A hypothetical story in the first person, taking place in alternate reality hyperspace.
Beeep Beeep BeeeeP!!!!!!
NO, snooze, ugh what time is it...8:11 time to get up, places too go, experiences too experience.
Today me and...lets call him S, are going for a hike up Devil Mountain. A mushroom enhanced hike!
Get ready, grab my gear, food, extra clothes and make a little shroom tea for later.
In the car, drive real far, pickup S, go back a way, and reach the park.
S brought tea also, and despite driving to the wrong side of the mountain, we set out into the wilderness
A hard hike up the hill, looking for a peak to chill and drink on. We sip our tea on the way up, but it's a hard
trail, so we wait and drink the majority on a small peak with a great view. I consume an orange with the tea.
The come up seems slow, but soon the magic starts and we decide to walk along the ridge line.
Patterns are everywhere, pine needles, pine cones, pine trees, endlessly repeating fractals of pine-ness
it starts spinning, close my eyes and the patten stays, I have to stop, feeling nauseous.
Under a tree we rest, watching the clouds roll over the peaks of Mt D. It looks like every tree is a clone of it's neighbor
an continuous repetition that gives rise to beautiful fractal geometry popping out of the clouds and rising off the hills side
Screams and yells can be heard echoing, it must be an exciting day for everyone else in the park
After a time sitting the nausea is gone, and my mind is clear. We hike back the way we came as I start ranting about
government oppression, the fiat money system, and ecological terrorism conducted by biotech corporations
the information flows from my mind, a beautiful state of consciousness which i wish could be attained without mushrooms
as we return to our trips origin peak the conversation turns to consciousness and the holographic nature of reality
our decent of a small hill seems to take ages and i pour out references from years of research on light and vibration
the nature of perception, illusory reality, how our minds perceive what we expect too see, not what is really present
We come to the edge of a cliff, a rock outcropping someone named Mitchell seems to have claimed as his own.
As I gaze at the surrounding hillside the fractal nature of it's shape is readily apparent
smooth curves radiating out from an extruded point on the side of the hill
I've seen this before, this shape, this land, it seems so real, and so fake at the same time
an inherent structure built into the energy or reality itself, expressed here in the land, it couldn't be any other shape
S pulls out an makeshift pipe, and tokes some changa. I pass, deciding that my state of consciousness is perfect he way it is.
AGENTSBut here it comes, a lone guy walking down from where we came, S has the pipe sitting in plain view, and i urge him to stash it
I'm a little spooked, so I say too S that we should continue. A few yards along the hillside trail and behind us comes an odd looking couple
I like to observe people and try to discern their state of mind from body language and other cues
These two, mid 30's, white girl pony tail grey sweater, turkish or spanish male short hair blue fleece.
Not talking, not observing the land, not enjoying their time here it would seem. No packs, short stay?
They walk fast and with purpose, trying to get somewhere?
S and I stop and let them pass, their nod of acknowledgment seems....off, they continue their unnatural pace.
I sit here, on the edge of a steep hill
My mind was screaming "agents", an unnatural feeling to be sure, I expected confrontation, but was confused when it didn't happen
I ponder for a moment....and removed my backpack....which then goes rolling down the hill in spectacular fashion. OOps
Suddenly, from the direction these two unnatural people had gone i heard the girl yelling at her partner
Do you really want to keep doing this for the rest of our lives! Woah, in what context should I frame such an outburst?
do couples hike up mountains to argue about their relationship? Or was my gut right?
Framed from the perspective that these 2 are agents sent on some mission to watch us...watch me..what does it mean?
Lets think about this
She is unhappy, clearly, with the situation.
analyze the vocabulary "keep doing THIS" this...present tense, so it's something they are doing NOW
I decide i want to find these people, S claims there were no people, and i manifested the entire thing
quiet S, we're going to confront these people, RIGHT NOW
forget my pack for now, I'll get it later, we must find these agents
we walk a ways and come across 2 girls, friendly looking, body language is relaxed, natural
"hello, did you see a man and a woman come this way" I describe them as best i can, but they do not seem to recall anyone on the trail
"thanks anyway" and we continue
a little further down the trail and a second odd couple comes our way
Now let me frame this encounter, I look like a snowboarder hippe with sunglasses and a Carheart jacket, all brown clothing,
S appears like a typical trendy college hipster of middle eastern decent, nothing imposing about us in the least
This odd couple, appearing in their 40's, asian woman jacket backpack, white male jacket backpack, both in tan attire
soon as we approach, they stop, abruptly, get close together and the man covers his mouth while whispering into her ear
he does this while keeping his eyes directly on me, ODD!!!!!!
NOW WTF IS THIS, you're whispering to her some secret, which is apparently VERY important since it can't wait till we pass
AND you're not concerned about looking odd by quickly stopping and whispering in plain viewwould this strike anyone else as very odd and suspicious behavior on a trail in a state park!?!?!?!???
I calmly approach and ask hem if they had seen the people I was looking for. They hesitate a moment
Then the guy blurts out "eagle peak" while the woman says they are a ways ahead of us.
I thank them and we continue along the path.
It may seem crazy, but I am very inclined to believe these were the SAME people, having used some means of shape shifting to change appearance
What was he whispering to his partner? In the context of agents I would find his whispering to be purposeful, and appropriate
He was telling his partner to act natural and let him answer the questions, because they thought I wouldn't notice who they were.
Well after this keept walking, ended up looping back to where I had dropped my pack, we retrieved it and then left the park.
CRAZYNESS, who were these out of place people? they looked normal..TOO NORMAL
Why did she make such a loud and odd statement too her partner?
Who was the second couple and WHY THE F did he need to whisper to her right were i could see it...
odd day, very odd day
Get over it, fear and doubt, revealed in the light, then cast out!
Over is an idea, nothing more, not a person, more a dream.