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this may be a dumb question, but....... Options
the Cake
#1 Posted : 2/2/2011 7:16:08 AM

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But here goes anyway: what would happen, instead of all these words about chemistry and whatnot, one were to take a quantity of mimosa root bark, some shredded caapi vine (or leaf), (maybe some other visionary herbs?,) and just roll 'em up in a big phat joint?? Would there be enough DMT? is a cherry ember hot enough to make the DMT work? I assume there are reasons to get involved in the chemistry, otherwise there wouldn't be a forum dedicated to extraction methods.

(It should go without saying at this point that i have ZERO experience in this field.)

Maybe what i mean to say is, why wouldn't it work?

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#2 Posted : 2/2/2011 7:33:54 AM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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first you will have to get the extracts i don't think you can just roll it up and smoke it, check out the nexus wiki u may be able to find answers there.
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#3 Posted : 2/2/2011 7:54:23 AM

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No such thing as stupid questions, as long as they're sincere...
Burning that doobie would not work... 1) no one has lungs large enough to inhale enough MHRB in one go, Which would be
~20 mg spice = ~2% x 1 g 2) much if not all the spice is not in easily vaporizeable form in the bark - thus freebasing in extractions... add in the vine and you've got even more massive quantities of smoke!
The cherry is perfect - see Changa
One of the wonderful things about the Nexus is that people of all levels of experience and knowledge share and learn together. Concerning chemistry, what could be more thrilling than an attempt to comprehend matter at it's most fundamental?

Best, L
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the Cake
#4 Posted : 2/2/2011 8:42:02 AM

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Thanks for the replies! I really appreciate the guidance, the last science class i had was a few years ago, and the last one i passed was a few years before that. Embarrased But education is always more exciting outside the classroom anyway, right??
#5 Posted : 2/2/2011 8:56:40 AM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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the Cake wrote:
Thanks for the replies! I really appreciate the guidance, the last science class i had was a few years ago, and the last one i passed was a few years before that. Embarrased But education is always more exciting outside the classroom anyway, right??

Hey if you are still in grade school high school whatever take the opportunity to learn any and everything you can in science because i got jipped out of science first two years of science in high school it was like a retarted science had the same teacher both years and the class was a joke and my third year in science i got a teacher who just happened to be retiring that year and basically blew class off highlight of the year we made apple sauce and we were so lucky to see Apollo 11 which it seems like show you it every year the main point i wanna get across is learn everything you can i don't know if education is important to you but i wish it was important to me when i had the chance.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
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Spock's Brain
#6 Posted : 2/2/2011 9:29:15 AM

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extraction is easier than you think it is, having recently learned about it.
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the Cake
#7 Posted : 2/2/2011 9:32:36 AM

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Thank you, sir, your grandpa is a wise man! Wink

I think learning the extraction is going to have to happen sooner or later, it seems to be how the majority of quality leaf preparations are made, plus its just good knowledge to have. plus i look forward to feeling like a mad scientist (mwhahhaha).
#8 Posted : 2/2/2011 4:46:13 PM

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This is my understanding, so take it with a grain of salt, but it's highly probable that DMT exists in a salt form (DMT-tannate looks like a solid candidate) while in the MHRB. The DMT salts generally have a significantly higher vaporization point than DMT-freebase, one of the reasons we freebase DMT-fumarate for vaporizing.

So even if you could get root bark with a high enough concentration (impossible, since the best concentration for changa is 50%), you would need to get it substantially more hot.
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#9 Posted : 2/4/2011 4:58:15 PM

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Why smoke mimosa bark when you can smoke it off the tree directly? Just find a mimosa tree, bring a blowtorch and a funnel and use the blowtorch to light the bark and inhale through the funnel, who needs these obscure A/B and STB DMT extraction proceduces anyway?
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