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amor_fati's Nontoxic Approach to the Extraction of DMT Options
#61 Posted : 1/18/2011 9:26:55 AM

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NICE!! Green entity loves the idea of using vegetable oil instead of limo. Limo kinda bugs him after breathing it for a while with this tek. Also last time this tek was performed the end result smelled like limo and was a bit harsh so he salted it with fumaric acid then washed with iso then freebased again to get powder that really just smells like nothing at all.

Would olive oil work well? Olive Oil penetrates the cells in the body better than any other oil. Don't know if this characteristic would transfer to the final result but it would be interesting to try.
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#62 Posted : 1/18/2011 9:37:57 AM

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Also he wanted to report that in his last tek, instead of puting all of the bark in the THP each time, he just poured the excess limo from the jar into another jar, then this was filtered later after all of the pulls had been put together to get any bits of plant material in it. He said it just seemed a bit easier than having to put all of the bark in the THP each time. Of course he says you should probably do it on the last pull just to make sure you've got all of the limo out.
All posts are from higher vibrational alien entities. These entities are not physically real to your understanding and do not exist in this dimension, therefore accounts of all posts did not take place in reality.
#63 Posted : 1/18/2011 8:33:25 PM

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logos2012 wrote:
Also last time this tek was performed the end result smelled like limo and was a bit harsh so he salted it with fumaric acid then washed with iso then freebased again to get powder that really just smells like nothing at all.

SWIM's never had that problem, the end results are always quite pungent but with the odor of spice.

logos2012 wrote:
Also he wanted to report that in his last tek, instead of puting all of the bark in the THP each time, he just poured the excess limo from the jar into another jar, then this was filtered later after all of the pulls had been put together to get any bits of plant material in it. He said it just seemed a bit easier than having to put all of the bark in the THP each time. Of course he says you should probably do it on the last pull just to make sure you've got all of the limo out.

This probably works just fine and may very well be easier, SWIM'll give it a go when he gets the chance.
#64 Posted : 1/27/2011 10:29:23 AM

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The Green entity tried with olive oil. He was going to try with vegetable oil but he couldn't find any that was organic and he doesn't like the fact that most soy these days is genetically modified.

He said the yield is even better than with limo! Although the viscosity is a bit hard to work with as stated. He blended the olive oil up with the basified dough just as in this tek, then gave heat baths in just below boiling water. He said that bunch of the plant matter got stuck in the oil and would not separate easily and was very hard to filter so he made some sodium carbonate basified water and poured it in with the oil. He says the plant matter dropped into the water about half way in a couple of days but took about a week for the rest. Then from there he proceeded to mix with FASW and froze it, then rinsed the remaining oil off of the chunk of ice. Then he evaporated the fumerate water and proceeded with sodium carb and 99.99% iso to freebase.

He says the results are a kind of yellowish pink that smells pretty bad of DMT. When he smoked it he said it was visual but not as visual as some but awesome head trip. He thinks this is because the bark he used was about a year old and was stored in the open air for quite a while. He figured he would use old bark to try for the first time with olive oil because he hadn't heard of anybody trying it yet. Plus this is all he had at the time.

He says that next time instead putting the oil through the blender with the dough, he might just try to mix the oil in and stir while heating so all the plant bits don't get stuck in it, but who knows, the yield may not be as good.

He is excited to try with olive oil with fresh bark. He says the yeild definitely seems better than limo but that limo seems to pick up more of jungle.

He says there are so many interesting oils one could try too such as grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, almond oil, avocado oil, safflower oil, etc...

Would be interesting to see people's results.

All posts are from higher vibrational alien entities. These entities are not physically real to your understanding and do not exist in this dimension, therefore accounts of all posts did not take place in reality.
#65 Posted : 1/30/2011 11:09:20 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Oh wow, completely missed this for a long time. Thanks for your work, logos!

logos2012 wrote:
He said the yield is even better than with limo!

Curious, higher yielding or better quality? SWIM would imagine that application of heat would improve the yield of limo as well, but it's possible that because limo picks up wider range of substsnces, it leaves less room for the goodies.

