a Shaman/Mystic. I've trained and worked with multiple shamans in my two visits to Peru. My training began here in the U.S. with many different psychedelics, but the first trip to Peru (which I was intuitively ordered to visit) really put the zoom on accepting myself as a a shaman. The work there began with several Ayahuasca ceremonies, and later I dove into San Pedro (Huachuma). After my return to the States, I was guided to grow and work with Mushrooms. 6 months later, the Spirits told me it was time to return to Peru! The second time was mostly about Huachuma, and a little Wilka. I have a little over 4 months time in Peru, now. So now I've returned to the States again and have been continuing my work with Mushrooms (My Main Medicine so far). My experiences with DMT have been with Ayahuasca, Rue & Shrooms, and Wilka.

So this brings me to about a week ago, when the push to do an STB extraction of Mimosa was put into me. Never done it before, never experienced pure DMT, before. My first extraction is under way right now.

I've know of the Nexus for a while, but have never joined and REALLY checked it out. It seems to be much more open to the Spirit World view than my favorite forum (Shroomery). So, here is looking forward to a whole new relationship with some peeps on similar wave-lengths.

Thanks for holding the Space!
"Knowing how you actually want to feel is the most potent form of clarity that you can have. Acting on generating those feelings is the most creative thing you can do with your life.”
– Danielle LaPorte

"Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business."
— Tom Robbins

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#2 Posted : 2/5/2011 1:25:37 AM
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Nice to have you! Sounds like you'll have some fun perspectives to share Smile

Put up some pics of your extract when you're done too, always good motivation for those of us who haven't done one yet!
#3 Posted : 2/5/2011 1:38:46 AM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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Welcome and i am Not trying to hate or anything but it only bothers me a little that you say you are a shaman the only real shamans are the ones that are born shamans and a shaman never say there a shaman I find it very cool and inspiring that you have indeed tripped with shamans but it does not make you one you can say that you stand for and study the practices of shamanism please don't take any of this to offense just giving my personal input and good luck with all your journeys Smile
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
Shaggy Shaman
#4 Posted : 2/5/2011 3:24:33 AM

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DoctorMantus wrote:
Welcome and i am Not trying to hate or anything but it only bothers me a little that you say you are a shaman the only real shamans are the ones that are born shamans and a shaman never say there a shaman I find it very cool and inspiring that you have indeed tripped with shamans but it does not make you one you can say that you stand for and study the practices of shamanism please don't take any of this to offense just giving my personal input and good luck with all your journeys Smile

No worries, man, you'll find me hard to offend.

While you are correct that a shaman is born to the calling, I disagree that a shaman never calls him/her self a shaman. Not sure where you are getting that info. I actually had a lot of resistance to the calling, and it took 4 different shamans in Peru, TELLING me I was a shaman like them for me to finally accept it. After dropping my resistance, things took off. Does having Allies in the Spirit World make me a shaman? Does the fact that I have facilitated group ceremony with plant medicines make me one? That I counsel and teach others intuitively and with help from the Spirits? I contend that none of these things make me a shaman. What makes me the shaman is that I'm on that path, its working great for me, and I am growing and expanding spiritually. So perhaps a combination of all of it together?

Have you been to Peru? They do things very differently down there. Its not training like you might imagine. They open the door with the medicines and then the spirits do the teaching. The shamans there are each unique, with unique skills and unique relationships with their allies. They fully expect all other shamans to be different from themselves, therefore withholding any ego judgements on what is "right" and "wrong". Mostly they do Smile.

Where are you getting your info on "real shamans"?
"Knowing how you actually want to feel is the most potent form of clarity that you can have. Acting on generating those feelings is the most creative thing you can do with your life.”
– Danielle LaPorte

"Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business."
— Tom Robbins
#5 Posted : 2/5/2011 6:50:09 AM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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what u have done is a very unique and i envy that, yes lots of people have gone to peru but it is extremely cool to see people doing the right things for the right reasons. In a way i understand how you can consider yourself a shaman, the only reason i needed to respond to that is because i meet sooo many crunchy people who say they are shamanistic or spiritual and at the same time dont even know what they stand for. As for the part were i said shamans don't call themselves shamans i didn't mean to put it in such a literal way, i guess i was talking a little outta line mainly bc lots of people are always talking shaman this shaman that but dont even know what one is so maybe you can understand where i was coming from but i do hope you continue with what you do i am certain you will i send good vibes may your journeys be positive.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
Shaggy Shaman
#6 Posted : 2/5/2011 5:09:06 PM

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Also, here is a good, fairly accurate way of discerning if someone is a "real shaman".

