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HELP , bufotenine Extractions Options
#1 Posted : 2/2/2011 1:48:22 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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SO SWIM thinks something went a miss with his extraction.

Procedure went as follows:

Grinded 20 grams of seeds, then added 5 grams Calcium hydroxide

Water added to make a dough type consistentcy, smells strongly of ammonia.

Once dry(approximately 2+hrs), grinded again then used ISO rather then ACETone to wash it. Repeated 3 times.

The 3 washes were combined then filtered through cotton/polyfil.

SWIM then added 500mg of Citric Acid, instantly a reaction particles appear to be falling, looks promising.

I decanted the solution to another jar, the precipitate is a redish clay colour, and the discarded(but saved) ISO was Yellow, hmmm??

The reddish clay is a paste consistency and was left overnight to hopefully evaporate remaining ISO. To swims surprise there was still ISO evident in the smell. Its sitting infront of a heating fan to help speed things up a bit.

Before SWIM proceeds, can he have some feedback. Help would be greatly appreciated : )


ISO paste has dried up to an off reddish powder.....something is defintely wrong.

The resultant powder was weighed at approx 3 grams. 500mg of citric acid was used, so it cant be just salted out citric acid. Possibily citric acid and calcium hydroxide?? or citric and some bufo? or a combo of them both. Could the yellow iso i saved contain the bufo? I hope all is not lost.

Swim went ahead with adding water to dissolve , and then adding another gram of calcium hydroxide. The water then turned to caremel colour, but the calcium didnt seem to salt out anything caremel or tan coloured, just the same off reddish/white. Water was poured off and the remaining powedery substance was let to dry, same thing as before, pinkish chalk like powder.

Swim read others having success using ISO, and using Citric acid, so i am guessing the calcium hydroxide is the culprit. Help!

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#2 Posted : 2/2/2011 8:29:31 PM
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So , Swim read more into it and saw another member had sorta the same issue. Swim decided to pour everything back together added more ISO shook the living bejesus out of it, let it settle and seperate solids from the Golden carmel ISO, . Swim then used a rice cooker to evap ISO to around 10-15ml, added 25ml of naptha and dark brown resin dropped on the bowl. yellowish liquid was syphoned and evapped leaving yellowish/white crystalness. Could this be bufo or something else? Swim don't wanna try anything if its pure nasties...
#3 Posted : 2/3/2011 12:05:49 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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If it's not dark, it's probably the good stuff.
#4 Posted : 2/3/2011 2:29:16 AM
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Swim tried it out in a glass steam, no real effect, will continue to try.

Swim did another extraction today, ISO and sodium carbonate rather than calcium hyrdoxide.

He got to the point where you add the acid, He is using citric by the way. it like went completely cloudy white like a jellyfish in hibited the iso... i let it sit it did nothing stayed this thin but think looking cloud. He was reading that 99% iso is not the greatest for a yopo extract . He decided to add a bit of water to possibly dilute it, instantly the cloud clumped together into layer on top. Swim was able to litterally pick up the skin and put it in another dish to dry out. It was very sticky resin. Seems good....

Heres where it goes funky, Swim added enuff water to dissolve the sticky resin stirred it to help it along. He then adds around gram of sodium carbonate, and it instanty crashes to the bottom....seems good, the water was decanted and theres a thick white crusted layer. Not tan at all, just looks like the sodium carbonate melted together. What seems to be the problem now? It has to be using citric acid instead of fumaric, i added more sodium carbonate to the water to see if it would render the same thing and it did..

swim just checked the dish that had the water and the addition test of more sodium carb. well it formed a thin solid white disk, but now the water seems a lot darker.....almost like charcoal.
#5 Posted : 2/3/2011 9:58:54 AM
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Yea nothing came out black until the dissolve in water and add gram of sodium carbonate step. This morning the water which had the sodium carbonate poured into it (which instantly turned to a white puck) which was removed to dry, is now darker charcoal colour.
#6 Posted : 2/3/2011 12:25:01 PM

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Andrewsss wrote:
Swim tried it out in a glass steam, no real effect, will continue to try.

Can you give more detail?

It's not uncommon for people to get no effect on their first attempt with bufotenine, but for example if it was bufotenine it would have been a fairly harsh vapor. Way more so than DMT anyway.
#7 Posted : 2/3/2011 11:37:24 PM
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Yea for sure, Swim used a glass stem packed around 15mg in that bad boy and heated her up til it vapourized, took a draw but barely was able to hold it as it was extremely harsh, sort of a sharp taste. Swim would like to believe he felt something, his dreams were very vivid that night though. One thing he does notice is, when he closes his eyes they feel spring loaded sorta have a slight pulse to them. Also the "extract" sourish taste , unlike any of the things that were put in into making the extract. Tests will presume tonight.. further posts will follow.

Swim is curious , could the whole citric acid/ fumaric acid step be skipped? just basify the yopo, pull with iso, evap the iso in a rice cooker, then clean the product with naptha? Because swim uses ISO all the time to make honey oil and the boiling off thing has become second nature to him. Also , swim tend to put everything in the freezer, herbs and iso for several hours to help pull just the goodies rather then plant oils and colours. Could this work the same way with the yopo ? possibly help eliminate some of the baddies as well? Swim will have to try that out once he gets things more down to a science.
#8 Posted : 2/4/2011 12:33:47 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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If you just want to use ISO, it's best to go for a crude extract where you toast the seeds, base, pull with ISO, evap, toast again, pull again, evap...

maybe onto a herb of some sort.

#9 Posted : 2/4/2011 1:47:47 AM
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Well if toasting does something like take out the baddies, would not just pulling with iso and seperating with naptha do a similar thing for a crude extract....then just re dissolve in iso and evap on a herb..? seems easier then the toasting bit. TO be honest swims been researching it seems for quite sometime now, and as soon as he thought he had all the supplies he needed, a tek advances or swim read further and or read something else, or a bad reports of something. Iso is easy for swim to get , every hyrdoponic store carries it, swim has ordered D-limonene thinking that would be good to use, this was over a month ago and still havnt recieved it and still cant get a responce from the darn company.. Then just recently he read that d limonene can contaminate extracts up to 30%. He is all flustered right about now.
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