Although the viscosity is a bit hard to work with as stated. He blended the olive oil up with the basified dough just as in this tek, then gave heat baths in just below boiling water. He said that bunch of the plant matter got stuck in the oil and would not separate easily and was very hard to filter so he made some sodium carbonate basified water and poured it in with the oil. He says the plant matter dropped into the water about half way in a couple of days but took about a week for the rest.

SWIM's used only a very minimal amount of cheese cloth in his THP (rather than a piece of flour sack or cotton balls) with great success--real speedy drainage.

Then from there he proceeded to mix with FASW and froze it, then rinsed the remaining oil off of the chunk of ice. Then he evaporated the fumerate water and proceeded with sodium carb and 99.99% iso to freebase.

SWIM's attempted the rinse of the ice chunk himself with IPA, and it works, though they don't really mix. He's thinking a dash of limonene would work wonders though. Also, SWIM's had the oil/limo mix gel up after an extensive freeze on one occasion--easy enough to remove, though.

He says the results are a kind of yellowish pink that smells pretty bad of DMT. When he smoked it he said it was visual but not as visual as some but awesome head trip. He thinks this is because the bark he used was about a year old and was stored in the open air for quite a while. He figured he would use old bark to try for the first time with olive oil because he hadn't heard of anybody trying it yet. Plus this is all he had at the time.

SWIM used fairly fresh bark and had some fairly intense break throughs, so their shouldn't be any issue with the potency as far as he can tell.

He says that next time instead putting the oil through the blender with the dough, he might just try to mix the oil in and stir while heating so all the plant bits don't get stuck in it, but who knows, the yield may not be as good.

SWIM used pre-powdered for his experiment and he just mixed in a jar with a chopstick.

He is excited to try with olive oil with fresh bark. He says the yeild definitely seems better than limo but that limo seems to pick up more of jungle.

SWIM concurs on this, and he'd like to experiment by exhausting the bark with vegi-oil, then to follow it up with limonene and see what the difference is. He's hoping to pull his doses for vaping with the vegi-oil, then pull his sublingual pharma (mucosahuasca, but he'll likely be renaming it, Juremala) doses with limonene.

Currently, SWIM's planning a wiki article comprising a compendium of extraction technique focused mostly (possibly completely) on nontoxic methods. It'll probably be entitled, amor_fati's Compendium on the Extraction of Jurema.
#66 Posted : 1/31/2011 2:39:27 AM

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The Green Entity thinks that olive oil probably does not pull as much range of alkaloids as limo because it is more of a light yellowish color, although as stated the yield of the limo probably might be just as good if heated.

He tried with this same old bark with limo a few weeks before and the results were not as visual as normal too. He thinks it is probably because the bark is old. It was stored with out even a cover for a while. He smoked some olive oil stuff with smoked harmaloids a few nights ago and it was actually pretty intense because he smoked as much as he could stand. He is trying soon with fresh bark and will report the results. He will also try with vegetable oil (hopefully he can find some organic stuff) so he can see the difference from olive oil.

He likes the idea of plant oils because limo stinks and kind of bothers him after a while, also it is kinda hard to explain to roommates that he didn't want to tell what he was doing why his room stunk like oranges. The oil extracted stuff does seem less harsh on the body.
All posts are from higher vibrational alien entities. These entities are not physically real to your understanding and do not exist in this dimension, therefore accounts of all posts did not take place in reality.
#67 Posted : 1/31/2011 5:54:19 AM

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Well this whole veg. oil discussion has me excited Cool

Over this spring/summer I'll be doing this tek with different oils and comparing results. I really love the idea of not using harsh solvents (even d-limo can get irritating after a while). I'll use canola oil, soybean oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, and peanut oil. I already have all these oils in my pantry! Very happy I don't know why, but I have a good feeling about the grapeseed oil for some reason...

Thank you to everyone who's pioneered these awesome non-toxic teks. Pleased
#68 Posted : 3/16/2022 10:28:56 AM


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FYI that salting the limonene with benzoic acid granules works. The solvent was chemichally dried with CaCl2 granules beforehand (not sure if this is required). Cheers.
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