Its not if they call themselves a shaman or don't call themselves a shaman. Most "real shamans" didn't want to be one, resisted it. Accepted it reluctantly. I really have no choice in the matter now. If I stop practising, everything would go down the toilet. I believe Mckenna said something about this in Food of the Gods, how the shamans must KEEP GOING and can't stop. Don't get me wrong, its not a terrible burden or anything, I enjoy it. And believe me, lots of spirits had a BIG party the day I stopped resisting, and accepted my path. But once you accept the Call you were born with, there really is no turning back. The Spirits make this work by giving Shamans really painful lives, making the shamanic practises the only path of healing, then going over into Bliss and Ecstacy. Its a great use of the pain/pleasure system we are hard-wired with, and I have faith there will be an over-all benevolent outcome. I did take part in planning this life before being born, after all. Smile
"Knowing how you actually want to feel is the most potent form of clarity that you can have. Acting on generating those feelings is the most creative thing you can do with your life.”
– Danielle LaPorte

"Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business."
— Tom Robbins
#7 Posted : 2/5/2011 6:01:17 PM

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Welcome lad, I am the shepherd.
Everything I post is made up fiction. SWIM represents a character who is not based in or on reality.
Shaggy Shaman
#8 Posted : 2/5/2011 6:14:27 PM

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narmz wrote:
Welcome lad, I am the shepherd.

Thanks! How are the sheep? Smile
"Knowing how you actually want to feel is the most potent form of clarity that you can have. Acting on generating those feelings is the most creative thing you can do with your life.”
– Danielle LaPorte

"Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business."
— Tom Robbins
#9 Posted : 2/5/2011 6:17:19 PM
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Welcome, Shaggy!

I don't know much about shamans or the like but, it sounds like to me you are following the same kind of path as me. I always saw "visions" had out of body experiences and weird stuff when I was a child. Faced with some insane obstacles, even going as far as wanting to die, I've found my only reprieve is that of a spiritual nature. Psychedelics seemed to bring things into a clearer perspective for me as long as I moderated my use. Since then I've been studying herbs and trying to enlighten people around me not just in healthy benefits of nutrition and herbs but also enlightenment on a perceptual understanding level.

I think it's really cool that you are persevering and continuing self-development for the better of all.

#10 Posted : 2/6/2011 12:06:20 AM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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Shaggy Shaman wrote:
narmz wrote:
Welcome lad, I am the shepherd.

Thanks! How are the sheep? Smile

bahhhhhsss bahhhhhhhhs
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#11 Posted : 2/6/2011 5:05:16 AM
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Aww c'mon, it's easy to be a shaman- remember when Bruce Parry was doing the old shaman snuff in that tribe that almost all of the men in were shamans? Was that the Yanomami? They interviewed that one guy in the tribe who wasn't a shaman and he said words to the effect of "Well I tried it once but I didn't like it" Those guys are authentic tribal people and they say that anyone who does the snuff and sings a song is a shaman. So either they're right, or they're wrong, or whether you're a shaman or not is ralative depending on the opinion of those around you.

Welcome Shaggy!
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: www.survival-international.org Quick petitions for meaningful change: www.avaaz.org/en/
End prohibition: www.leap.cc www.tdpf.org.uk And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#12 Posted : 2/6/2011 5:13:10 AM

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I once had a feeling I was born to be a shaman at the peak of a DMT trip. It felt like a terrible burden at the time and I kept saying to myself "no fucking way" over and over again.

I do have a bit of a psychotherapeutic angle when I ask probing questions to trip buddies and by accounts I've been rather helpful. However I just don't have the time or patience. Also I'm usually the guy who needs to be talked down from difficult experiences, so I don't think I'd be taken all that seriously.

Anyways, best of luck to you on your path and welcome to the elite Smile
Shaggy Shaman
#13 Posted : 2/6/2011 5:42:21 AM

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Easy huh? The last group ceremony I ended up facilitating, I had to put my hands in this guys mouth and open his jaws up so he would start breathing again. Healing is rewarding, true. But sometimes being "the guy" gets a little disgusting.

And thanks for great welcoming vibes everyone!
"Knowing how you actually want to feel is the most potent form of clarity that you can have. Acting on generating those feelings is the most creative thing you can do with your life.”
– Danielle LaPorte

"Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business."
— Tom Robbins
#14 Posted : 2/6/2011 6:23:05 AM

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Welcome to the nexus, shaggyVery happy
Long live the unwoke.
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