I have had this desire to really push it lately with my relationship to DMT..magickal vistas seem to open up, which for the seeker of re-enchantment seem to be where the real sleeping beast lay...The world is not what we think..and like mckenna once said "stranger than we CAN suppose"...
Me and minxx decided to smoke again today after breakfast..yesterday we awoke and smoked for about an hour first thing in the morning..and that experience was nothing less than phenomenal..irridescent visions of psychedelic einsteinian spirit guides and the milky aura of jaguar dreams as I became the wind..I became the rain..This mandala is my own and at the centre of it is I...
Glowing in the wake of yesterdays trancendance I was ready to go again today..I feel more at home in hyperspace lately than I have in the past..I feel welcomed by the spirits, and indeed they seem to be extra busy lately tending to the vibrational rate of my energy body, making more and more frequent appearances..who/what-ever they are, I know this is just the tip of a much larger iceberg..I am merely probing the surface of this thing..
So we sat down in front of our fully equipped alter and packed the bong..we smoked a few times before the music went off, heading into the bedroom to smoke more comfortably in silence..minxx was laying down and I was sitting up with the bong loaded in my hand..one big pull to clear the chamber and I closed my eyes and fell back into her..the vibration..the carrier wave..the spirals of light..the serpentine jewelery of etheral love swirling..swirling..swirling..
Her mouth..oh my god there are mountains in there..valleys..sunsets and oceans..a world of erotic, tactile pleasures..my fingers lined the edge of her lips..and into her mouth..into her mouth my finegrs slid and behind my closed eyes it was there that I found my rapture.. ... .."DEAL WITH YOUR ENERGY!" was the message..and true enough it was..my enery..my being..mine to give..mine to take..as energetic beings of perfect love, and perfect light it is up to us to deal with our energy..learn it..know it..listen to it..and express it..love it..and enjoy it..
My eyes open finally and colorful glyphs are beaming from this face..the most beautiful face I have ever seen..this rainbow goddess in my arms..and how I love her..erotic energies flowing from me to her..from her to me..unification..in an instant our cloths are comming off and we begin to make love..we are one in this final step towards alchemical illumination..if only for a moment, together, we are born again..a perfect incarnation of the magnum opus..
Afterwords I am glowing..I am GLOWING...pure energy radiating..
Naked in bed the bong is again loaded and in we go..I take one large hit and hold it..effortlessly shot into a perfect sub breakthrough..yet something is different..there is no creeping anxiety that can linger on the edge of hyperspace before the rainbow beams of cosmic divinity line the jagged edge of a tembling soul..there is only love..I am a neurochemical soup of love hormones and I am invincible..minxx takes her dose right as it's all starting to happen for me, and I then take the bong and hit it as hard as I can, and clear the bowl......
I sit back, cross legged with my hands on her bare legs, facing her..eyes closed.. and suddenly, I am gone..geometric waves and stained glass chambers vibrate though my vision, and quickly through to the core of my being..the gateway to the other world..I am with the masters..the awakened ones..hyper-dimensional fractals of of an individualized energy system?..neurogenic escapades of a higher brain-mind system?..ancient atlanteans acendended ito the aether?..I make no assumptions..yet when I return from my time there with them, the message is clear..deal with your energy..know your energy..listen to your energy..love your energy..enjoy your energy..
...for it is yours, and it is the greatest gift you have been given.
Long live the unwoke.