I ordered 50 HBWR seeds(hawain strain) And I've ate seeds by themseleves a few times for dose testing. And the other night and my friend drank Sgt Pepper's tea but the tea only sat in the fridge for about 7 hours and "mint"(mainly spearmint by the smell) was used along with a tea bag of mint mealdy and 16 ground up seeds. For the first hour or so it deff seemed like LSH. But after that it seemed to become really sedating with some body load.
Now on to the topic. I have about 30 seeds left and would like to extract some LSA. My plan is to do it for just one or two doses.
Take 10 to 15 seeds mash them up and put in a jar with a little bit of naptha. let it sit for about 15 mins. Repeat naptha wash 3 more times. Or until Naptha is clear
Take washed seeds and let completly dry.
Put seeds in a clean jar and pour in acetone to just be a little more to cover seeds. let stand for 30 mins and pull
repate 3 more times.
Combine all pulls and evaporate.
Now my questions. Will the evaporated product be a powder like the tek says. Or will i more then likely have a residue gunk. If i am left with a residue how can i refine it to a cleaner product.
If anyone has done this tek what steps did you do and how well did it work for you.
For dosing i plan on take half by it to test just LSA then i will save the other half and get real pepperming and try Sgt Peppers tea again hopefully with better and longer lasting results.
"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness."
~Dalai Lama