Thank you for the kind welcome! I am excited to be on board and I am excited for the open door. In response to Enoon: The other dimensions I speak of are the ones that those who have not experimented with DMT would not know about. When you start feeling that high vibrational energy after exhalation, you are transported to a space that actually is inhabited There is energy of love and compassion that the entities on the other side, depending on your state of mind, WANT you to learn about and take with you into your 'waking' life. It is in that deep trance of meditation that awakens your consciousness to behold deeper realities that our eyes and spirit knew were there before, but had no route or pathway to access them.
When I am in a dmt trance, the inside of my eyelids are like the most intense television that has no pause button. Colors, shapes, faces, and sounds that morph into the next and I wish so badly I could pause it to study what has unlocked inside of me. It's kind of like the String Theory: energy being created and destroyed all the time. But, as we know, energy can be neither created nor destroyed. So, the question is, where does the energy go to and come from? Well, it is like my dmt trips, I believe the things I see and the entities I encounter are coming to me from alternate dimensions and they are being channeled through my pineal. These are the dimensions I speak of. The dimensions on the outside of us, on the other hand, are a daily deeper understanding that we take with us and fill us with light and love and can pass on to others in the form of smiles and unconditional love. This connects to your comment on learning "what we could be".
In response to Enoon and Infinite Being, I have experimented with mushrooms, LSD, and Salvia. Salvia I tried only one time and it was one of the most fascinating and definitely the most frightening experience of my life. I have stopped taking LSD because it seems to have some strange negative affect on my lungs. I have asthma and the last two times I have taken it, I had great experiences but it felt like my lungs had caved in for 2-3 days. Boo. I had awesome experiences on LSD, some of them very medicinal almost and soothing. Although dmt is the shortest trip of the psychedelics that I have experimented with, it is the most profound during the trip and the longest relief after the trip. To both of you, I am interested in oral spice but have never experimented with it.
Spirit, hello! I see you are also a relatively new member.