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Evil Options
#1 Posted : 2/3/2011 12:36:09 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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As Good as Good is. Evil is just as Evil.

Only now have I been able to see and analyze both sides objectively. I've sang the praises of good yet I failed to recognize in acceptance the other mighty spectrum of Existence. For so long I waged battle against a part of the nature of my own being.

I was taken to the source of evil. Wow doesn't cut it. It too is amazing beyond description.

My mind is fighting to block the memory out but no, to truly reach Self-realization I must also accept the other polarity of the illusion. That's exactly what I did. I accepted then allowed what I was shown to happen ,and in turn, was able to allow myself to witness It without fear.

It was wild, a primal jungle of raw, unrefined power equivalent to the "Heaven" I experienced beforehand, in Its own way. Like the place of majesty I was brought to, It too was to the same powerful magnitude.

The mighty opposite.

The primal origin of the split that caused duality.

I dare theorize it was first to be born through the "boredom/curiosity" that caused the Absolute to imagine the awesome Orchestra called Existence. Just as the Earth was born through flame and eruption, and violence, this place was where the first steps of the Great Dance started. And yes it did resemble the appearance of flame and eruption, and violence; that's where flame and eruption and violence got it's look from! It's hard to describe. It was "hell", yes, but it was also beautiful in its mightily powerful way, it was our source with regards to the Dance, the place of contractions that birthed the paradigms. Once again have I been granted insight on the Magnificence of Existence. I blotted out the spectrum of Evil, but no, I see now I must also accept that part of my Self to realize the True-Self. It is denial to say it doesn't matter. It does. Through confliction, progress is spurred.

Still absolute love gave me security and assurance of my own Self, of the being of the True-Self,I won't say Highest-Self anymore, I understand all levels, dimensions, and paradigms are all equivalent in the illusory dance of Existence, but still we are progressing.. Yes it was Evil in that paradigm, but not malevolent. now I understand there is truly no malevolence towards the True-Self, malevolence was born secondary to the polarity called Evil. We only choose to prefer the beauty of the light over darkness because of conditioned preference. The Absolute is neither light or dark, it is best described as Clarity. The nature of the Absolute is to be, no matter what the illusion.. Once again I've been blown away by Truth that is slowly entangling me from the confining conditioning of the previous paradigm. The deception is to struggle, Truth remains True forever. Love is born through acceptance and vice-versa.

The Grand illusions projected by the awesome Absolute, we must see, accept then dispel to rediscover our True Essence.

Earth as well as our own human minds, serve as a sort of middle-ground, encompassing qualities of all dimensions. It is here, I go as far as to say,where we are graduating from our own masters degree into a new level of consciousness.

Eternity is Everlasting and gone in an instant ..

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#2 Posted : 2/3/2011 2:30:29 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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great perspective! I had never thought of it that way. after reading your report the first time it got me thinking about a lot of perspectives I have in this life and how I always try to go towards things that are "good" and pretty much easier rather than standing and accepting the usually more painful/difficult path as just another experience. thank you for the spark because it is helping me a lot
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#3 Posted : 2/3/2011 9:27:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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In the trinity of Truth/Good/Bad, Truth (or Love) is the primary source. Truth is something that loves, emanates, sustains and supports. Truth doesn't make it possible to judge creation. If someone wants to put the blame on another, he/she must use something from the dialectic world of Good/Bad. Truth has no practical use from this perspective, because it accepts everything. That's what they mean by the "unconditional love of God." The love of the Good side, the love of the Old Testament God is a completely different thing (albeit still majestic in its infinite glory and power).

Being enlightened means constantly participating in a direct apprehension of Truth (nirvana), while being 100% involved in the dialectic drama of Good and Bad (samsara). With this comes the recognition, that the two are in fact the same, that there is only the world, which is the Truth itself.

(thanks for the inspiration)
#4 Posted : 2/3/2011 3:36:18 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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cellux wrote:
In the trinity of Truth/Good/Bad, Truth (or Love) is the primary source. Truth is something that loves, emanates, sustains and supports. Truth doesn't make it possible to judge creation. If someone wants to put the blame on another, he/she must use something from the dialectic world of Good/Bad. Truth has no practical use from this perspective, because it accepts everything. That's what they mean by the "unconditional love of God." The love of the Good side, the love of the Old Testament God is a completely different thing (albeit still majestic in its infinite glory and power).

Being enlightened means constantly participating in a direct apprehension of Truth (nirvana), while being 100% involved in the dialectic drama of Good and Bad (samsara). With this comes the recognition, that the two are in fact the same, that there is only the world, which is the Truth itself.

(thanks for the inspiration)

Awesomely put. Isn't learning about all this stuff just amazing? I love what you said about the Old Testament, that piece of insight is absolutely profound, I once totally discounted giving the Bible a chance due to my strict Christian upbringing (I was actually in Bible College when I began to "wake" up) but I have a feeling there's a lot more to it than what concluded, I might take a peek again with esoteric goggles.. Thanks for the input, greatly appreciated.
#5 Posted : 2/3/2011 4:08:58 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Yes! I highly recommend reading the old testament, as well as the new. There is something about a religious text for me that secular philosophy will never touch. I think it has to do with the fact that religious texts plunge into paradox, such as my favorite Jesus quote "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." Yet, don't worry, there is still agape(greek word for divine love) in his soul! I think the fact that we call some things good and some things evil is one of those paradoxes, and something that pure rationalism alone will never be able to work out.

As a related note, I am curious to know if anybody has read Thus Spoke Zarathustra here. While it is normally in the philosophy section, I personally consider it to be closer to a religious text (though not in the same way the bible is, perhaps more like The Bhagadvad Gita). The author, Nietzsche, has ALOT to say on the words good and evil and questions the fundamental nature that christianity has assigned to them.

From my own personal psychedelic experiences I have to say that I eventually came to a point where assigining the concepts of "good" or "evil" where getting in the way. I think we must accept these terms as part of our greater consciousness due to the fact that christianity has really hammered these in to the fabric of our modern reality. However, on a personal level, I believe I can no longer call any act evil in itself, or good in itself. It certainly is a crazy world isn't it?
"The mind acts like an enemy for those who cannot control it." -Krishna
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