Hey everyone,
I just wanted to say hello, and introduce myself. My name is scarbelly. I have yet to experience any psychedelics, but I'm really interested in them, and hope to experiment with them somewhat soon, although I can and will be patient. I'm a chemistry student in university, so extractions and such call out to me from that as well! I've been lurking the forum for a week or two now (as well as other forums like the shroomery) and I'm very interested in all of the information that you have to offer, and I hope that at some point I can be useful in return! I am very interested in psychedelics as a tool for helping to expand my mind. I plan to begin my first extraction in mid-march, and I'm very excited!
Haha, sorry I know this is all very generic stuff, I just wanted to throw it all out there. On another note, I just watched reefer madness, and I personally believe it to be the greatest film ever created

Thanks for everything!